Planning & Design Meetings Landscape Meeting 4/19/2012 - MinutesLandscape Committe Meeting Palo Alto High School 19 April 2012 Page 1 PALO ALTO HIGH SCHOOL Palo Alto Unified School District LANDSCAPE COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: 19 April 2012, 1:30 pm - 4:00 pm SUBJECT: Palo Alto High School Performing Arts Center ATTENDEES: Sign-in sheet (attached) The following are the highlights of the meeting: Introductions: 1. Aimee Lopez (AL) welcomed the committee and initiated the meeting. Performing Arts Center (Information): 2. Erwin Lee (EL) walked the committee through the current design layout and hardscape. The following items were discussed: • Options for grading at plaza planter were discussed. Debbie Ellis (DE) to review existing root conditions and determine impact of shaving off top of existing grade at perimeter of planter vs. cutting roots vertically for seat walls. Committee expressed preference for seat walls where possible as well as desire for softened edges (in plan profile). Committee suggested a decomposed granite path bisecting the planter creating a usable space beneath the trees but it was acknowledged that this might contradict seat wall approach. David Gates (DG) and Todd Young (TY) to explore options for planter and provide a proposed alternative to the current scheme for committee review prior to next meeting. • Anne Anderson (AA) asked for DLM/District to look into cost impact of using colored concrete in lieu of standard gray. DG pointed out that cost impact would be extrapolated throughout the entire campus or at least in key areas as part of master plan scope. Possibility was discussed as an opportunity for alumni donations but decision will need to be made quickly as site paving work for Media Arts will occur relatively soon. DG stated that colored concrete would add about $1/SF of paved area. DLM & Gates to assure that revised scheme is within current budget. DG also pointed out that bands do not need to be pavers – could be concrete treated differently, possibly sandblasting. This could save some money. • AA asked which items are alternates and EL and Brad Gunkel (BG) reviewed alternate scope. EL and BG mentioned that trellis between PAC and Media Arts could become an alternate and even radiused trellis in front (west side) of PAC lobby if necessary during value engineering. Committee asked who decided what alternates would be and how they would be added to the scope. AL explained that if the project is not within budget, then we are tasked to identified alternates. If the committee wishes to add these to the scope then they need to request for additional funds from the FSC to be added. They expressed opinion that radiused trellis should not be an alternate as they feel it is crucial to the Landscape Committe Meeting Palo Alto High School 19 April 2012 Page 2 design. 3. TY reviewed planting with committee. The following items were discussed: • Anne asked that planting along Embarcadero be included as an alternate. It was agreed that this should be an alternate though it may be on City property. DLM and Gates to revise drawings to show city property and alternate for planting along Embarcadero. • Nancy Bjork (NB) stated that Italian Cyprus is a slow growing tree and will not mask Building 100. Group discussed vines and palms. Mary Gordon (MG) recommended using Queen Palms and scooting planters out a little from Building 100. EL mentioned that it could be pulled out enough to frame arch on PAC. Group asked about difference in cost between pots and seat wall planters. DG estimated that seat wall planters would be approximately $3,000 more a piece. Possibility was discussed as an opportunity for alumni donations. DLM & Gates to assure that revised scheme is within current budget. • AA asked that use of gray colored plants be reduced to a minimum because of amount of existing concrete and stucco on campus and need for contrast and color. • MG stated concerns with trees currently specified in parking lot area – specified trees may not be best choice as they may not thrive in the locations shown and may not grow to optimal heights. MG and committee will look at drawings and suggest best trees to use for the scheme. • MG asked about option of placing a bench at the bus stop (not currently in the scope). DLM will not add bench unless directed to do so by District/OCMI as it is not currently part of scope and would be located on City property. • Mary stated that trees currently shown at entry gate are too cluttered. • Mary expressed concern over potential for too many deciduous trees and asked that they be balanced with evergreens. • Group tentatively decided to meet again on May 15th at 2PM. AL to confirm. At that time, Landscape Committee to provide final comments on design though they may provide specific comments before then through Aimee. Stadium (Information): 4. Stadium-related Landscape items were discussed: • AL stated that direction has been provided by District that changes should not be made that could impact project scope and result in additional costs. • EL stated that DLM had received direction to add sleeves at three locations for future irrigation work that would be performed as part of a separate contract. • AA asked about revising edge of pavement. It was determined that this could likely be revised without additional cost as contractor has requested CAD backgrounds for area which have not yet been provided. • AA stated that fencing with red slats is unattractive. Committee requested brown slats in black vinyl chain link. EL to provide samples to group for confirmation. • NB asked when small landscape areas will be added (such as planter at ramp). AL stated that these could be done later as part of a separate contract. Action Items (Action): Landscape Committe Meeting Palo Alto High School 19 April 2012 Page 3 5. DE to review existing root conditions at plaza trees and determine impact of shaving off top of existing grade at perimeter of planter vs. cutting roots vertically for seat walls. 6. DE to review current drawings and provide comments regarding tree protection. 7. DG and Todd Young TY to provide revised plan addressing meeting comments for committee review. 8. DLM and Gates to show alternate for planting along Embarcadero in Design Development set. 9. AL to confirm May 15 Landscape Committee meeting at 2PM. 10. EL to revise edge of paving at Stadium prior to providing CAD backgrounds to contractor. 11. EL to provide samples of chainlink slat colors to group for confirmation that brown color is preferred. Next Meetings (Information): 12. The next meeting tentatively scheduled for May 15th at 2PM. AL to confirm. END Prepared by Brad Gunkel of Deems Lewis McKinley. Please advise in writing if you feel that any of the above items are inaccurate. cc: Attendees, File