Planning & Design Meetings 4/22/2010 - Minutes (2) PALO ALTO HS LANDSCAPE Programming and Design Palo Alto Unified School District 22 April 2010 | Page 1 PALO ALTO HIGH SCHOOL MASTER PLAN Palo Alto Unified School District PROGRAMMING AND PREDESIGN: MEETING NO. 5 DATE: 22 April 2010, 3:30-5:00 pm SUBJECT: Landscape Subcommittee Meeting ATTENDEES: See attached sign-in sheet The following are the highlights of the meeting: 1. Todd Young (TY) presented the master plan which included revisions per comments at previous meeting. Master Plan revision is attached. Discussions included the following: Quad Review: FSC prefers to maintain 2 quadrants open for student ceremonies, school programming and student activities. Question: How do the delivery trucks access the Student Activities building? Currently we have large trucks delivering big loads of food. Response: There is flexibility in the plan to work with the fire access. One of our goals all along has been to keep vehicles out of the campus core. Perhaps we can look at allowing limited access with locked bollards. Question: It looks like you are removing one of the Eucalyptus trees near the library. Response: Currently the root system is raising the asphalt in the area. It is not ADA accessible. Also, the students complained that the droppings from the trees cause them to slip. Comment: The trees are very sculptural and should be evaluated carefully. The one shown for removal is a very mature and beautiful tree. Response: We will evaluate the group of trees and determine which would be best to remain. The one shown for removal is right in the middle of the future circulation path. Senior Quad Review: PALO ALTO HS LANDSCAPE Programming and Design Palo Alto Unified School District 22 April 2010 | Page 2 Question: What are the plans for the senior court? TY reviewed the layout and described the paved gathering area with tree conopy. Comments and feedback included: ƒ Currently it serves as a cozy space for staff and occasionally as an event space. ƒ It would be good to have lawn or permeable pavers to set tables and chairs up on for 100-200 people. A tree canopy is okay, just no shrubs. ƒ It was recently used for a memorial service. And it is used for staff appreciation day. ƒ It would be nice to have both sun and shade areas. Front Parking by Tower Building: Comment: Is the handicap parking near the Tower Building going away. The only at- grade building entrance is near the current parking (adjacent to El Camino field). Response: The area parking area will be reconfigured. The location of that parking is too close to the El Camino entrance and is therefore not safe. Comment: I don’t see any trees along the El Camino Field fence. Are you proposing planting on this fence. Response (Tom): At the master plan level we could suggest adding vine pockets to the fence. Comment: I actually don’t mind having the fence open. It’s nice to see the students playing and the view to the Tower building doesn’t really need screening. Response (Tom): I know maintenance would prefer not to have vines on the fence. Campus Perimeter: Question: Will the trees adjacent to the Caltrain right-of-way remain? It provides a nice screen. Response: That area and stadium project is currently in planning. 2. Todd Young (TY) presented the turnaround/drop-off area near the Churchill entrance. Comment: Most people cut from the parking lot, behind the gym, to the campus core. Response: The plan is to minimize access from the public to the center quad.. We will also be providing a more pedestrian friendly path from the drop-off to the core. PALO ALTO HS LANDSCAPE Programming and Design Palo Alto Unified School District 22 April 2010 | Page 3 Comment: The football stadium serves as an evacuation site, as does the El Camino Field. Response: We are aware of that and the plan does not preclude that from happening. Comment: We want to make sure we provide ample space in front of the stadium entrance. Response: We are providing a plaza in front of the entry which will accommodate gathering. Comment: The space near the future concessions stand is currently used for informal picnicking. Response: We are maintaining an informal feeling to complement the large existing oaks in that area by meandering permeable pavers between the planters. Comment (AL): We will need to coordinate with the Stadium Parking and the Corporate Yard staff to delineate between bus and bicycle circulation at the drop-off area. Question: Will there be bike parking near the drop-off? Response: Yes, it is shown on the plan. Question: Do the buses drive on the decorative paving? Response: Yes, it is vehicular paving. Comment: The entry gates and columns may to be elaborate for Paly. You may want to look at the columns in front of the gym since the plaza is adjacent. Question: Will the basketball courts be removed? Response: We are currently showing half courts. Programming will need to be reviewed with the Athletics department. 3. Todd Young (TY) presented the Memorial Garden layout. Comment: PALO ALTO HS LANDSCAPE Programming and Design Palo Alto Unified School District 22 April 2010 | Page 4 Question: Where will the portables related to the Memorial Garden location? Response: There will have to be at least 20’ for fire access and then probably at least another 15’ for setback. Comment: I like the green screen to hide the utilities but the garden should remain open to the quad so that students feel that they are a part of the campus while they are in the space. Comment: The screen should also not be too high, no taller than 4.5’, not too much enclosure for supervision reasons. Question: What is a green screen? Response: It is made up of two pieces of perforated metal with space between from which plants grow. Comment: We want to be careful about using the term “memorial garden” because of the endless number of requests we would receive for memorials. Response: “Memorial” was just a convenient name. We can easily rename the garden area on the plan. Comment: We want to use our existing benches in the interim. Response: Now would be the time to mark up a plan so that we can direct the contractor. It was discussed at previous meetings that the interim benches will be field located with the District and Community Representatives outside of the active construction areas near the temporary classrooms and around the main existing quad. Question: Are we trying to relocate the existing Pear trees (where the portables will be placed)? A debated ensued about whether it made sense logistically and cost-wise to relocated the trees or demolish them. Aimee reminded the group that the Landscape Committee had already made the decision. The plans went out to bid with the assumption that the trees would be removed. If the Committee wanted to relocate the trees at this point a change order would have to be voted on by the Steering Committee. PALO ALTO HS LANDSCAPE Programming and Design Palo Alto Unified School District 22 April 2010 | Page 5 Comment (Chuck): We can contact a tree mover to see if there is any interest in the trees. Response (AL): See if there’s any interest and if so we can work out timing issues with the Steering Committee. 4. Todd Young (TY) presented material submitted to him by a concerned citizen regarding tree allergies. Oaks are on the list as a highly allergic tree. The committee decided that native tree species are important to the school as well as the region. 5. The question of where the memorial garden lands in the schedule arose. The design of the Media Arts and Classroom Buildings is going forth this summer. It is not clear whether the memorial garden design will also go forth this summer. Question: Is the footprint of the theater finalized? Response: We are still looking at two options. The one shown on the master plan has the curve in it, and we are also looking at a more rectilinear design. The entry and drop-off area, however, will remain the same. Question: What type of base is used beneath permeable pavers? Response: There will be a pedestrian and vehicular treatment, both of which will be permeable. Questions: Will the courtyard outside the quad be designed? Response: There will be guidelines for the design of the courtyards and if a project comes up that impacts the courtyards then more design detail will be developed. Comment: Student schedules will be changing this fall, which will include a free 2-hour period. Response: Therefore future courtyards could provide an outdoor classroom like setting. Comment: Keep design details simple and understated. We don’t want anything too ornate, more of the mission style. Comments: Can you show light locations on the plan? Response: PALO ALTO HS LANDSCAPE Programming and Design Palo Alto Unified School District 22 April 2010 | Page 6 Yes, at a conceptual master plan level. 6. Aimee Lopez (AL) summarized the next steps including having one more Landscape Subcommittee meeting in May and going to the Board in June. Palo Alto School District – Palo Alto High School Landscape Sub-Committee Meeting 4.22.10 Name E-mail Aimee Lopez alopez@pausd.org Chuck McDonnell cmcdonnell@pausd.org Nancy Bjork ncbjork@sbcglobal.net Gina Chavez-Larudee gina@dgates.com Erwin Lee elee@dlm.com Todd Young tyoung@dgates.com Mary Gordon rgalfonso@earthlink.net Heidi Rank hrank@pausd.org Jerry Scharf scharf@greenpyro.com Kathy Himmelberger khimmelberger@pausd.org Edith Miller miller1505@aol.com Carole Langston carole_langston@sbcglobal.net Chris Aides chrisaides@dlm.com Penny Proctor pennyproctor@comcast.net PALO ALTO HIGH SCHOOL PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIAAPRIL 22, 2010MASTER PLANGATES+ASSOCIATES02550 PALO ALTO HIGH SCHOOL PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIAAPRIL 22, 2010MEMORIAL GARDENGATES+ASSOCIATES