Planning & Design Meetings 11/18/2010 - Minutes Palo Alto HS PAC SUB-COMMITTEE MEETING Palo Alto Unified School District 18 November 2010 P. 1 PALO ALTO HIGH SCHOOL Palo Alto Unified School District PERFORMING ARTS CENTER SUB-COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: 18 November 2010, 3:30 pm-5:00 pm SUBJECT: Performing Arts Center, Schematic Design Meeting #4 ATTENDEES: Sign-in sheet (attached) The following are the highlights of the meeting: 1. Tom Hodges (TH) welcomed the committee and began by sharing the following information with the group:  Since the last PAC meeting the downsized PAC design was cost estimated and still came over budget. It was presented to the FSC and they asked for DLM to consider more cuts to bring the project closer to the budget.  DLM developed another option with more reductions that brought down the project cost to $25 million.  TH reported that he met with Kevin Scully (KS), Bob Golton (BG), and Phil Winston (PW) to review what might be an acceptable project cost for the BOE. KS had informed them that a project cost of $24 million would be an amount more acceptable due to the possible CTE funds.  Process from this point is to present to the BOE in January ‘11 a schematic design that meets that threshold. It can include alternates that can later be funded through fund raising.  Idea is to leave options open in the event funds become available which means not cutting scope, rather creating a series of construction alternates that DLM can add back to the design. There will be time during the design/review process to make changes to the drawings as necessary. 2. EL handed out a PAC Budget Review with Scheme Options and Cost Reduction Measures, attached, and a group discussion began. Highlights were: Michael Najar (MN) asked whether they had discussed reducing the seat count as a means of reducing costs. TH responded that yes they brought it up and KS felt it was too far down the line to consider anything less than a 600 seat theater.  EL summarized the new reductions since the last meeting which included: o Motorized orchestra pit (manual pit cover in lieu) o Defer landscaping (as well as new plaza) Palo Alto HS PAC SUB-COMMITTEE MEETING Palo Alto Unified School District 18 November 2010 P. 2 o Revise lighting specs (change fixture types) o Simplify lobby ceilings o Exterior cement plaster (1 coat in lieu of 2) o Lower mechanical well o Simplify interior walls at house o Defer balcony seating o Create additive alternates of $100k o Reduce number of line sets at fly tower to 30 in lieu of 40  MN noted that deferring the plaza and landscaping worried him as it did not address the drainage issues. TH noted that this alternate was easy to put back as that part of the site work would happen at the tail end of the project.  MN noted that eliminating the balcony seating was troubling as well as it could send the wrong message. Holly Ward (HW) noted that it could be used as a rallying cry for fund raising.  Kathleen Woods noted that no balcony seating was a very visible sign of need. Caroline Willis noted that the BOE would not be very pleased with this option. HW noted that at least seating can go back into a project easily. 3. EL showed a revised set of floor plans that illustrated the various cost cutting measures. Among changes since the last meeting;  Two feet of diameter were added back to the Lobby in order to accommodate seating as requested by MN. Seating diagrams show that the space can fit 80 seats at 10 tables or 128 seats at 16 tables taking up the entire lobby.  A storage room in the Basement Level was added back for the grand piano.  A site plan noted that there would only be bark in lieu of landscaping and the plaza between the PAC and Haymarket Theater would be an alternate.  A first floor plan noted that the orchestra pit would be manually operated.  A second floor plan noted that the balcony seating was an alternate.  A building section showed that the height of the parapet at the house had been reduced by two feet. 4. TH handed out two preliminary schedule options. The first was based on not getting the CTE Grant funding letter till this time next year and the second was base on getting it this summer. TH felt it was unlikely the grant would be funded soon. The following discussion ensued:  TH noted that the schedule compresses if the funding letter comes in June but there is still time to do fund raising between now and June.  Rachel Kellerman (RK) asked if the fund raising efforts would occur under the hospices of this committee. TH noted that this would have to be determined. Palo Alto HS PAC SUB-COMMITTEE MEETING Palo Alto Unified School District 18 November 2010 P. 3  HW noted that she might hire a consultant to handle the fund raising.  KW noted that for the theater at Saratoga High School $4.5 million had been fund raised.  MN thanked the design team for their efforts thus far and noted that it was a complicated project but one that is special to get behind and raise funds for. 5. EL asked KW if she had visited an installation with a Meyer sound system and KW responded, not yet. KW noted that she needs to hear from a high school theater director whether they are happy with this system. Stu Berman (SB) noted that it would be helpful if we got a negative reference as well to see where the system falls short of expectations. 6. Schedule:  Next FSC meeting will be scheduled for December 8th at 3:30 PM. Next PAC meeting will be determined. Presentation of the PAC design to the BOE will be on Tuesday, January 8th 2011. END Prepared by Christopher Ades of Deems Lewis McKinley. Please advise if you feel that any of the above items are inaccurate or need further clarification or detail. cc: Attendees, File -3"+0'+16"+49"+49"3' R I G G I N G C L E A R Z O N E+0'+49"+0"+0"+0"+0"+0'-3"+0'+16"+49"+49"3' R I G G I N G C L E A R Z O N E+0'+49"+0"+0"+0"+0"+0" 2009 100011.30.2010PROPRIETARY DESIGN: THE DRAWING, DESIGN, AND INFORMATION CONTAINEDON THIS SHEET ARE THE PROPERTY OF DEEMS LEWIS McKINLEY, AREDEVELOPED FOR THE USE ON, AND IN CONNECTION WITH THIS SPECIFICPROJECT, AND ARE DISCLOSED IN THE CONFIDENCE AND SHALL NOT BE COPIED,REPRODUCED, PUBLISHED OR OTHERWISE USED, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, INWHOLE OR IN PART TO PROVIDE INFORMATION TO PRODUCE, CONSTRUCT, ORMANUFACTURE DRAWINGS, PRINTS APPARATUS, PARTS, OR ASSEMBLIESWITHOUT FULL KNOWLEDGE AND WRITTEN CONSENT CONSENT OF DEEMS LEWISMcKINLEY. THIS DRAWING IS PROTECTED BY COMMON LAW COPYRIGHT, ALLPATENTABLE MATERIAL CONTAINED HEREIN AND ORIGINATING WITH DEEMSLEWIS McKINLEY SHALL BE THE PROPERTY OF DEEMS LEWIS McKINLEY AND ANYUSE OF PATENTABLE MATERIAL SHALL BE SUBJECT TO ROYALTY PAYMENTS TO'((06/(:,60F.,1/(<‹DLM D E E M S L E W I S M c K I N L E Y T W E L V E G O U G H S T R E E T S A N F R A N C I S C O C A 9 4 1 0 3 4 1 5 . 2 5 5 . 1 8 1 1 F A X 2 5 5 . 0 2 4 8Key PlanApprovalsNew Performing Arts Center Palo Alto Unified School District - Palo Alto, CA Palo Alto High SchoolKey PlanSITE PLAN SCHEMATIC DESIGNA-0.1 2009 100011.30.2010PROPRIETARY DESIGN: THE DRAWING, DESIGN, AND INFORMATION CONTAINEDON THIS SHEET ARE THE PROPERTY OF DEEMS LEWIS McKINLEY, AREDEVELOPED FOR THE USE ON, AND IN CONNECTION WITH THIS SPECIFICPROJECT, AND ARE DISCLOSED IN THE CONFIDENCE AND SHALL NOT BE COPIED,REPRODUCED, PUBLISHED OR OTHERWISE USED, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, INWHOLE OR IN PART TO PROVIDE INFORMATION TO PRODUCE, CONSTRUCT, ORMANUFACTURE DRAWINGS, PRINTS APPARATUS, PARTS, OR ASSEMBLIESWITHOUT FULL KNOWLEDGE AND WRITTEN CONSENT CONSENT OF DEEMS LEWISMcKINLEY. THIS DRAWING IS PROTECTED BY COMMON LAW COPYRIGHT, ALLPATENTABLE MATERIAL CONTAINED HEREIN AND ORIGINATING WITH DEEMSLEWIS McKINLEY SHALL BE THE PROPERTY OF DEEMS LEWIS McKINLEY AND ANYUSE OF PATENTABLE MATERIAL SHALL BE SUBJECT TO ROYALTY PAYMENTS TO'((06/(:,60F.,1/(<‹DLM D E E M S L E W I S M c K I N L E Y T W E L V E G O U G H S T R E E T S A N F R A N C I S C O C A 9 4 1 0 3 4 1 5 . 2 5 5 . 1 8 1 1 F A X 2 5 5 . 0 2 4 8Key PlanApprovalsNew Performing Arts Center Palo Alto Unified School District - Palo Alto, CA Palo Alto High SchoolKey PlanBASEMENT LEVEL PLAN SCHEMATIC DESIGN A-1.1 +0'-3"+0'+16"+49"+49"3' R I G G I N G C L E A R Z O N E+0'+49"+0"+0"+0"+0"+0"2009 100011.30.2010PROPRIETARY DESIGN: THE DRAWING, DESIGN, AND INFORMATION CONTAINEDON THIS SHEET ARE THE PROPERTY OF DEEMS LEWIS McKINLEY, AREDEVELOPED FOR THE USE ON, AND IN CONNECTION WITH THIS SPECIFICPROJECT, AND ARE DISCLOSED IN THE CONFIDENCE AND SHALL NOT BE COPIED,REPRODUCED, PUBLISHED OR OTHERWISE USED, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, INWHOLE OR IN PART TO PROVIDE INFORMATION TO PRODUCE, CONSTRUCT, ORMANUFACTURE DRAWINGS, PRINTS APPARATUS, PARTS, OR ASSEMBLIESWITHOUT FULL KNOWLEDGE AND WRITTEN CONSENT CONSENT OF DEEMS LEWISMcKINLEY. THIS DRAWING IS PROTECTED BY COMMON LAW COPYRIGHT, ALLPATENTABLE MATERIAL CONTAINED HEREIN AND ORIGINATING WITH DEEMSLEWIS McKINLEY SHALL BE THE PROPERTY OF DEEMS LEWIS McKINLEY AND ANYUSE OF PATENTABLE MATERIAL SHALL BE SUBJECT TO ROYALTY PAYMENTS TO'((06/(:,60F.,1/(<‹DLM D E E M S L E W I S M c K I N L E Y T W E L V E G O U G H S T R E E T S A N F R A N C I S C O C A 9 4 1 0 3 4 1 5 . 2 5 5 . 1 8 1 1 F A X 2 5 5 . 0 2 4 8Key PlanApprovalsNew Performing Arts Center Palo Alto Unified School District - Palo Alto, CA Palo Alto High SchoolKey PlanFIRST FLOOR PLAN SCHEMATIC DESIGN A-1.2 2009 100011.30.2010PROPRIETARY DESIGN: THE DRAWING, DESIGN, AND INFORMATION CONTAINEDON THIS SHEET ARE THE PROPERTY OF DEEMS LEWIS McKINLEY, AREDEVELOPED FOR THE USE ON, AND IN CONNECTION WITH THIS SPECIFICPROJECT, AND ARE DISCLOSED IN THE CONFIDENCE AND SHALL NOT BE COPIED,REPRODUCED, PUBLISHED OR OTHERWISE USED, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, INWHOLE OR IN PART TO PROVIDE INFORMATION TO PRODUCE, CONSTRUCT, ORMANUFACTURE DRAWINGS, PRINTS APPARATUS, PARTS, OR ASSEMBLIESWITHOUT FULL KNOWLEDGE AND WRITTEN CONSENT CONSENT OF DEEMS LEWISMcKINLEY. THIS DRAWING IS PROTECTED BY COMMON LAW COPYRIGHT, ALLPATENTABLE MATERIAL CONTAINED HEREIN AND ORIGINATING WITH DEEMSLEWIS McKINLEY SHALL BE THE PROPERTY OF DEEMS LEWIS McKINLEY AND ANYUSE OF PATENTABLE MATERIAL SHALL BE SUBJECT TO ROYALTY PAYMENTS TO'((06/(:,60F.,1/(<‹DLM D E E M S L E W I S M c K I N L E Y T W E L V E G O U G H S T R E E T S A N F R A N C I S C O C A 9 4 1 0 3 4 1 5 . 2 5 5 . 1 8 1 1 F A X 2 5 5 . 0 2 4 8Key PlanApprovalsNew Performing Arts Center Palo Alto Unified School District - Palo Alto, CA Palo Alto High SchoolKey PlanSECOND FLOOR PLAN SCHEMATIC DESIGN A-1.32009 100011.30.2010PROPRIETARY DESIGN: THE DRAWING, DESIGN, AND INFORMATION CONTAINEDON THIS SHEET ARE THE PROPERTY OF DEEMS LEWIS McKINLEY, AREDEVELOPED FOR THE USE ON, AND IN CONNECTION WITH THIS SPECIFICPROJECT, AND ARE DISCLOSED IN THE CONFIDENCE AND SHALL NOT BE COPIED,REPRODUCED, PUBLISHED OR OTHERWISE USED, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, INWHOLE OR IN PART TO PROVIDE INFORMATION TO PRODUCE, CONSTRUCT, ORMANUFACTURE DRAWINGS, PRINTS APPARATUS, PARTS, OR ASSEMBLIESWITHOUT FULL KNOWLEDGE AND WRITTEN CONSENT CONSENT OF DEEMS LEWISMcKINLEY. THIS DRAWING IS PROTECTED BY COMMON LAW COPYRIGHT, ALLPATENTABLE MATERIAL CONTAINED HEREIN AND ORIGINATING WITH DEEMSLEWIS McKINLEY SHALL BE THE PROPERTY OF DEEMS LEWIS McKINLEY AND ANYUSE OF PATENTABLE MATERIAL SHALL BE SUBJECT TO ROYALTY PAYMENTS TO'((06/(:,60F.,1/(<‹DLM D E E M S L E W I S M c K I N L E Y T W E L V E G O U G H S T R E E T S A N F R A N C I S C O C A 9 4 1 0 3 4 1 5 . 2 5 5 . 1 8 1 1 F A X 2 5 5 . 0 2 4 8Key PlanApprovalsNew Performing Arts Center Palo Alto Unified School District - Palo Alto, CA Palo Alto High SchoolKey Plan SUPPLY AIRGRILL, TYPSUPPLY AIRDUCT, TYPSTEEL TRUSS, TYP2009 100011.30.2010PROPRIETARY DESIGN: THE DRAWING, DESIGN, AND INFORMATION CONTAINEDON THIS SHEET ARE THE PROPERTY OF DEEMS LEWIS McKINLEY, AREDEVELOPED FOR THE USE ON, AND IN CONNECTION WITH THIS SPECIFICPROJECT, AND ARE DISCLOSED IN THE CONFIDENCE AND SHALL NOT BE COPIED,REPRODUCED, PUBLISHED OR OTHERWISE USED, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, INWHOLE OR IN PART TO PROVIDE INFORMATION TO PRODUCE, CONSTRUCT, ORMANUFACTURE DRAWINGS, PRINTS APPARATUS, PARTS, OR ASSEMBLIESWITHOUT FULL KNOWLEDGE AND WRITTEN CONSENT CONSENT OF DEEMS LEWISMcKINLEY. THIS DRAWING IS PROTECTED BY COMMON LAW COPYRIGHT, ALLPATENTABLE MATERIAL CONTAINED HEREIN AND ORIGINATING WITH DEEMSLEWIS McKINLEY SHALL BE THE PROPERTY OF DEEMS LEWIS McKINLEY AND ANYUSE OF PATENTABLE MATERIAL SHALL BE SUBJECT TO ROYALTY PAYMENTS TO'((06/(:,60F.,1/(<‹DLM D E E M S L E W I S M c K I N L E Y T W E L V E G O U G H S T R E E T S A N F R A N C I S C O C A 9 4 1 0 3 4 1 5 . 2 5 5 . 1 8 1 1 F A X 2 5 5 . 0 2 4 8Key PlanApprovalsNew Performing Arts Center Palo Alto Unified School District - Palo Alto, CA Palo Alto High SchoolKey PlanBUILDING SECTIONS SCHEMATIC DESIGNA-5.1LONGITUDINAL BUILDING SECTION1SCALE 1/8"=1'-0"