Planning & Design Meetings Meeting #2 5/25/2010 - MinutesFootball Stadium Subcommittee
Palo Alto High School
25 March 2010
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Palo Alto Unified School District
DATE: 25 March 2010, 3:30 – 5:00 PM
ATTENDEES: See attached Sign in Sheet
The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the Football Stadium improvements. The
following are the highlights of the meeting:
1. The high school Master Plan was presented by Erwin Lee (EL) to reacquaint the
group with earlier planning decisions. He gave a brief description of the Landscape
Master Plan that is happening concurrently and noted that the improvements within
the fenced stadium area, is not part of the master plan study. However, the decisions
and direction that the committee decides will be incorporated into the landscape
Master Plan.
2. Stadium Improvements
A revised site plan of the stadium was reviewed. The primary revision included the
grouping of the long jump pits on the SW corner, relating the storage sheds to the SE
corner and leaving the shot put and discus in their current location. The few
comments regarding the revisions were as follows:
Earl Hansen (EH) commented that the jump pit location will be a problem
because the finish line for many of the track events is in the same vicinity and
that congestion will occur between the jumpers and the finisher/timers. He
suggests that a jump pit be placed on either side of the track in lieu of both on
the same side.
EH also noted that an additional storage shed could be located in this area as
well as having them in the proposed location on the opposite side.
EL noted that he is proposing a paved area where another shed could be located
in the NE corner.
Assistant Principal, Todd Feinberg (TF) indicated that one of the sheds is for
emergency supplies and that the new one proposed in the NE corner might be
the emergency container because it would be more accessible. However, the
emergency container may be relocated.
3. Bleachers
EL indicated that they are still waiting for information from the bleacher manufacturer
so there will not be much discussion regarding the bleachers. The goal is to maximize
the given area for seating capacity goals presented suggested by the Facilities
Steering Committee (FSC).
4. Concession / Restroom Facilities
EL noted that the hatched footprint shown on the site plan is for a custom built facility
and that the dashed outline indicates a relocatable (modular) facility. A modular
facility would be less expensive and that the review and permitting time with the State
Football Stadium Subcommittee
Palo Alto High School
25 March 2010
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(DSA) would be much quicker because it is a “preapproved design.” However, the
Facilities group would need to also approve it. The current plan layout can be used
for programming purposes and discussion. The concession/restroom facility would
be located near the stadium entry in the NW corner regardless of the construction.
Aimee Lopez (AL) indicated the importance of the location and how it will impact the
corporation yard.
Comments regarding the modular floor plan:
The plan was generally well accepted with plan adjustments necessary for the
site specific location.
The restroom doors would need to be relocated to the side in lieu of the back.
TF noted that it would be a supervision issue with the doors at the back of the
Maria Tirador (MT) noted that a third serving window would be desirable in lieu of
the two shown. EL indicated that three smaller opening might be possible in lieu
of the two larger. This would need to be reviewed with the modular manufacturer
to determine how it would impact their structural design of the modular.
MT shared that twelve persons maybe working together during the busiest times.
Chris Stirrat (CS) noted that a door between the Pantry and the Storage would
be useful. He also noted that since the concession area is shared with other
groups, it would be desirable to section off part of the serving area so that the
entire area is not accessible to others. EL suggested that this would be possible
by providing a wire mesh enclosure or similar type of divider.
In the current configuration, the Storage room access is at the back. It was
noted that this could be accessed from the corporation yard and that this would
probably be acceptable.
The group decided that in lieu of placing multiple, storage sheds around the
stadium that some of the storage needs could be consolidated by increasing the
size of the facility. EL indicated that another modular bay (12 feet wide) might
serve this purpose.
Anne Anderson (AA) noted that water faucets around the facility would be useful.
EL indicated that providing hose bibs around the facility would not be difficult. It
was also noted that an exterior drinking fountain should be provided as well.
The existing storage shed near the home bleachers could be located to the east
of the new facility. EH noted that there would need to be direct access to the
field from this location. A gate could be provided in the fence to allow for direct
A concrete paved area on the east could also serve as the BBQ area.
5. Schedule
AL noted that the projects would need to be phased. The new concession/restroom
facility would be the first project since the existing restroom cannot be removed until
the new facility is complete unless portable bathrooms are used. The bleachers can’t
be expanded until the exiting restroom building is demolished.
6. Next Steps:
AL explained that the programming plan will need to be priced and presented to the
FSC for budget and project approval.
Next Meeting: April 28, 2010.
Football Stadium Subcommittee
Palo Alto High School
25 March 2010
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Prepared by Erwin Lee of Deems Lewis McKinley. Please advise in writing if you feel that any of the above items are inaccurate.
cc: Attendees