Planning & Design Meetings Meeting #3 4/28/2010 - Minutes Football Stadium Improvements Subcommittee Meeting Palo Alto High School 28 April 2010 Page 1 PALO ALTO HIGH SCHOOL Palo Alto Unified School District PROGRAM MEETING NOTES DATE: 28 April 2010, 3:30 – 5:00 pm SUBJECT: FOOTBALL STADIUM SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING NO. 3 ATTENDEES: See attached Sign in Sheet The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the Football Stadium improvements. The following are highlights of the meeting: 1. Erwin Lee (EL) spoke about the proposed modular concessions building and told the committee that the cost estimate was $350,000 for a stucco building with pitched roof and concrete stem wall. The cost for a building with wood siding and flat roof would be less. 2. EL followed with a power point presentation of the updated plans for the Football Stadium and Concessions/Restroom Building. Slides of the presentation included:  Plan of modular Concessions/Restroom building, now enlarged by one module (12’x40’) to include 3 windows. Aimee Lopez (AL) explained to the committee that the Modular building is one design option but programming for both options would be the same.  Stadium plan showing path to Visitor bleachers and long jumps.  Plan of Corporation yard showing the future drop-off circle based on Scheme A.  Floor plan for option 2, a custom L-shaped Concessions/Restroom building.  Updated Landscape Master Plan.  Home and Visitor bleacher plan and section drawings showing seating for 1,471 (home) and 794 (visitor). 3. The following discussion followed the presentation:  Mary Gordon (MG) noted that the corporation yard structure adjacent to the field is unsightly and needs to be screened with new landscaping.  EL noted that there will be walking paths to the Visitor Bleachers and long jumps and a low fence along the track to keep patrons from cutting across the track and field.  Tom Hodges (TH) noted that the existing portable buildings and storage bins would be removed to allow space for the Concessions building and entry plaza.  EL noted that the custom Concessions building would include a covered exterior area.  MG noted that there are two significant oak trees by the proposed entry gates and that the current landscape plan does not respond to them. EL Football Stadium Improvements Subcommittee Meeting Palo Alto High School 28 April 2010 Page 2 noted that the two mature oaks are to be saved and are shown in Scheme A drop-off configuration.  EL noted that the Visitor bleachers will require the removal of 3 oak trees. MG responded that more trees should be planted at the ends of the new bleachers and asked if it’s possible to plant in the easement. TH noted that this easement is City maintained.  Question was asked if a location could be found to park bikes and EL noted that one seldom used basketball court by the Gym will be a good place as it’s well located of the new gateway.  It was noted that the entryway to the restrooms at the custom Concessions building would conflict with the cueing for the concession windows. It was agreed that the restroom entryway be moved to the other side. 4. Kathy Durkin (KD) brought up the issue of bus drop-off at the Gym. KD noted that most of the bus traffic is for sporting events and that busses currently drive in close to the Gym for pick-up and drop-off. EL asked if the drop-off could occur at the circle and KD answered that this would cause problems with traffic. KD added that one way to solve the problem of bus turn-around is to allow the busses to drive in and turn in the corporation yard. EL noted that this will be looked at. 5. Earl Hansen (EH) studied the custom plan for Concessions/Restroom building and noted the following:  There should a 17’x24’ storage room for Track and a smaller space for Football. These would take the place of current storage sheds that are scattered throughout the perimeter of the track.  The Track storage room should have a roll-up door and the Football storage area should have double doors. 6. EH noted that the seating for the Home bleachers falls short of expectations. EH recommended that the bleachers should seat at minimum be 1,650. 7. TH noted that the Stadium improvements project will need to be done in phases in order to not interfere with the Football season. Drawings need to be submitted to DSA by December in order to have the new bleachers and Concessions building ready for fall season of 2012. The actual schedule and sequence needs to be worked out. 8. It was decided that DLM will develop plans of the custom Concessions/Restroom building which will be reviewed at the next stadium subcommittee meeting. 9. Next Steps: AL noted that the next meeting will have pricing for FSC approval to submit to the BOE for Conceptual Plan approval. END Prepared by Christopher Ades of Deems Lewis McKinley. Please advise in writing if you feel that any of the above items are inaccurate. cc: Attendees, File 2009 1100DLM D E E M S L E W I S M c K I N L E Y T W E L V E G O U G H S T R E E T S A N F R A N C I S C O C A 9 4 1 0 3 4 1 5 . 2 5 5 . 1 8 1 1 F A X 2 5 5 . 0 2 4 8Palo Alto Unified School District | Palo Alto, CA Palo Alto High School DESIGNDEVELOPMENT ENLARGED SITE PLAN 2009 1100DLM D E E M S L E W I S M c K I N L E Y T W E L V E G O U G H S T R E E T S A N F R A N C I S C O C A 9 4 1 0 3 4 1 5 . 2 5 5 . 1 8 1 1 F A X 2 5 5 . 0 2 4 8Palo Alto Unified School District | Palo Alto, CA Palo Alto High School DESIGNDEVELOPMENT ENLARGED SITE PLAN ENLARGED SITE PLAN DESIGN DEVELOPMENT3A0.32009 110003/30/10PROPRIETARY DESIGN: THE DRAWING, DES IGN, AND INFORMAT ION CONTAINEDON THIS SHEET ARE THE PROPERTY OF DEEMS LEWIS McKINLEY, AREDEVELOPED FOR THE USE ON, AND IN CONNECT ION WITH THIS SPECIFICPROJECT, AND ARE DISCLOSED IN THE CONFIDENCE AND SHALL NOT BE COPIED ,REPRODUCED, PUBL ISHED OR OTHERWISE USED, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, INWHOLE OR IN PART TO PROVIDE INFORMATION TO PRODUCE, CONSTRUCT, ORMANUFACTURE DRAWINGS, PRINTS APPARATUS, PARTS, OR ASSEMBL IESWITHOUT FULL KNOWLEDGE AND WRITTEN CONSENT CONSENT OF DEEMS LEWISMcKINLEY. THIS DRAWING IS PROTECTED BY COMMON LAW COPYRIGHT, ALLPATENTABLE MATERIAL CONTAINED HEREIN AND ORIGINAT ING WITH DEEMSLEWIS McKINLEY SHALL BE THE PROPERTY OF DEEMS LEWIS McKINLEY AND ANYUSE OF PATENTABLE MATERIAL SHALL BE SUBJECT TO ROYALTY PAYMENTS TO'((06/(:,60F.,1/(<‹ DLM D E E M S L E W I S M c K I N L E Y T W E L V E G O U G H S T R E E T S A N F R A N C I S C O C A 9 4 1 0 3 4 1 5 . 2 5 5 . 1 8 1 1 F A X 2 5 5 . 0 2 4 8Key PlanApprovalsNew Football Stadium Palo Unified School District Palo Alto, CA Palo Alto High School