Planning & Design Meetings Design Meeting #3 1/6/2011 - Minutes Football Stadium Improvements Subcommittee Meeting Palo Alto High School 06 January 2011 Page 1 PALO ALTO HIGH SCHOOL Palo Alto Unified School District MEETING NOTES DATE: 06 January 2011, 3:30 pm-5:00 pm SUBJECT: ATHLETIC STADIUM SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING NO. 5 ATTENDEES: Sign-in sheet (attached) The purpose of the meeting was to update the scope of work for the proposed Athletic Field improvements and Concessions Building. Following are highlights of the meeting: 1. Erwin Lee (EL) welcomed the committee and provided the following information:  The new total seating capacity for the bleachers is 2,357 as the Visitor bleacher was reduced by one row to avoid a partial cantilever over the existing fence.  A layout of the food service functions has been prepared for the committee’s review and comment.  Renderings were shown of the updated design and compared to similar renderings shown to the BOE last summer.  Base bid will include chain link fence and gates while an additive bid alternate includes ornamental fence and gates, concrete piers and an entry gateway. The trellis structure adjacent to the building is also an additive bid alternate.  The Concessions Building project will be submitted to DSA in March while the New Bleachers project will be submitted to DSA in February. The Concessions Building has a longer construction period but the Bleachers have a longer review period at DSA. 2. A group discussion followed on the site planning: Tom Hodges (TH) asked EL to separate the schedules for the Concessions and Bleachers for the BOE as they follow different time lines. Earl Hansen (EH) asked if the existing (Tuff) storage shed can remain in place. Group responded that it interferes with the new ‘Picnic’ area and needs to be relocated. Aimee Lopez (AL) asked EH and Chuck McDonnell (CM) to find an appropriate place for relocation.  EL noted that there is a designated picnic area by the Visitor Bleacher (next to the big redwood tree). Mary Gordon (MG) asked if there could be a drinking fountain there.  CM noted that currently water is carted out to the visitor side bleacher and a drinking fountain would solve this problem. It could be similar to the new drinking fountain at multi-purpose field which drains its waste to a small drywell.  EH asked for drinking fountains at both bleachers and the group decided to add four drinking fountains, one at each end of the Home and Visitor bleachers.  AL asked if the new walkway leading to the Visitor side drains to the new landscape strip and EL answered that yes it does.  EL added that the base bid includes concrete paving within the Football Field and an additive bid alternate includes a combination of concrete paving adjacent to the new building and permeable concrete pavers alongside the landscaped areas. Football Stadium Improvements Subcommittee Meeting Palo Alto High School 06 January 2011 Page 2  MG noted that there could be some softening alongside the fence and asked if the new AC paving could be reduced. EL agreed to limit new AC paving to the new gateway. In this way the picnic area landscaping will extend beyond the fence line.  EH asked about the emergency vehicle access and asked for access not from the gateway but from the other side of the home bleachers. EL noted that the fire marshal had requested the same and there was a double gate there now. EH noted that he was concerned bringing an ambulance through the gateway because of the crowds.  EH requested that the 4-foot high fence should extend around the other side of the field by the jump pits to discourage spectators from crossing the field. An opening is acceptable at the center. EL noted that this fence can be added.  MG noted that with the fence it will be harder to walk between the tracks and asked for a more convenient path between the two jump pits. EL noted that some thought will be given to adding a walkway around the field. 3. A group discussion followed on the Concessions Building design:  Chris Stirrat (CS) asked for a wall behind the island counter at the Concessions to hide prep functions and provide display area for sales items.  CS showed a sketch he produced of the food service area of Concessions and compared it to the plan from DLM.  CS noted that he agreed with the DLM plan that EL showed but asked for a version without equipment for him to mark-up and modify.  CS asked for a sink between the two serving windows. Kathie Durkin (KD) asked if there could be cross ventilation at the food service area. EL responded that the area has mechanical ventilation but yes, high windows could be added at the Corporation Yard side to provide natural ventilation and more daylight. EH agreed that more ventilation and light was good to have.  Kathie Laurence (KD) noted that the trellis over the storage room and roll-up door was missing and the building could use some softening. MG suggested that instead of an eyebrow or trellis more landscaping on either side of the door would suffice. EL agreed to add landscaping with room for trees. 4. Kathy Durkin (KD) brought up some of the traffic issues associated with the adjacent Corp. Yard. A group discussion followed on the interior design: EL noted that next to the new Concessions Building parking spaces will be added. KD asked that the existing swinging gate be changed to a rolling gate in order take better advantage of the added parking. EL noted the change. 9. Schedule: Next FSC meeting will be scheduled for February 2nd at 3:30 PM. Next Stadium meeting will be scheduled for January 27th at 10:00 AM. Presentation of the Stadium design to the BOE will be on Tuesday, February 8th. END Prepared by Christopher Ades of Deems Lewis McKinley. Please advise if you feel that any of the above items are inaccurate or need further clarification or detail. cc: Attendees, File P A L O A L T O H I G H S C H O O L P l Al U ifi d S h l Di iPalo Alto Unified School District5 January 20115 January 2011ATHLETIC STADIUM IMPROVEMENTSATHLETIC STADIUM IMPROVEMENTS PaloAlto High SchoolSeating CapacityHome 1,686Visitor 671Interim PlanPalo Alto High SchoolD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e yTotal 2,357 Palo Alto High SchoolMaster PlanD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y Palo Alto High SchoolFloor PlanD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e yFloor Plan 1 June 2010 BOE presentationPalo Alto High SchoolConcession / Restroom FacilityD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e yy Palo Alto High SchoolShown with Additive AlternateOldGD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e yOrnamental Fence and Gateway Palo Alto High SchoolShown with Additive AlternateOldGD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e yOrnamental Fence and Gateway Palo Alto High SchoolBase BidShown with vinyl coated chain linkD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y Palo Alto High SchoolAdditive Bid AlternateD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y Palo Alto High SchoolBase BidShown with vinyl coated chain linkD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y Palo Alto High SchoolAdditive Bid Alternate D e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y Athletic Field Improvement pSchedule1. BOE Approval of ppSchematic Design Feb 8 and 22, 20112. DSA submittal March 20113. Start Construction December 20114CliA 20124.CompletionAugust 2012The concession/restroom facility has a longer construction duration than the bleacher project and may extend into September/OctoberPalo Alto High Schoolthan the bleacher project and may extend into September/OctoberD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y ARCHITECTUREA R C H I T E C T U R E