Planning & Design Meetings 9/21/2010 - MinutesLandscape Subcommittee Meeting Palo Alto High School 21 September 2010 Page 1 PALO ALTO HIGH SCHOOL Palo Alto Unified School District MEETING NOTES DATE: 21 September 2010 SUBJECT: Landscape Subcommittee Meeting Palo Alto HS Update The purpose of the meeting was to update the Landscape Subcommittee on the Landscape Master Plan, Theater site development and Multi-purpose fields’ construction progress. 1. Principal Phil Winston (PW) welcomed the subcommittee to the first landscape meeting of the new school year and led introductions of the attendees. 2. Nancy Bjork (NB) asked the question of how we decide who the actual subcommittee members are. There are several people who attend regularly and others who do not. There are also some participants who are part of the FSC or other subcommittee. PW indicated that it was an interesting question and that he will need to discuss with others about the process. 3. Erwin Lee (EL) gave a presentation on the theater design progress pointing out how the building location had been adjusted forward from that of the conceptual design. • Several images were presented that compared the conceptual design to the current schematic design which showed that there was minimal impact when viewed from El Camino. • The repositioning of the building resulted in a more spacious entry at the Media Arts side as well as creating a larger landscape buffer in the front facing the parking. EL noted that by moving the building forward would result in a loss of approximately 12 parking spaces. • The vehicular drop-off area would be flush with the pavement to provide accessibility throughout. Removable bollards would be placed along the drop-off to prevent cars from driving onto the plaza but still allow for access for emergency vehicles or delivery by authorized vehicles. • A new feature of the theater is a covered arcade facing the plaza that will connect the theater with the exterior covered walkway of the 100 Building. EL noted that it would recall the feel of the connection between the Haymarket and the Tower Building and the broad covered walkway around the 100 building. • The repositioning of the building was generated by an existing easement that came into play. 4. Todd Young (TY), landscape architect with Gates and Associates, presented a schematic landscape plan and highlighted the following: Landscape Subcommittee Meeting Palo Alto High School 21 September 2010 Page 2 • Trees would be planted in front of the theater to provide shading for the westerly facing lobby. The trees would also help define the edge of the patio which the lobby opens out to. • The grades around the Haymarket will be adjusted so that the plaza is not sloped. This was accomplished by adding steps and a landing in front of the Haymarket Theater. • A ramp was proposed to provide accessibility into the Haymarket Theater • Two, large existing trees will become a feature and maintained in a raised planter in the middle of the new plaza. • A portal element was proposed between the Haymarket Theater and the 100 Building. • The area behind the theater has become larger creating a desirable gathering space. There is now adequate room for the theater students to work on large props without interfering with pedestrian traffic. 5. TY continued with a discussion of the tree study and proposed tree mitigation measures. The study showed which trees would need to be removed and which trees would remain. There are currently three large pine trees that will need to be removed for the theater as well as several relatively young trees in the proposed parking area. • The mitigation plan indicated that 10 trees were required due to their size and type according to the proposed mitigation plan. • The landscape plan proposes to add 53 new trees • The selected tree species will be reviewed by the subcommittee and the arborist before finalizing any selection. 6. The following were comments from the attendees based on the material presented: • Anne Anderson (AA) wanted the design team to consider the potential impact of new circulation patterns that may be created by the new theater and plaza. The proposed location of the theater and plaza may encourage students to circulate in front of the theater. TY pointed out that the connection between the theater and 100 Building will be maintained. • Ruth Gordon (RG) liked the proposed sidewalk from the Embarcadero bus stop to the campus and how it will become a more defined entrance. • AA shared that the existing chain like fence is not very attractive and if it was going to be replaced. EL indicated that it is currently not in the scope of work but could be addressed as a bid alternate. TY suggested that it could be replaced with an ornamental fence. The group felt that if a new theater was going to be the focus near the Embarcadero entry that the street edge should be address as well. Everything should look good from the street. • Stephen Pond (SP) appreciated the idea of addressing the landscape on both sides of the Embarcadero entry including the proposed entry features. Both sides should be considered as bid alternates. • Lauren Swezey (LS) wanted clarification on the tactile surface required at the drop- off and suggested that it should not be yellow. TY indicated that the tactile surface only needs to meet the color contrast. LS noted that she has seen a dark color used on California Street in PA and thought that would be much more appealing. Landscape Subcommittee Meeting Palo Alto High School 21 September 2010 Page 3 • RG thought that the edge of the planter in the plaza was very close to the tree. TY indicate that he would work with Debbie Ellis, District Arborist, to determine what the appropriate distance should be. • RG questioned whether the additional portal is necessary between the 100 Building and the Haymarket noting that building is set apart by the addition of the steps. EL added that the portion of the theater that is seen between the 100 Building and the Haymarket is the end of a long visual and physical axis and a very important design element. 7. EL shared with the committee the idea of creating a landscaped retention pond within the large triangular area in the parking lot. This would address the drainage issue as well as provide a significant landscape area as part of the theater parking project. He mentioned that the retention pond would take the place of underground storm water storage tanks that were used for the Media Arts and Classroom Building. • Although the idea was generally well received, there was concern as to what the trades offs might be in lieu of using the underground solution. • EL indicated that some or all of the area could be used for parking and that the retention pond would eliminate this as a future option. • SP asked that estimates be generated between the two options as well as pros and cons of each solution. • EL shared that it was his understanding, from his initial master planning meetings, that the area was not to be touched and that it was an arboretum and outdoor living classroom. No one in attendance shared this thought or had this feeling. • The group felt that the site drainage needs to be reviewed as a campus-wide exercise and not just project by project. • SP noted that this is a critical decision in order to give the civil engineers direction and must be made sooner than later. • This idea will require further study and discussion with the facilities steering committee. 8. Parking was raised as a concern and what the impact that the theater will have on the overall parking count. EL indicated that they had done several parking studies representing various phases of the Master Plan. EL noted that parking will be reduced in the El Camino lot when the theater parking project is completed. However, the count will increase and be closer to the existing count after the second portion of the parking is completed due to increased efficiency. • Aimee Lopez (AL) indicated that we will bring parking plans at the various phases of the Master Plan development for the next meeting. 9. Heidi Rank (HR) gave an update on the multi-purpose fields with the following highlights: • HR reviewed the landscape drawing that was prepared and submitted by members of the landscape subcommittee. • HR noted that the cargo container wall be moved behind the D Building and a suggested tree location may need to be modified. • Much of the discussion involved the revised planting plan for the parking and the review of the proposed tree species. Landscape Subcommittee Meeting Palo Alto High School 21 September 2010 Page 4 • MG shared that one of the goals was to create shade and that trees with different growth rates were combined so that the faster growing species would back up the slower growing species. • As an arborist, DE was concerned about the potential long term impact that the tree roots might have on the adjacent asphalt pavement. She recommended that the root barriers be properly installed to reduce potential root problems. • AI asked how the trees would be protected while they are young. DE suggested that there are several options but the most likely would be to install four lodge poles with ties between that would allow the tree some movement. Protection must remain in place for many years to insure survival. DE will provide a detail or example to HR for information. • MG agreed that it is very important that the root barrier is properly installed. • Several subcommittee members asked how and who would select the actual trees. HR will ask the landscape contractor, Valley Crest, when an appropriate time would be to visit the nursery to make the selection. Several subcommittee members were interested in participating. • SP wanted to make sure that the irrigation is being planned at the same time. Not just for the trees but for any other plant material in the area. AL suggests that a plan be put together for Chuck’s review and comment. • It was noted that no-mow grass would be planted in the islands as well. • The group agreed to preceed with the tree selection recommendations. HR will review the scope change/s with the contractor and update the facilities steering committee on changes and recommendations. Attachments: Agenda Sign-in sheet Churchill Parking Lot Tree Planting Plan Theater Progress Presentation END Prepared by Erwin Lee of Deems Lewis McKinley. Please advise in writing if you feel that any of the above items are inaccurate. cc: Attendees File Progress UpdatePerformingArtsPerforming ArtsCenter P A L O A L T O DLMH I G H S C H O O L Palo Alto Unified School District28 September 2010DLMA R C H I T E C T U R E28 September 2010 Palo Alto High SchoolSite PlanD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y Schematic Design:Schematic Design:Program Elements:•Lobby with restrooms, tickets, concession and gallery/display area•Seating capacity of 600 with approximately 392 at orchestra level and 230 at balcony level•Stage sized for band, orchestra, choral, and theaterg,,,•Full fly loft•Orchestra pit and trap room•Control room and tech equipment support roomsControl room and tech equipment support rooms•Green Rooms with adjacent toilet and changing rooms•Scene, prop and costume storage, front of house storagePf i AtCl•Performing Arts Classroom•Performing Arts Center office and work areasTotal Area: approx 29,000 SFPalo Alto High SchoolConstruction Cost: approx $14.7mD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y Theater100 BuildingPerforming Arts CenterPlazaHaymarketyPalo Alto High SchoolEnlarged Site PlanParkingD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y Building 100TheaterPlazaBikesHaymarketTheaterPatioEntryPlazaBikesTheaterDrop-offParkingPalo Alto High SchoolView from parking lotD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y Palo Alto High SchoolFloor PlansSecond FloorFirst FloorD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y Palo Alto High SchoolView from El CaminoD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y Palo Alto High SchoolView from El CaminoD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y Palo Alto High SchoolView from parking lotD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y Palo Alto High SchoolView from parking lotD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e yConceptual Design Palo Alto High SchoolView from parking lotD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e ySchematic Design Schematic DesignPalo Alto High SchoolD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e yConceptual Design Palo Alto High SchoolView from Embarcadero entranceD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y Palo Alto High SchoolView from Embarcadero entranceD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y Views across Embarcadero from Town and Country parking lotPalo Alto High SchoolD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y Palo Alto High SchoolView from parking lotD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y EmbarcaderoEmbarcaderoPalo Alto High SchoolConceptual DesignD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y1 June 2010 EmbarcaderoPalo Alto High SchoolSchematic DesignD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y28 September 2010 Palo Alto High SchoolTree StudyD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e yGates + Associates Palo Alto High SchoolTree Mitigation StrategyD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e yGates + Associates ARCHITECTUREA R C H I T E C T U R E