Planning & Design Meetings Design Meeting #1 11/3/2010 - MinutesAthletic Stadium Subcommittee
Palo Alto High School
3 November 2010
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Palo Alto Unified School District
DATE: 3 November 2010, 10:30 – 12:00
ATTENDEES: See attached Sign in Sheet
The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the proposed Athletic Stadium Improvements.
The following are the highlights of the meeting:
1. The project scope was reviewed by the Architect Erwin Lee (EL). EL indicated that
there were three primary components to the Athletic Stadium Improvements which
were: (1) bleacher replacement, (2) concession and restroom structure, and (3)
miscellaneous site improvements including jump pits and landscape.
2. The current floor plan of the proposed concession and restroom facility was reviewed.
The following comments were made:
• There was concern that that the ticket window was too close to the entry portal
and that it might create congestion. EL noted that there would be a kiosk in the
plaza at the turn around for ticket sales as well. It was also noted that tables
would be placed near the main entry adjacent to the plaza for ticket taking which
would ease congestion at the entry portal.
• Anne Anderson (AA) questioned the sight lines from the concession windows to
the field and wondered if the people working at the concession would be able to
watch the game. She suggested that if the storage room portion was relocated
there might be better sight lines. EL indicated that even without the storage room
portion the sight lines would be poor. Unlike the current concession, the proposed
structure is located beyond the end zone and it will be at grade in lieu of elevated.
Others suggested that a monitor might be placed within the concession so that
live video could be seen.
• Booster Chris Stirrat (CS) will assist in the layout of the concession area. EL will
provide an enlarged floor plan which CS can use to layout his preferred
configuration. EL will use this as the basis for the design which will be put
together by his food service consultant.
• The question was raised about how the football players enter the stadium. There
were several options but Earl Hansen (EH) suggests that they could come thru
the entry portal.
• EL suggested that the entry portal was more ceremonial and served as a visual
marker from the quad to identify the path to the stadium. Currently, visitors to the
campus who park at the El Camino lot have difficulty finding the stadium.
Athletic Stadium Subcommittee
Palo Alto High School
3 November 2010
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• AA noted that there is a new monument located in the vicinity of the proposed
gate and that it would need to be coordinated. Mary Gordon (MG) also noted that
the position of the gates is very important relative to the existing trees and
recommended that a careful survey of the trees in the area be performed.
• The BBQ activities would occur in front of the storage room where there is a large
• Add a single, exterior door to the Pantry for so that it can be accessed from the
corporation yard parking lot for trucks unloading food supplies
• Phil Winston (PW) noted that the white barricades could be used to direct and
control pedestrian traffic around the entry.
3. The comment was made if a secondary location at the visitors’ side be set up for food
sales as well. It was decided that power and water should be stubbed-out in the area
for the future possibility. A concrete paved area should be provided to allow for
possible future food carts by the boosters. Chuck McDonnell (CM) noted that power
and water could be easily fed from the adjacent warehouse. Tom Hodges (TH)
offered that this could be done at anytime and might be easier if it is not part of the
contract work.
4. It was suggested that porta-potties could be provided on the visitors’ side to relieve
congestion at the proposed concession and restroom facility.
5. MG expressed her concern about protection of the existing trees. Of particular
concern was the size of the block-outs around the trees. Aimee Lopez (AL) indicated
that this would be reviewed and coordinated with the District’s arborist. Other
concerns regarding the trees:
• How do the location of the trees relate to the position of the gates.
• The location of the existing trees is important to the layout of the proposed picnic
• MG suggested that the smaller trees in the area be reviewed and that they could
possibly be removed to give more flexibility to the design.
• MG recommended that there be some landscaping between the fence and the
bicycle path. The fence should not be at the edge of the bike path.
• The suggested that the paired gates to the stadium could become more of a
gateway oriented to the turn-around plaza.
6. EL noted that the turn-around and plaza is one of the last projects on the Master Plan
project list. This means that the existing condition will remain immediately outside of
the stadium improvements and that the new fence will be the approximate demising
line between the new improvements and that which will remain as is.
7. MG reminded the group that we should not lose sight of the picnic area on the visitors’
side which was discussed early on.
8. A schedule with two timelines representing two different scenarios was reviewed. The
comments were:
• Scenario 1, under a sole source vendor, it is unlikely that the bleachers could be
completed for the 2011 football season.
Athletic Stadium Subcommittee
Palo Alto High School
3 November 2010
Page 3
• Scenario 2, given a bid process, the timeline would be extended beyond the start
of the football season.
• There are many operational (sporting events) constraints that the construction
schedule must work around.
• The concession and restroom facility schedule is not tied to the bleachers. It was
understood that there would need to be accommodations made for the
concessions and restrooms for one season.
• The decision was made to move forward with the bleacher and concession and
restroom facility with a targeted completion date of fall 2012.
• A schedule with be generated showing the timelines of the three projects and how
they will work around the operational constraints.
• The timeline would provide some flexibility in how the projects are bid and
9. Next Meeting: TBD
Prepared by Erwin Lee of Deems Lewis McKinley. Please advise in writing if you feel that any of the above
items are inaccurate.
cc: Attendees