Planning & Design Meetings 5/16/2010 - Minutes PALO ALTO HS LANDSCAPE Programming and Design Palo Alto Unified School District 16 March 2010 | Page 1 PALO ALTO HIGH SCHOOL MASTER PLAN Palo Alto Unified School District PROGRAMMING AND PREDESIGN: MEETING NO. 4 DATE: 16 March 2010, 3:30-5:00 pm SUBJECT: Landscape Subcommittee Meeting ATTENDEES: See attached sign-in sheet The following are the highlights of the meeting: 1. Erwin Lee introduced the meeting and the intent to present a revised core concept based on comments and discussion from the last meeting. 2. David Gates (DG) presented the revised core concept plan. The plan included a revised layout for the Quad based on the last discussion in the Faculties Steering Committee (FSC) where it was discussed that since the Student Activities Center is a below the line project, then there are more opportunities for flexibility in that project. The layout included a more rectangular quad with fire department access and an amphitheater space in the Student Activities Area. DG also reviewed the edge of the Quad near the library and explained the opportunities for bioswale. The plan also showed trees scattered through the quad. Comment: It may be more practical to keep the area between the quad lawn and the library open for circulation, rather than divide it with a bioswale. Response (DG): Unfortunately we have a severe drainage problem in that area. Our last concept considered grading the entire quad to be level with the library elevation. However, the amount of soil that would require removal would be excessive. I think we need to have a low retaining/seat wall to pick up the grade and allow for a 2% slope up to the Student Activities Center. Comment: It would be nice to have the space in front of the library relate to the quad. If the seat wall could face the library and the quad that would be ideal. But we don’t want them to have their feet in the bioswale. Response (DG): Perhaps we could have small cutouts in the bioswale to create gathering nodes. Comment: They could even be paved with decomposed granite and have benches or seatwalls. Comment: PALO ALTO HS LANDSCAPE Programming and Design Palo Alto Unified School District 16 March 2010 | Page 2 I am thrilled with the revised plan. I agree that there could be undulating spaces along the path of the library with seating facing the library and the quad. Comment: I like the large trees scattered on the lawn which provide shaded student gathering areas. Some monarch oaks would be nice, perhaps Quercus virginiana. Comment: I like the idea of adding a trellis to the plan. It matches the style of architecture we love on the campus and provides shade. Question: Is there a Melaleuca missing in front of the proposed Media Arts building? There are five existing trees and only four shown. Response: Erwin pulled back the building and was able to save most of them, but we believe one was too close to the building footprint to save. We will look at the plans and verify. Question: How much space do you need between an existing tree and the buildable zone? Response: A desirable distance would be 20 feet, but the tree can usually tolerate as close as 8- 12 feet. Question: Will tree protection measures take place? Response: Yes. Comment: The Melaleucas make a nice pattern together. We should try our best not to lose any. Question: Would the current Master Plan work without the new Student Center design? Response (DG): It could work, just not as well. Comment: If we’re going to redesign the Student Center we must look at its uses. For example it functions as a multi-purpose room and an L-shape configuration may not work for large gathering. Response (AL): The idea is to have a conceptual plan in order to move forward for approval. We will then have the opportunity to look at specific programming needs on an individual project basis. PALO ALTO HS LANDSCAPE Programming and Design Palo Alto Unified School District 16 March 2010 | Page 3 Comment: It’s amazing that the Master Plan concept works with or without the Student Center redesign. It is more than I expected. The current plan gets the conversation about the Student Center going and if money comes up we have a fantastic plan to move forward. Comment: The current Master Plan creates a cohesive center which focuses on our cherished historic buildings. Comment: With the dramatic grade difference it seems to make a lot of sense to change the student activity center. It could be truly be wonderful. Comment: Why was the Student Activity building built so high up? Comment: The Thomas Church courtyard on Stanford Campus is a lovely space. I know the spaces around the quad are much larger than that scale but perhaps we could mimic the feeling of the space. Comment: The El Camino field fence adjacent to the Tower Building is ugly. Could we break up the space with some greenery? Response (DG): We can reduce some paving in that area and add green pockets, sneak a couple more trees in. Comment: Can the 100 Building break up the building façade with, arches, trellis, seating elements, banners, lights, and a kiosk. We will pick up on the historic architecture of the Haymarket to tie it to the new Theater building. Comment: I really like the reworking of the Student Activity Center. It lends cohesiveness in a subtle way. When we start the remodeling of the library, it should be treated as a major entry and gathering space. People should be able to say “lets meet at the library.” It would be nice to tie the treatment of the library into that of the 100 building. Comment: Social gathering can be an issue near the library because it is intended to be a quiet study space. Currently it is a problem that the densest gathering occurs near the library at lunch. PALO ALTO HS LANDSCAPE Programming and Design Palo Alto Unified School District 16 March 2010 | Page 4 Response (AL): Once we look at the library program we can study such issues. Comment: A new Student Activity Center at the heart of campus would provide an opportunity for student and adult meeting spaces. Comment: It is a prime location and could meet many needs. It could even serve complementary functions with the new theater including evening use. Heat lamps could be placed in the plaza. 3. Aimee Lopez (AL) summarized the next steps including the following: • Update landscape plans based on comments • Hold one more LSC meeting to finalize the Master Plan • Take the Master Plan to the Board in April • Use the conceptual master plan to finalize the the building designs which will be going to DSA in June Response (EL): We will also need to design the connection between the quad and the Churchill entrance. Response (AL): The details of that design require traffic coordination. Conceptually a plan for the area will be included in the Master Plan, but at the design detail level it will be treated as part of the stadium project. Comment: I think it is good the way the design has been started at the core and worked out toward the edges. It has been a very functional way to go about it. Comemnt by Chuck McDonnell (CM): The portables are coming out in 60 days. What is the plan for what to do about the existing memorials? Comment: We talked about using the proposed Memorial Plaza as a Prototype for testing materials. Response (AL): We will need to coordinate the Memorial Garden with the Master Plan. Question: Will the bleacher plan be included in the Master Plan? Response (AL): It will be included conceptually, but detailed as a separate project. Palo Alto School District – Palo Alto High School Landscape Sub-Committee Meeting 3.16.10 Name E-mail Aimee Lopez alopez@pausd.org Ann Anderson aa@andpac.com Kirsten Essenmacher Lpessenmacher@yahoo.com Chuck McDonnell cmcdonnell@pausd.org Ruth Gordon rgalfonso@earthlink.net Nancy Bjork ncbjork@sbcglobal.net Gina Chavez-Larudee gina@dgates.com Erwin Lee elee@dlm.com Kara Rosenberg krosenberg@pausd.org David Gates david@dgates.com Mary Gordon rgalfonso@earthlink.net Jerry Berkson jberkson@pausd.org Heidi Rank hrank@pausd.org Anne Ingels aeingels@yahoo.com