Planning & Design Meetings 12/7/2010 - MinutesLandscape Subcommittee Meeting Palo Alto High School 7 December 2010 Page 1 PALO ALTO HIGH SCHOOL Palo Alto Unified School District MEETING NOTES DATE: 7 December 2010 SUBJECT: Landscape Subcommittee Meeting Palo Alto HighSchool Update The purpose of the meeting was to update the Landscape Subcommittee on the Quad projects, the Multi-purpose fields’ construction progress and the Stadium Renovation project as well as provide an opportunity for a working session for landscape concerns. 1. Memorial / Landscape Test Area Mary Gordon (MG) gave an update on the subcommittee’s work. The highlights of their activities were:  Discuss and present information on permeable pavers. Manufacturer literature was reviewed by the group. Prior to the meeting some of the participants were able to witness the permeability of an actual paver sample. The paver is manufactured by Pacific Interlock out of Hollister, CA. A competitor’s paver by EcoPave was also discussed. MG indicated that the pavers have been installed at 3750 Fabian Way in Palo Alto and that anyone interested could view the installation.  MG indicated that the paver had been suggested for use in the parking area adjacent to the Multi-purpose Fields. They are to be installed in a portion of the area between the stalls (in the “fishbone area”) in lieu of planting.  The group will pursue getting pavers donated for the memorial/test area installation. Erwin Lee (EL) suggested that both manufacturers be contacted.  The subcommittee will regroup to finalize a concept sketch for the memorial area. 2. Quad (relocatables) The landscape committee has taken on the task to enhance the quad aesthetics and screen the relocatables from view.  The concept presented by the landscape subcommittee is to provide rectangular planters with a trellis and espalier to create a planted screen on the quad side of the portables.  The proposed plant materials are 15 gallon, “fern pines” which are currently available at Happy Valley Nursery in Sunol. MG noted that there are only seven available and that they would need to be reserved as soon as possible. Anne Anderson (AA) shared that she has a budget from the PTSA of approximately $5,000 which could be used for the quad enhancements project.  The proposed planters are rectangular fiberglass similar to the Florida based, Terra Cast Pots products. MG estimates the cost to be approximately $250-300 each. AA noted that the planters could be relocated to a new location so its dollars well spent. Landscape Subcommittee Meeting Palo Alto High School 7 December 2010 Page 2  Kristen Esenbacher (KE) suggested that funds from alumni club might be available as well and should be explored.  Phil Winston (PW) shared that students have approached him to create a mural.  Chuck McDonnell (CM) cautioned that the planters will need irrigation and that they won’t survive if they’ll dependent on hand watering. He noted that irrigation is in the area and irrigation lines would need to be trenched across the existing asphalt paving. 3. Multi-Purpose Fields MG shared the current, revised design for the planting island areas in the parking area.  The committee requested that permeable pavers become part of the surface in the area between the parking stalls. Aimee Lopez (AL) indicated that the change in scope will need to be brought to the FSC committee for review and approval if it’s an added cost.  No mow grass, native grasses to be used in the spine portion. This will reduce maintenance and minimize impact when students cut across the planters.  Alex Morrison (AM) noted that the contractor wants to finish the project and get off of the site and the contractor would welcome any potential reasons to give cause for delay. Therefore, there is some urgency to wrap up the design and get the landscape installed. The current schedule has the contractor finishing in approximately 7 weeks.  AM indicated that irrigation has been stubbed-out for the Churchill landscape development project. 4. Stadium Renovation Project EL shared the latest plans for the stadium renovation including the New Bleachers and New Concessions Building and reviewed the design with the group.  The project is separated into two projects: New Bleachers and site improvements and New Concessions Building and site improvements.  New Bleachers project consists of the installation of new home and visitor bleachers and new jump tracks and pits plus access to them from the parking area.  New Concessions Building project includes new pathways, fences, and the tower, gateway and picnic areas.  New Concessions Building drawings included an Interim site plan and a Master Plan site plan and showed an accessible path of travel from the Gym and parking.  AA noted that the tower entry way will be the major entry, more than the gateway by the bleachers because of its location next to the ticket window and its proximity to the quad and parking at El Camino.  AA asked if the new bleachers had open risers and Chris Ades (CA) noted that these were typically closed aluminum risers.  MG noted that the picnic area might be larger and asked if there could be more landscape area to help the existing trees. AA added that as long as there was adequate paving for circulation the landscaped or dirt area could be larger.  Kirsten Essenmacher (KE) noted that the trees needed as much permeable area around them as their canopy and suggested using permeable pavers such as the Hydro-Flo pavers being considered for the multi-purpose field parking lot. Landscape Subcommittee Meeting Palo Alto High School 7 December 2010 Page 3  EL noted that the cost of these pavers can prohibitive but noted that it can be included as an additive alternate in the bid documents. A combination of concrete paving and pavers may be more economical, but this would also be an alternate.  In response to viewing 3D design images, MG noted that care needs to be taken to assimilate a softer look to the overall design more reminiscent of the campus.  Nancy Bgork (NB) noted that the current Master Plan shows parking within the gated area by the Boys Gym where there was none before and asked how this happened. AA added that this parking is undesirable and would prefer that it be eliminated. EL noted that parking was added in response to concerns of insufficient campus parking for the master plan. As the master plan was addressing work in the future the need for parking may change. Attachments: Agenda Sign-in sheet END Prepared by Chris Ades of Deems Lewis McKinley. Please advise in writing if you feel that any of the above items are inaccurate. cc: Attendees File NO PARKINGENLARGED SITE PLAN SCHEMATIC DESIGNA-0.2 NO PARKINGSITE PLAN SCHEMATIC DESIGNA-0.12010 020001/14/11PROPRIETARY DESIGN: THE DRAWING, DESIGN, AND INFORMATION CONTAINEDON THIS SHEET ARE THE PROPERTY OF DEEMS LEWIS McKINLEY, AREDEVELOPED FOR THE USE ON, AND IN CONNECTION WITH THIS SPECIFICPROJECT, AND ARE DISCLOSED IN THE CONFIDENCE AND SHALL NOT BE COPIED,REPRODUCED, PUBLISHED OR OTHERWISE USED, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, INWHOLE OR IN PART TO PROVIDE INFORMATION TO PRODUCE, CONSTRUCT, ORMANUFACTURE DRAWINGS, PRINTS APPARATUS, PARTS, OR ASSEMBLIESWITHOUT FULL KNOWLEDGE AND WRITTEN CONSENT CONSENT OF DEEMS LEWISMcKINLEY. THIS DRAWING IS PROTECTED BY COMMON LAW COPYRIGHT, ALLPATENTABLE MATERIAL CONTAINED HEREIN AND ORIGINATING WITH DEEMSLEWIS McKINLEY SHALL BE THE PROPERTY OF DEEMS LEWIS McKINLEY AND ANYUSE OF PATENTABLE MATERIAL SHALL BE SUBJECT TO ROYALTY PAYMENTS TO'((06/(:,60F.,1/(<‹DLM D E E M S L E W I S M c K I N L E Y T W E L V E G O U G H S T R E E T S A N F R A N C I S C O C A 9 4 1 0 3 4 1 5 . 2 5 5 . 1 8 1 1 F A X 2 5 5 . 0 2 4 8Key PlanApprovalsNew Bleachers & Site Improvements Palo Unified School District Palo Alto, CA Palo Alto High School 2010 020001/14/11PROPRIETARY DESIGN: THE DRAWING, DESIGN, AND INFORMATION CONTAINEDON THIS SHEET ARE THE PROPERTY OF DEEMS LEWIS McKINLEY, AREDEVELOPED FOR THE USE ON, AND IN CONNECTION WITH THIS SPECIFICPROJECT, AND ARE DISCLOSED IN THE CONFIDENCE AND SHALL NOT BE COPIED,REPRODUCED, PUBLISHED OR OTHERWISE USED, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, INWHOLE OR IN PART TO PROVIDE INFORMATION TO PRODUCE, CONSTRUCT, ORMANUFACTURE DRAWINGS, PRINTS APPARATUS, PARTS, OR ASSEMBLIESWITHOUT FULL KNOWLEDGE AND WRITTEN CONSENT CONSENT OF DEEMS LEWISMcKINLEY. THIS DRAWING IS PROTECTED BY COMMON LAW COPYRIGHT, ALLPATENTABLE MATERIAL CONTAINED HEREIN AND ORIGINATING WITH DEEMSLEWIS McKINLEY SHALL BE THE PROPERTY OF DEEMS LEWIS McKINLEY AND ANYUSE OF PATENTABLE MATERIAL SHALL BE SUBJECT TO ROYALTY PAYMENTS TO'((06/(:,60F.,1/(<‹DLM D E E M S L E W I S M c K I N L E Y T W E L V E G O U G H S T R E E T S A N F R A N C I S C O C A 9 4 1 0 3 4 1 5 . 2 5 5 . 1 8 1 1 F A X 2 5 5 . 0 2 4 8Key PlanApprovalsNew Concessions Building & Site Improvements Palo Unified School District Palo Alto, CA Palo Alto High School ENLARGED SITE PLAN SCHEMATIC DESIGNA-0.2 2010 020001/14/11PROPRIETARY DESIGN: THE DRAWING, DESIGN, AND INFORMATION CONTAINEDON THIS SHEET ARE THE PROPERTY OF DEEMS LEWIS McKINLEY, AREDEVELOPED FOR THE USE ON, AND IN CONNECTION WITH THIS SPECIFICPROJECT, AND ARE DISCLOSED IN THE CONFIDENCE AND SHALL NOT BE COPIED,REPRODUCED, PUBLISHED OR OTHERWISE USED, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, INWHOLE OR IN PART TO PROVIDE INFORMATION TO PRODUCE, CONSTRUCT, ORMANUFACTURE DRAWINGS, PRINTS APPARATUS, PARTS, OR ASSEMBLIESWITHOUT FULL KNOWLEDGE AND WRITTEN CONSENT CONSENT OF DEEMS LEWISMcKINLEY. THIS DRAWING IS PROTECTED BY COMMON LAW COPYRIGHT, ALLPATENTABLE MATERIAL CONTAINED HEREIN AND ORIGINATING WITH DEEMSLEWIS McKINLEY SHALL BE THE PROPERTY OF DEEMS LEWIS McKINLEY AND ANYUSE OF PATENTABLE MATERIAL SHALL BE SUBJECT TO ROYALTY PAYMENTS TO'((06/(:,60F.,1/(<‹DLM D E E M S L E W I S M c K I N L E Y T W E L V E G O U G H S T R E E T S A N F R A N C I S C O C A 9 4 1 0 3 4 1 5 . 2 5 5 . 1 8 1 1 F A X 2 5 5 . 0 2 4 8Key PlanApprovalsNew Concessions Building & Site Improvements Palo Unified School District Palo Alto, CA Palo Alto High School ENLARGED SITE PLAN SCHEMATIC DESIGNA-0.2 SITE PLAN SCHEMATIC DESIGNA-0.1 SITE PLAN SCHEMATIC DESIGNA-0.1 NO PARKING2010 020001/14/11PROPRIETARY DESIGN: THE DRAWING, DESIGN, AND INFORMATION CONTAINEDON THIS SHEET ARE THE PROPERTY OF DEEMS LEWIS McKINLEY, AREDEVELOPED FOR THE USE ON, AND IN CONNECTION WITH THIS SPECIFICPROJECT, AND ARE DISCLOSED IN THE CONFIDENCE AND SHALL NOT BE COPIED,REPRODUCED, PUBLISHED OR OTHERWISE USED, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, INWHOLE OR IN PART TO PROVIDE INFORMATION TO PRODUCE, CONSTRUCT, ORMANUFACTURE DRAWINGS, PRINTS APPARATUS, PARTS, OR ASSEMBLIESWITHOUT FULL KNOWLEDGE AND WRITTEN CONSENT CONSENT OF DEEMS LEWISMcKINLEY. THIS DRAWING IS PROTECTED BY COMMON LAW COPYRIGHT, ALLPATENTABLE MATERIAL CONTAINED HEREIN AND ORIGINATING WITH DEEMSLEWIS McKINLEY SHALL BE THE PROPERTY OF DEEMS LEWIS McKINLEY AND ANYUSE OF PATENTABLE MATERIAL SHALL BE SUBJECT TO ROYALTY PAYMENTS TO'((06/(:,60F.,1/(<‹DLM D E E M S L E W I S M c K I N L E Y T W E L V E G O U G H S T R E E T S A N F R A N C I S C O C A 9 4 1 0 3 4 1 5 . 2 5 5 . 1 8 1 1 F A X 2 5 5 . 0 2 4 8Key PlanApprovalsNew Concessions Building & Site Improvements Palo Unified School District Palo Alto, CA Palo Alto High School ENLARGED SITE PLAN SCHEMATIC DESIGNA-0.2 NO PARKINGSITE PLAN SCHEMATIC DESIGNA-0.1