Planning & Design Meetings 5/25/2011 - Minutes Landscape Committee Meeting Palo Alto High School 25 May 2011 Page 1 PALO ALTO HIGH SCHOOL Palo Alto Unified School District LANDSCAPE SUB-COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: 25 May 2011, 3:30 – 5:00 pm SUBJECT: Landscape Sub-Committee meeting to comment on site plans ATTENDEES: Sign-in sheet (attached) The following are the highlights of the meeting: 1. Anne Anderson (AA) noted that the Landscape Committee had met for about 8 hours to discuss and review the latest site plans that were provided last week. They looked at issues of scale, spatial relationships, plantings, and considered the use of permeable pavers and how they could be worked into the design. 2. Erwin Lee (EL) noted that this meeting is meant to develop a consensus on critical design issues such as the delineation of paved areas versus landscaping as well as any issues with the existing trees and tree protection. The project is currently out to bid and the goal is to prepare revised site plans to include in the next addendum. All agreed that this was the best use of time. 3. Mary Gordon (MG) displayed a sketch overlay of the Classroom Building site plan. The following points were made:  Concerned with the chain link fenced corner of the Library facing the Classroom Building plaza. It’s a critical circulation issue and should be addressed with the design of the plaza.  Need to direct student circulation around the cork oak tree to protect it but avoid impinging their free movement.  Provide seating around the cork oak which will also provide barriers to protect the tree and direct circulation.  Relate the two-story Classroom Building to the one-story buildings with the design of the plaza and landscaping.  Use of permeable pavers at the plaza will help increase the sense of space if they are carried below the roof overhang and frame the cork oak planter.  At the building perimeter large plants should occur between the windows, not in front of them.  Between the Classroom Building and Building 400 avoid a ‘tunnel’ by breaking up the planter along Building 400. The first section can be a large grassy area with new trees while the next two sections should be planters in front of existing columns framed by seat walls in a ‘U’ shape. In between new paving would continue to Building 400 to encourage circulation.  The view at the end of this corridor should also be addressed. Currently the view is a new chain link fence that covers an unsightly storage building. Landscape Committee Meeting Palo Alto High School 25 May 2011 Page 2 4. Heidi Rank (HR) noted that the storage building in question may be removed and replaced with 3-40’ long cargo containers. Debbie Ellis (DE) noted that a thin strip of landscaping along a fence could hide the containers. HR responded that she would look at options to use 20-foot long containers facing the Corp Yard. 5. EL noted that planting along the building perimeter will be limited in areas where the footings extend beyond the face of the building. Planting depth would be limited in these areas to approximately 1 ½ feet. 6. MG noted that shrub trees can be planted in small strips along the building between the footings. Along Building 700 trees should be planted in front of the columns. 7. Group discussion followed on the plaza design in front of the new building entry. EL noted that a circle worked well for circulation around the cork oak and AA agreed she liked the original circle. MG responded that she felt the circle geometry was foreign given the strong geometry of the building entry. EL noted that an angular design can be done. DE added that a series of benches on posts are required to direct students around the tree planter. 8. Group discussion followed on whether to save tree 732 by Building 900. DE noted that it’s possible to tunnel the utilities under the tree roots. EL noted that the new building will cut the tree canopy in half and DE agreed that this was the reason why it needed to be removed. MG noted that a new group of trees (maybe oaks) should replace this tree and provide a nice view at the end of the walkway. DE asked that she be involved during the removal of tree #732 in order to scan the trunk for a scientific study of a healthy tree. 9. MG noted that the circular shaped planter by the restrooms ought to be angular as well and a raised planter could provide scale to the new 2-story building. All agreed that the planter be angular but not everyone agreed to a raised planter. 10. Group discussion followed on whether to have raised or low planters between the Classroom Building and Buildings 700 and 400. It was decided not to have raised landscape planters and introduce grassy areas where students can sit. 11. MG showed a model she made of the Media Arts Center site and brought up the following:  Model was done to explore the elements of scale and proportion given the 2- story building bordered by 1-story buildings with deep overhangs.  Suggest removal of podocarpus tree #858 to open up the walkway to new plaza.  There is a lot of foot traffic in this area and there will be more along the path to the Town & Country shops. The patio in front of the Kitchen could benefit from a planting island.  Seat walls should be positioned to direct the student circulation away from the main trees.  A few palm trees along the west side of the Media Arts (by the door to Storage Room) may help give scale to the high walls.  Pavers should be considered for the corner entry area to give scale. Landscape Committee Meeting Palo Alto High School 25 May 2011 Page 3 12. Paul Kandell (PK) noted that the patio in front of the Kitchen has been slated to host events and it should remain flexible for various uses. A permanent planting island in the patio limits its flexibility. The idea was to store tables and chairs in the adjacent storage room and roll these out for events. AA noted that the plaza could use permanent picnic tables/seats for students who may bring food back from across the street. 13. MG asked about lighting and Christopher Ades (CA) responded that there was building lighting from the 2nd floor roof overhang. MG noted that a string of lights hung from the trees could increase the lighting for special events. 14. AA noted that the north side of the building should be landscaped for curb appeal. 15. DE noted that it was best not to landscape directly under the eucalyptus trees and provide mulch beneath the trees. NF suggested planting Sollya heterophylla at the perimeter below the eucalyptus trees. 16. The walkway leading to the parking lot comes closer than the 5DBH distance to tree #859. DE noted that it wasn’t necessary to turn the walkway into permeable pavers but asked the design team to do the best it could to protect the tree. 17. CA showed photos of the existing transformer by the parking lot and asked if this area could use extra landscaping to screen it from view. All agreed and EL marked out an area in the proposed concrete paving which would increase the landscaped area and decrease the paving. Next Steps: HR noted that the notice to proceed is scheduled for July 11th but this could slip pending questions from the contractors during the bidding process. Next Meetings: To be determined END Prepared by Christopher Ades of Deems Lewis McKinley. Please advise in writing if you feel that any of the above items are inaccurate. cc: Attendees, File