Planning & Design Meetings Schematic Design Meeting #1 8/26/2010 - Presentation Palo Alto HS THEATER SUB-COMMITTEE MEETING Palo Alto Unified School District 26 August 2010 P. 1 PALO ALTO HIGH SCHOOL Palo Alto Unified School District THEATER SUB-COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: 26 August 2010, 3:30 pm-5:00 pm SUBJECT: Performing Art Center Schematic Design, Meeting #1 ATTENDEES: Sign-in sheet (attached) The following are the highlights of the meeting: 1. Phil Winston (PW) welcomed the committee and asked for introductions. 2. Aimee Lopez (AL) handed out the agenda that included a schematic design schedule for upcoming Theater meetings and presentations. AL noted that DLM will be on an accelerated schedule to complete a schematic design presentation to the BOE in October. A preliminary meeting with DSA is on the agenda and they will be asked to expedite their review time from the usual 8 months to 6 months or less. 3. Bob Golton (BG) summarized the status of the CTE grant for the Theater. The Theater project is on the border line of the $91 million available Statewide and received the “15 day letter” requesting additional information in the summer. In September the ROF (reservation of funds) should come and the school will have 1 year to convert the ROF to an apportionment which requires approval of construction documents by DSA. 4. Michael Nagar (MN) asked when the status of the Theater budget could be discussed if the grant money came in or not. BG noted that the discussion would occur at the FSC meeting. Erwin Lee (EL) noted that with Schematic Design there will be a much more accurate cost estimate to work with. 5. EL explained progress made to date on the Theater design and presented updated plans. Following is a summary: Theater site plan now incorporates the landscape master plan. It illustrates the new plaza and how the design relates to the Haymarket Theater and campus. Parking was added where possible buffered by ‘green’ zones. First floor now features doors onto a front patio to allow patrons to go outside during shows. The auditorium footprint was tested to make sure that the 600 seat capacity worked in the allotted space. Service entry is located at the back, hidden from Embarcadero but easy to reach from the access road. The Green Rooms have increased in size and have exterior windows for natural light and ventilation. Palo Alto HS THEATER SUB-COMMITTEE MEETING Palo Alto Unified School District 26 August 2010 P. 2 Second floor features overlooks to below and to the Stanford campus. The Classroom is off the main stairway with an office and storage space. Balcony seating area has been pulled back to provide a larger 2-story space but it has also been extended forward at the sides with smaller balconies to make the space more intimate. 6. Jedd de Lucia (JL) explained the technical aspects of the design:  The first level has an ‘H’ shaped seating configuration with a shallow section in front and a steeper sloped section in back that provides good sight lines and easy circulation to the stage. The center section of the “H” allows for accessible stage access from both sides of the house. The back section has a porch for the audio sound boards with secure access from the Control Room.  The balcony has a steeper section for better sightlines. The space will provide a good balance for theater, drama and music. Lighting positions have been located at the leading edge.  The Green rooms will contain the make-up counters and the Dressing Rooms will only be used for changing.  The Storage area off the Stage is very convenient for props. The staff agreed to meet to review storage needs and assign areas for the program needs.  The catwalks are still in design but there will be 3 catwalks for lighting and audio. 7. The following discussion ensued on the current design:  Kathleen Woods (KW) asked how the large storage area on the 2nd floor would be accessed and used. JD noted that access would be by the elevator. It would be used for costumes and small props like furniture.  EL noted that access from the scene shop in Building 100 is governed by the low overhang of the existing roof which is about 10-feet.  JD noted that the orchestra shell and holding area for tall scenery will require a 20-foot high clearance and that the overhead door to the stage will need to be 20-foot high. He noted that exterior overhead doors for truck unloading need only be 10-feet high as the height of typical truck doors is 117 inches.  MN noted that if access from the scene shop at Building 100 is limited then another location should be found for the scene shop such as Haymarket. JD noted that any location further than Haymarket will require truck transport. Question was asked, how big are the doors at Haymarket?  The idea of a hoist-way to take props to the 2nd floor was discussed but KW noted that this was not appropriate for students. JD noted that a service elevator should be avoided because of expense.  EL noted that the Trap Room could be used to store scenery (flat) with access via the orchestra pit platform which acts like a large elevator.  KW noted that the storage issue will need to be discussed with James Hilmer who is absent today.  MN asked where such seating configurations have been used. JD responded that at the Berkley Rep and Mountain View Theater. JD noted that balcony is not Palo Alto HS THEATER SUB-COMMITTEE MEETING Palo Alto Unified School District 26 August 2010 P. 3 as steep as the Curran or Geary and the spatial volume will be good for music. 8. EL opened a discussion on the general spatial feeling of the house:  EL noted that the lobby of the new theater could have a modern feel while the exterior could be reminiscent of the older campus buildings. However, the interior of the auditorium or ‘house’ could again be more classical in feeling.  The trend of new theaters is that of infinity ceilings softened by acoustical ‘clouds’ which are ceilings with upper portions painted-out black. With the exterior of the building taking cues from the Tower and Haymarket buildings it was felt that the ‘house’ should also relate and it would be a huge surprise. After discussion with Bill Dohn (BD), acoustical consultant, the idea emerged to create a ‘house’ interior with a classical feeling and an actual ceiling. Arches, chandeliers and other details reminiscent of traditional theaters would tie the theater design to the older campus buildings.  MN concurred that this approach was the right one. A cavernous space such as the theater at Menlo-Atherton was not the feeling wanted at Paly.  KW concurred that the infinity ceilings were generally out of scale and would not provide the kind of space she wanted for drama.  BD noted that the theater in Pasadena was a good example how an interior design can make a space intimate and exciting. 9. BD explained some technical aspects of the acoustical design.  MN summarized the meeting held with the acoustics engineer to discuss the program and acoustic goals for the theater. MN will coordinate a theater visit to Saratoga.  The ‘house’ will have the ability to change from a reverberant space for music to a ‘dry’ space for speeches and drama. The ‘house’ acoustics will be flexible by automatically moving curtains and panels. Venues for drama and music will require some overlapping requirements.  BD recommended a custom orchestra shell as these are much more attractive. JD added that the standard shell was acceptable. 10. EL and JD reviewed the other spaces of the theater with the group and the following discussion followed:  At the Lobby the ticket booth should service both the interior and exterior and include a ‘Will-call’ window.  JD noted that the Concessions would include a sink, refrigerator and dishwasher but not cooking appliances. The group concurred that this was appropriate. JD added that the sale of other items should be separate or at an adjacent counter.  Caroline Willis (CW) noted that the Concessions might move to one side so that the Lobby could accommodate groups at one end. EL agreed to look at this.  CW noted that the Lobby might open up to the exterior patio even more. The group agreed that this was desirable but acoustically it needs to work. BD thought that this was possible. Palo Alto HS THEATER SUB-COMMITTEE MEETING Palo Alto Unified School District 26 August 2010 P. 4  CW noted that the southwest exposure of the Lobby needs to be addressed. EL responded that solar shading would be an integral part of the design.  EL asked what the Classroom program is. KW noted that it was an alternative teaching place. MN noted that its use needed further study.  EL noted that the Classroom would have its own HVAC equipment in order to operate independently from the theater. KW agreed with this and added that the Lobby might also operate independently. MN concurred with this.  KW noted that the Classroom should be similar to a ‘black-box’ space. BD noted that the space should have a black Masonite floor and have windows for natural light (with black-out shades). JD mentioned that a raised stage would require accessibility and he would not recommend it here.  JD noted that the Orchestra Pit would hold about 25 musicians. KW asked that it be outfitted with data/power for electronic music boards. Staff will meet separately to review the program needs for the orchestra. 11. Schedule: Next Monthly Theater Sub-Committee meeting will be scheduled for September 23rd at 3:30 PM.  A follow up meeting may occur next Thursday, September 2nd. END Prepared by Christopher Ades of Deems Lewis McKinley. Please advise if you feel that any of the above items are inaccurate or need further clarification or detail. cc: Attendees File XXXXXXXXXXXXXX+0'24" S H A P I N G SH E L L S T O R A G E+0'+0'+2"-3"+0'+2"+16"+4'5"+4'5"+3'8"+0'+2"+0'3' R I G G I N G C L E A R Z O N E 24 " S H A P I N G +0'DISPLAY CASECONCESSIONSCONTROL BOOTHUTILI T I E SPALO ALTO HIGH SCHOOLNEW PERFORMING ARTS CENTER +0'24" SHAPING S H E L L S T O R A G E+0'+0'+2"-3"+0'+2"+16"+4'5"+4'5"+3'8"+0'+2"+0'3' R I G G I N G C L E A R Z O N E 24 " S H A P I N G +0'DISPLAY CASECONCESSIONSCONTROL BOOTHUTILITIESPALO ALTO HIGH SCHOOLNEW PERFORMING ARTS CENTERFIRST FLOOR PLAN +13'-6"+13'-6"+20'-0"+13'-6"+20'-0"MARKER BOARDF.E.+13'-6"PALO ALTO HIGH SCHOOLNEW PERFORMING ARTS CENTERSECOND FLOOR PLAN PALO ALTO HIGH SCHOOLNEW PERFORMING ARTS CENTERA5.11 -3"+16"+4'5"+4'5"+3'8"+0'+2"+0'2 4 " S H A P I N G +0'DISPLAY CASECONCESSIONSCONTROL BOOTHPALO ALTO HIGH SCHOOLNEW PERFORMING ARTS CENTER +13'-6"MARKER BOARDF.E.PALO ALTO HIGH SCHOOLNEW PERFORMING ARTS CENTER