Planning & Design Meetings 11/4/2010 - Minutes Palo Alto HS PAC SUB-COMMITTEE MEETING Palo Alto Unified School District 4 November 2010 P. 1 PALO ALTO HIGH SCHOOL Palo Alto Unified School District PERFORMING ARTS CENTER SUB-COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: 04 November 2010, 3:30 pm-5:00 pm SUBJECT: Performing Arts Center, Schematic Design Meeting #5 ATTENDEES: Sign-in sheet (attached) The following are the highlights of the meeting: 1. Erwin Lee (EL) welcomed the committee and provided the following information:  Construction cost estimate of the PAC, based on schematic design drawings came in at $21.82 million or about $5.56 million over the budget of $16.3 million. The increase was due to scope creep which we were all hoping to be offset by the favorable market conditions  To bring the project back into budget the design was scaled back reducing the total area by 7,300 square feet (SF). The area reductions targeted the scope creep with the majority of the area coming from the second floor. Area came out of the Green Rooms and Lobby on the first floor, eliminating the second floor classroom and offices, and reducing the area of the basement and tech level. Current area is now reduced from approximately 38,400 SF to approximately 31,000 SF.  Proposed reductions will provide between $1.3 and $1.6 million in cost savings. The savings represent less than half the value of the per square foot cost because the area is eliminated from the less expensive portions of the PAC. 2. Michael Najar (MN) noted that if the area reductions are not enough to bring the project within budget, then the design team may have to revisit the entire design which is not desirable. MN asked if it was still possible to keep the initial 38,400 SF design and find the funds to bridge the difference. However, the reduced design of 31,000 SF still provides the desired program elements. 3. Tom Hodges responded that there are scenarios that the sub-committee could present to the FSC for their consideration:  Option 1: The schematic design as completed, without any reductions.  Option 2: The reduced area scheme as presented with bid alternates to bring the project within budget.  Option 3: A smaller 400-500 seat PAC. Palo Alto HS PAC SUB-COMMITTEE MEETING Palo Alto Unified School District 4 November 2010 P. 2 4. EL noted that the site work included scope creep as well and the cost estimate was over budget by $1 million. After some reduction in scope it was now $.5 million over. EL added that in order to bring the overall project closer to budget, the plaza could be designed as a bid alternate including only the first 20-feet immediately adjacent to the building in the base bid. Together with omitting the plenum below the seats and using a more conventional HVAC system total cost reductions are between $1.7 and $2.3 million. 5. A group discussion on cost reduction scenarios followed: Kathleen Woods (KW) asked where the area cuts were coming from and EL answered that they were from the support spaces, not the house or stage which were kept intact. MN noted that he was now comfortable with the 600 seat count seeing how it could benefit the school. MN added that the area reduction so far seem livable with the exception of the lobby which may be too small for receptions.  MN also requested that the lobby be tested to see if it can be still useful for receptions. EL noted that they will prepare a furnishings plan with tables and chairs to determine the capacity.  MN suggested fund raising. People will be responsive to it and options should be considered. Ideas include “sell” chairs and design a donor wall in the lobby  Holly Ward (HW) asked if there are any essential areas that have been cut, with an eye towards raising funds for these items.  TH noted a reduction in seating would help cut costs but a 400 seat theater was never considered. The seating capacity was always rather 500 to 600 seats.  Caroline Willis (CW) noted that the balcony was a less expensive way to add seating. Jedd de Lucia (JD) responded that balconies were expensive and it would be more economical to fit all the seating on one floor.  JD added that 400 seats may fit on one floor but didn’t think 500 seats would fit.  Rachel Kellerman (RK) noted that the FSC may not vote down the essence of the PAC but that they would accept cuts of less important items.  MN noted that space was required to store the grand piano and large risers used for classes. The storage space by the Trap Room was targeted for this purpose but was eliminated.  JD noted that to serve storage needs it was important to keep the mechanical orchestra pit. 6. EL noted that cuts were also considered for the theatrical equipment. Highlights of the discussion included: Palo Alto HS PAC SUB-COMMITTEE MEETING Palo Alto Unified School District 4 November 2010 P. 3 JD noted that the stage rigging could be designed with 30 lines in lieu of 40 lines for a savings of about $50,000. JD further noted that mechanical orchestra pit is approximately $250,000 versus $50,000 for a pit with covers. He noted that it’s possible to build the pit and install the mechanical pit elevator in the future. JD further identified $50,000 in cost cuts for A/V equipment.  JD noted that total alternates would add up to approximately $375,000.  JD noted that budget for the seats could be reduced from $400 to $350-375 per seat but anything less expensive would compromise the quality of the seating.  JD noted that the 4 dimmer racks could be reduced to 3 racks with 288 circuits. James Hilmer (JH) took exception to this cut but agreed that it was possible and workable.  To further cut costs TH noted that the group 2 FF&E package could be taken out of the budget. It would be covered by either fund-raising, the CTE grant or by reallocating funds from another Group 2 project. 7. TH noted that the FSC needs the sub-committee to provide options on how to deal with the cost overrun. Discussion followed and the options were developed: Option 1: The entire $21.8 million project as currently designed with VE options.  Option 2: The current project with the 7,300 SF taken out with a menu of alternatives.  Option 3: Redesign and make further reductions and cuts needed to meet the current budget of $16.3 million and include a menu of bid alternates. 9. Schedule:  Next FSC meeting will be scheduled for December 8th at 3:30 PM. Next PAC meeting will be scheduled for November 18th at 3:30 PM. END Prepared by Christopher Ades of Deems Lewis McKinley. Please advise if you feel that any of the above items are inaccurate or need further clarification or detail. cc: Attendees, File 2009 100011.03.2010PROPRIETARY DESIGN: THE DRAWING, DESIGN, AND INFORMATION CONTAINEDON THIS SHEET ARE THE PROPERTY OF DEEMS LEWIS McKINLEY, AREDEVELOPED FOR THE USE ON, AND IN CONNECTION WITH THIS SPECIFICPROJECT, AND ARE DISCLOSED IN THE CONFIDENCE AND SHALL NOT BE COPIED,REPRODUCED, PUBLISHED OR OTHERWISE USED, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, INWHOLE OR IN PART TO PROVIDE INFORMATION TO PRODUCE, CONSTRUCT, ORMANUFACTURE DRAWINGS, PRINTS APPARATUS, PARTS, OR ASSEMBLIESWITHOUT FULL KNOWLEDGE AND WRITTEN CONSENT CONSENT OF DEEMS LEWISMcKINLEY. THIS DRAWING IS PROTECTED BY COMMON LAW COPYRIGHT, ALLPATENTABLE MATERIAL CONTAINED HEREIN AND ORIGINATING WITH DEEMSLEWIS McKINLEY SHALL BE THE PROPERTY OF DEEMS LEWIS McKINLEY AND ANYUSE OF PATENTABLE MATERIAL SHALL BE SUBJECT TO ROYALTY PAYMENTS TO'((06/(:,60F.,1/(<‹DLM D E E M S L E W I S M c K I N L E Y T W E L V E G O U G H S T R E E T S A N F R A N C I S C O C A 9 4 1 0 3 4 1 5 . 2 5 5 . 1 8 1 1 F A X 2 5 5 . 0 2 4 8Key PlanApprovalsNew Performing Arts Center Palo Alto Unified School District - Palo Alto, CA Palo Alto High SchoolKey PlanENLARGED SITE PLAN SCHEMATIC DESIGNA-0.2