Planning & Design Meetings Meeting #4 5/25/2010 - Minutes
Football Stadium Improvements
Subcommittee Meeting
Palo Alto High School
25 May 2010
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Palo Alto Unified School District
DATE: 25 May 2010, 3:30 – 5:00 pm
ATTENDEES: See attached Sign in Sheet
The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the Football Stadium improvements. The
following are highlights of the meeting:
1. Erwin Lee (EL) gave the committee a power point presentation of the updated plans
for the Football Stadium and Concessions/Restroom Building. Slides of the
presentation included:
Stadium plan showing landscaped path to Visitor bleachers, expanded
Home bleachers, long jumps, and L-shaped Concessions/Restroom building
with picnic area.
Plan of Corporation yard showing the future drop-off circle, gateway,
landscaped areas, and bus turn around in yard.
Floor plan of custom L-shaped Concessions/Restroom building.
3D views of the Concessions/Restroom building with one bird’s eye view
and one view from the picnic area.
Home and Visitor bleacher plan and section drawings showing seating for
1,730 (home) and 794 (visitor).
2. The following discussion followed the presentation:
Tom Hodges (TH) remarked that an arborist report will be necessary for
clearing the vegetation near the proposed jump pits.
TH added that it will be necessary to show the School Board both the full
build-out and interim plans for the stadium and future drop-off. The interim
plan would not include the drop-off, gateway and any work beyond the fence
to the stadium.
Kathy Durkin (KD) remarked that the Concession Building design seemed
Kathy Durkin (KD) noted that the doors to the restrooms should not be
hidden from view, as shown. TH asked that the doors be put back on the
side facing the concession windows.
KD asked if there could be access from the concessions area directly to the
courtyard. EL noted that this could be achieved if the concession windows
became smaller. All agreed that the 12-feet wide concession windows could
be smaller and shifted down.
Football Stadium Improvements
Subcommittee Meeting
Palo Alto High School
25 May 2010
Page 2
TH asked if tickets could be sold from the concession area with a window
facing the stadium gateway. EL noted that this was possible and that the exit
door would be located to make room for the new ticket window.
TH asked that the slides address the fact that 3 oak trees and one redwood
will need to be removed to give room for the new Visitor bleachers and how
these would be mitigated with new trees.
TH noted that the existing tree canopy be highlighted on the plans and noted
where existing trees will remain.
KD asked that there also be a picnic area by the Visitor bleachers.
3. TH noted that the budget figure that DLM is compiling for the stadium work also
include the work to relocate the existing portable buildings.
4. TH asked if the following views could be added to the BOE presentation:
From midfield towards the stadium gateway and Home bleachers.
From the 20-yard line towards the Visitor and Home bleachers.
Prepared by Christopher Ades of Deems Lewis McKinley. Please advise in writing if you feel that any of the
above items are inaccurate.
cc: Attendees