Planning & Design Meetings Design Meeting #4 1/27/2011 - Minutes
Football Stadium Improvements
Subcommittee Meeting
Palo Alto High School
27 January 2011
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Palo Alto Unified School District
DATE: 27 January 2011, 3:30 pm-5:00 pm
ATTENDEES: Sign-in sheet (attached)
The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the design and scope of proposed Athletic Field
improvements project. Following are highlights of the meeting:
1. Erwin Lee (EL) welcomed the committee and provided a power point presentation
featuring the following:
Master site plan and interim site plans for the stadium.
Updated food service layout.
Site plan includes a trellis which is an additive bid alternate.
Views of the (base bid) chain link fence and gateway was juxtaposed with the
ornamental fence, concrete piers and an entry gateway (additive bid alternate).
Schedule is to complete both the New Bleachers project and Concessions Building
project by August of 2012. A phased construction schedule will be developed to
ensure the field is operational as long as possible.
2. A group discussion followed on the site planning:
Chris Stirrat (CS) asked when the existing Concessions Building would be demolished.
EL answered that this structure could remain in place until the new bleachers were
ready to be installed, or through the 2011 season. The new Concessions Building is
scheduled to be complete for the 2012 season.
EL elaborated that the new bleachers would take about 100 days to install, therefore
the demolition of the existing Concessions Building would happen in May.
Tom Hodges (TH) noted that new fencing ends at the new double gate at the end of
the home bleachers (close to Churchill). Earl Hansen (EH) responded that the existing
fence beyond to Churchill is pretty old and should be replaced.
TH and EL agreed to extend the new fencing to and along Churchill up to the existing
ornamental fencing at the Caltrain bike path. This will be incorporated into the
ornamental fence and gateway upgrades and as an additive bid alternate
TH asked EL to develop a phasing diagram for the next FSC and BOE presentations
to clarify the sequence of project approval and construction.
3. EL related that the schematic design cost estimates for the projects prepared separately
by Cumming and O’Connor reconciled within 2% (a breakdown of cost is listed in the
attached presentation). Building costs were in line but costs for site improvement were
higher due to scope increase including such added items as drinking fountains. A group
discussion followed:
EL noted that the cost estimates reflect stainless steel counters but not the food
Football Stadium Improvements
Subcommittee Meeting
Palo Alto High School
27 January 2011
Page 2
equipment and appliances which will be noted N.I.C. (not in contract). Tina Bono,
Booster Club President, indicated the Club will purchase the equipment.
CS noted that food service equipment has been estimated at about $22,000.00.
EL noted that the additive alternates are:
Gateway and Fencing upgrades
Permeable Pavers (premium to change half of the paved area to permeable pavers
in lieu of concrete)
EL added that the cost to move existing portable for IT Training is part of the project
costs. Costs to pull power and data have already been included in current estimate.
Discussion took place in regards to a new scoreboard. EH noted that if there is a new
scoreboard it should be located in the existing location. Existing scoreboard and posts
were approved by DSA and it’s a wireless operation.
EH noted that the estimate for the scoreboard seemed high. Aimee Lopez (AL) noted
that it should be verified whether the cost estimate includes posts and footings.
AL noted that costs to demolish a portion of existing Maintenance Warehouse canopy
should be included in the cost estimates.
TH noted that the base bid should include chain link fencing behind the bleachers up
to the new double gate, as currently designed. The additive alternate should include
ornamental fence to the bleachers and new black vinyl coated chain link fencing all the
way to the Caltrain fence at the corner of Churchill and Alma.
EL noted that the four drinking fountains are in the base bid and costs for these may
decrease if a closer water source can be found. Chuck McDonald (CM) will show
Christopher Ades (CA) where there is irrigation water on site.
Mary Gordon (MG) noted that there is grant money available for permeable pavers.
Chuck McDonnell (CM) will send a link to AL. MG added that the amount of permeable
pavers shown on a site plan could be less. EL agreed and noted that pavers can be
50% of total paved area. The additive alternate will be revised per this direction.
CS noted that heating is not required for the building. Any savings can be reallocated.
Tina Bono (TB) noted asked for 24” deep wire shelving on two walls of the Store in an
L-shape configuration. TB also asked for power/data receptacles and lighting to
highlight display merchandize.
4. Schedule:
Next FSC meeting will be scheduled for February 2nd at 3:30 PM.
Next Community meeting will take place on February 9th at 6 PM.
Presentation of the Athletic Field design to the BOE will be on Tuesday, February 22nd.
Prepared by Christopher Ades of Deems Lewis McKinley. Please advise if you feel that any of the above items are
inaccurate or need further clarification or detail.
cc: Attendees, File
P A L O A L T O H I G H S C H O O L P l Al U ifi d S h l Di iPalo Alto Unified School District2 February 20112 February 2011ATHLETIC STADIUM IMPROVEMENTSATHLETIC STADIUM IMPROVEMENTS
Jump PitDrinking FountainDrinking FountainVisitor BleacherPicnic AreaFountainFountainFence Upgrade (Alt)Landscape ScreenPedestrian Pathp(16 new trees)Home BleachersConcession/RestroomsJump PitDrinking FountainDrinking RestroomsPicnic AreaFence and GatesTrellis (Alt)FountainFence Upgrades (Alt)Palo Alto High SchoolThis area is not part of the stadium improvements projectSite PlanAthletic Stadium ImprovementsD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e yAthletic Stadium Improvements
PaloAlto High SchoolSeating CapacityHome 1,686Visitor 662Interim PlanPalo Alto High SchoolD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e yTotal 2,348
Palo Alto High SchoolMaster PlanD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y
Storage RestroomsStoragePantryTrellis is an add alternateNote:ServingSalesFood service equipment andappliances are notin contract.Palo Alto High SchoolFloor PlanD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e yFloor Plan
1 June 2010 BOE presentationPalo Alto High SchoolConcession / Restroom FacilityD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e yy
Palo Alto High SchoolShown with Additive Alternates:lli S d dD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e yTrellis Structure and Fence Upgrades
Palo Alto High SchoolShown with Additive Alternates:Trellis Structure and Fence UpgradesD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y
Palo Alto High SchoolBase BidShown with vinyl coated chain linkD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y
Palo Alto High SchoolAdditive Bid AlternateD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y
Palo Alto High SchoolBase BidShown with vinyl coated chain linkD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y
Palo Alto High SchoolAdditive Bid Alternate D e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y
Palo Alto High SchoolExisting Athletic StadiumD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y
Palo Alto High SchoolAthletic Stadium ImprovementsD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y
Palo Alto High SchoolBeforeD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y
Palo Alto High SchoolAfterD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y
Bleachers and Jump PitspSchedule1. BOE Approval of ppSchematic Design March 8, 20112. DSA submittal February 20113. Bid / Award July 20114DSA D f dA l S b i lA /S b 20114.DSA Deferred Approval SubmittalAugust/September 20115. Start Construction (after track season) May/June 2012Palo Alto High School6. Completion (before football season) August 2012D e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y
Concession and Site ImprovementspSchedule1. BOE Approval of ppSchematic Design March 8, 20112. DSA submittal March 20113. Bid / Award September/October 20115SC iO b 20115.Start Construction October 20116. Completion August 2012Palo Alto High SchoolSite improvements completion will be coordinated with the bleacher projectD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y
Concession (Oct 2011–Aug 2012)Site Improvements (Oct 2011–Aug 2012PaloAlto High SchoolScheduleT k R f i ( J l 2012A 2012)Relocatable Move (Jun 2010 –Aug 2010)Bleacher and Jump Pits (May/Jun 2011 –Aug 2012)Palo Alto High SchoolD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e yTrack Resurfacing ( Jul 2012 –Aug 2012)
Schematic Design Estimate: ($3.5m Project Cost )Construction Cost *New Concessions Building $ 829,217Site Work $ 643,880Bleachers$ 997,959Bleachers$ 997,959Total Construction Cost $2,451,056Add Alternates *Gateway and Fencing Upgrades$ 95 510Gateway and Fencing Upgrades$ 95,510Trellis Structure $ 37,460Scoreboard $ 23,380Permeable Pavers (50% of paved area) $ 66,700Work not included in Construction Cost*Moving and reconnecting Relocatable $ 57,950Resurfacing of Track $ 201,500* Cost without 10% ContingencyPalo Alto High SchoolD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y