Planning & Design Meetings 10/21/2011 - PresentationLandscape Meeting Palo Alto High School 20 October 2011 Page 1 PALO ALTO HIGH SCHOOL Palo Alto Unified School District DATE: 21 October 2011, 9:00am to 12:00 pm SUBJECT: Palo Alto High School Landscape review ATTENDEES: Mary Gordon Aimee Lopez, OCMI/PAUSD Nancy Bjork Tabitha Williams Kathie Laurence Beau Hale, DLM Anne Anderson Penny Proctor Tim McBrian Todd Young The purpose of this meeting was to review the current plant and tree selection for the Media Arts and Classroom Building and to provide type of trees for the Stadium improvements projects. 1. Members of the landscape subcommittee requested to review the stadium project first since this was the project was going out to bid. Following are the highlights of the Stadium Improvements Project a. Planting Mary Gordon (MG) the area outside the gates, near the picnic area, should include planting. MG asked if irrigation for future will be available, and if so, can planting be included in the landscape plan. • MG will provide a number and type of plants for these areas by Monday, Oct. 24. b. Trees • MG requested 2 additional trees to soften the area outside the entry tower, and requested them to be in the area by the truncated domes. Beau Hale (BH) from DLM will check if this will impact code requirements, but believed that it was just to distinguish the street from the pavement. MG to provide the type of species for these two trees by Monday. Two evergreen types of trees were suggested in a 4-foot space. • MG requested that the planting space along the walkway to the visitor’s bleacher be more than 4 feet. It was explained that the space is driven by the ADA requirements. DLM will look into maximizing the planter area for trees and still meet ADA. MG will provide the types of trees along the walkway by Monday, October 24, 2011. c. 4-Foot Fence Anne Anderson (AA) discussed her conversation with Earl Hansen (EH) in regards to the fencing along the track. Kathie Laurence (KL) expressed concerns about safety and supervision, but agreed to remove the fencing on Landscape Meeting Palo Alto High School 20 October 2011 Page 2 the South side of the track from the scope. Fencing will remain on the long sides of the track. EH will confirm if fencing will remain on the North-side. KL requested to look into a removable type of fencing for the North-side. BH will look into specs for this option. d. Benches MG and AA requested additional benches long the “Picnic Area” to protect the area from being trampled. DLM will include a total of 7 benches on the drawings. e. Stadium Name AA asked about the name on top of the iron fencing and on the entry tower structure. AA will follow-up with Phil Winston the specifics of the name. DLM will include a note on the bid documents that allows for 20 letters on the fencing and entry tower. Name will be determined at a later date. f. Pavers AA and MG asked about the paver alternate and asked if a different type of pavers can be included in lieu of permutable pavers. MG will provide a spec by Monday, Oct. 24. g. Concrete MG asked if colored concrete can be specified for concrete areas or at least a portion of it. Aimee Lopez (AL) explained that this is a scope change and will require additional funds. BH suggested integral concrete and will look into what the cost increase would be. BH explained that the above information will be required by Monday in order to not delay the bid date. Members of the landscape subcommittee agreed to provide the information by Monday morning. 2. Discussion moved to the project alternates: a. Nancy Bjork asked about what is included as alternates. BH read the list that is currently on the drawings. AA explained that she believed that all alternates are to be included as part of the base bid. AL agreed to follow-up on this, and AA was also going to contact Tom Hodges to clarify her understanding. 3. The Media Arts and Classroom Building was tabled until a later time due to time constraints. Tabitha Williams (TW) will contact the team for this meeting. END Please advise in writing if you feel that any of the above items are inaccurate within 48 hours of receipt. cc: Attendees File