Planning & Design Meetings Landscape Meeting 5/15/2012 - MinutesLandscape Committee Meeting
Palo Alto High School
15 May 2012
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Palo Alto Unified School District
DATE: 15 May 2012, 1:30 pm - 4:00 pm
SUBJECT: Palo Alto High School Performing Arts Center
ATTENDEES: Sign-in sheet (attached)
The following are the highlights of the meeting:
1. Aimee Lopez (AL) welcomed the committee and initiated the meeting.
Stadium (Information):
2. Tim McBrian (TM) of Gilbane gave an update on the Stadium project and fielded
questions. The following items were discussed:
• TM stated that the bleacher submittal has not yet come back from DSA with
comments, and the bleachers will therefore be installed after the 2012 football
• TM stated that jump pit work is about to start.
• Existing concession building will be demolished as soon as the new concession
building is up and running and will be before Aug. 2012
• Anne Anderson (AA) asked if trees have been selected yet. Erwin Lee (EL)
responded that they had been selected and should be in order.
• AA requested to hold off on tree removal on visitor side until the new bleachers
are installed. .
• AA asked for confirmation that sleeves be installed for future irrigation. EL
• AL stated that slats will be installed at the fence but not as part of the current
contract scope.
Performing Arts Center (Information):
3. Todd Young (TY) of Gates walked the committee through the current design layout and
hardscape. The following items were discussed:
• TY reviewed the revised plaza layout plan with the committee.
• MG asked if more seating could be provided in front of the PAC entrance for
drop-off/pick-up for theater events.
• MG expressed concern about use of decomposed granite in heavily used areas.
Suggested possibly using pavers in lieu of decomposed granite.
• MG suggested adding one or more “step” (in plan view) of retaining seats.
• Brad Gunkel (BG) explained that current plan shows sandblasted concrete bands
instead of pavers originally shown. Decision was made as a cost saving
measure that creates a similar visual impact. AA expressed concerns about
Landscape Committee Meeting
Palo Alto High School
15 May 2012
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sandblasted concrete bands in lieu of pavers. David Gates (DG) estimated that
sandblasted concrete bands represent an approximate $30,000 in savings over
pavers at plaza area alone. AL stated that pavers could be an alternate.
• MG asked about colored concrete. DG estimated that colored concrete
represents an approximate $50,000 add at plaza area alone. AL stated that
colored concrete could be an alternate. AA and MG pointed out that the plaza is
a key location on campus. AA and BG pointed out that everything needs to be a
balancing act in order to stay in budget. If something is added, something else
will likely need to be removed.
• Committee discussed pots vs. raised planters along Building 100. AL stated that
Facilities Staff agreed to pots and not planters because of the underground
utilities. Committee says that they would rather have pots with palms in them
than nothing there. Committee expressed preference for planters that are open
to below or that at least drain to below. DG stated that palms have fibrous roots
that are not as much of a threat to underground utilities as are the roots of most
other trees. In addition AL states that planter locations need to be discussed with
the Fire Department for they may be in the way of their access to Bldg. 100.
• MG asked for an additional palm on the north side of the path to the primary PAC
entry to help frame the entry.
• MG stated that she felt that the original entry gates captured the mission feel of
the campus better than the current design. She also stated that she felt that the
trellis in front of the PAC lobby could include arches that would pick up the
arched colonnade between the Haymarket Theater and the Tower Building.
• MG stated that she felt that larger trees such as redwoods along the north side of
the PAC would create a feeling of the building being nestled in the trees.
Action Items (Action):
4. DLM to send AL updated Landscape Layout Plan and Planting Plan addressing
comments by the Subcommittee along with the enlarged plans and elevations of the
entry gates and patio trellis.
Next Meetings (Information):
5. There are no future meetings currently scheduled.
Prepared by Brad Gunkel of Deems Lewis McKinley. Please advise in writing if you feel that any of the above items
are inaccurate.
cc: Attendees, File