Planning & Design Meetings Meeting #3 1/20/2009 - Minutes PALO ALTO HIGH SCHOOL THEATER COMMITTEE MEETING Palo Alto Unified School District 20 January 2010 P. 1 PALO ALTO HIGH SCHOOL Palo Alto Unified School District MEETING NOTES DATE: 20 January 2009, 3:15pm-5:00pm SUBJECT: Theater Conceptual Design Meeting No. 3 ATTENDEES: See attached sign-in sheet The following are the highlights of the meeting: 1. Aimee Lopez (AL) called the meeting to order and handed out the agenda for the meeting. Erwin Lee (EL) gave a brief overview of the status of the Theater design. 2. EL presented a Theater / Building 100 space diagram and handed out copies. The purpose of the diagram was to show the proposed area to be captured by the performing arts program. Chris Ades (CA) showed enlarged plans of Building 100 and the new Theater. 3. As a reference point, the Theater plans prepared by DLM for grant purposes only, were used as an example for discussion purposes. The group studied the plans and the space diagram and the ensuing discussion was as follows: Building 100 EL noted that the space diagram shows 5,850 square feet in Building 100 given over to the Theater’s programmatic needs. Given the limited footprint for the new Theater the intent is to fit as many functions as practical into Building 100. Diagram shows expanding exterior walls to the existing columns in order to maximize the available area in Building 100. Rachel Kellerman (RK) noted that the Home Economics classroom at the northeast corner of Building 100 cannot move until the CTE building is built. Areas available for re-purposing are the rooms south of it and a large office adjacent to the Women’s Room. Question was asked if the remodel of Building 100 was funded and EL answered that yes it is though the work is not part of the Group 2 projects. Modernization of Building 100 is slated to occur a few years later than the Theater. EL suggested that if the current Band Room is too small it can be relocated to the 5,850 SF space and the Choir Room (also too small) could move into the existing Band Room. Kathleen Woods (KW) noted that this discussion would have to wait for Michael and Jeff who are not in attendance today. Theater KW noted that an instructional space was a priority and ideally it should be located in the Theater. A second floor over the first floor storage area was discussed as a way to increase area without expanding the building footprint. RK noted that the instructional space could be located on the second floor. PALO ALTO HIGH SCHOOL THEATER COMMITTEE MEETING Palo Alto Unified School District 20 January 2010 P. 2 Chris Ades (CA) noted that a balcony was being considered for the Theater. A balcony would shorten the length of the auditorium and allow more accessory spaces within the same building footprint. JD agreed and suggested the seating could have 400 on the first level and 200 on the balcony. JD asked the committee what they thought of an instructional space as a black box theater. Possible uses could include: large classroom, small recital hall, scene work area, small audience hall, large holding space for groups waiting off- stage. KW said that the space should function as a secondary rehearsal space with seating for 50-120 and it should be intimate with a multi-use capacity. JD observed that the space need not be a fully realized black box theater but rather a simple room, finished in black with a pipe grid capable of supporting a simple lighting system for modest and informal performances, such as scene work.  JD noted that the ERC room (Library) was a good size comparison for the instructional space measuring approximately 32-feet by 44 feet. He added that 1,500 to 1,800 SF was an ideal size.  KW noted that a design classroom for 30 students was desired to teach lighting and costume design. It was also suggested that this program could happen in the Media Arts building.  JD noted that because of the nature of the design classroom’s curriculum it would most likely occur in various locations and therefore there wasn’t a need for a dedicated design classroom space.  JD asked the group if an orchestra pit was needed. KW answered that yes it was essential. The type of musicals produced here such as Fiddler on the Roof, require an orchestra pit for about 30 to 35 musicians. Adam Shalleck (AS) noted that an orchestra pit is essentially a basement so it made sense to add more area for storage to maximize the efficiency, budget permitting. The depth of an orchestra pit is approximately 9-feet clear from the floor above.  Aimee Lopez (AL) noted that there’s a high water table which could lead to waterproofing issues for a basement. EL noted that he would check the geotechnical report. 3. AL asked the committee to review the Space Program Planner prepared by the Shalleck Collaborative. AS began by explaining that the spaces and numbers on the left (in blue) came from the initial Theater plans while the spaces and numbers in black were from the Shalleck Collaborative and represented an ideal program based on the committee’s initial feedback. Space by space explanation of the program and discussion followed:  Lobby at 3,000 SF is larger than the initial design. AS noted that the lobby should be as large as possible in order to hold a standing audience, however the space can be flexible.  Restrooms are larger than the initial design and all agreed that for a theater large restrooms were a priority.  Catering can be accounted for in the new Media Arts building. All agreed that another one was not necessary.  Auditorium includes a balcony which will actually reduce the overall size of the space. Both accommodate 600.  Stage (35’x90’) is currently sized for a band size of 120. An ‘Apron’ can extend beyond the stage through the proscenium. PALO ALTO HIGH SCHOOL THEATER COMMITTEE MEETING Palo Alto Unified School District 20 January 2010 P. 3  Instrument Storage is assumed to be a need. AS asked if there was a grand piano to store and the answer was no but the committee would like to have one in the future and make accommodations for it.  Trap Room is a room below the front center portion of the stage used for special effects and storage. The committee noted that it was great to have but agreed it was not a necessary component considering the cost. JD agreed to provide cost estimates for the trap room and orchestra pit.  Control Room at 200 SF should be large enough to accommodate 3 to 4 people for instructional purposes. Committee members thought that instruction could occur outside this space so it can become smaller.  Follow Spot Rooms are typically located behind the aisles but final location is still being determined. They should accommodate 2 people each and all agreed that there should be a minimum of two follow spot rooms.  Green Room and Dressing Rooms are based on a layout with a large gathering space in the center with make-up stations flanked by Boy’s and Girl’s Changing Rooms on each side. AS drew a diagram of this layout and another layout with separate Boy’s and Girl’s Green Rooms. All agreed that the layout they preferred had the large center space.  Loading Area is a small receiving area close by the stage. James Hilmer (JH) noted that most deliveries will be done by a small truck and that there wouldn’t be any large trailer trucks. All agreed that this area, if required, should be screened from view from the shopping center across the street.  Drama Classroom (Instructional Flexible Space) is to be a minimal size of 1,200 SF and it’s suggested it be located on the second floor.  Scene Prop Shop and Scene Storage can share a large space and JD suggested location in Building 100. Currently the Scene Shop occupies a small room in Building 100 and JH noted that most scene constructions occur outdoors because of size constraints. Given the delay for Building 100 modernization these spaces could temporarily be located in the available spaces next to Home Economics Classroom.  Costume Shop and Storage should be located close to Scene Prop Shop and might also be located in Building 100.  Office spaces can be located in the second floor of the Theater. 4. JD recommended the committee visit the theaters at the Sacred Heart schools in Atherton or Mt. Pleasant High School in Eastside to see a tension grid. 5. JD and AS noted that they would work on the floor plan based on the committee’s comments. They will present an updated layout that reflects the programmatic elements discussed and agreed to today. 6. AL noted that the next meeting would occur in about three weeks. More information will be needed from the Choir and Band instructors. END Prepared by Christopher Ades of Deems Lewis McKinley. Please advise if you feel that any of the above items are inaccurate or need further clarification or detail. cc: Attendees, File ME DI A A RTS BL DG BLD G 20 0 E XI S TI NG A RT R O OMS 5 ,85 0 S F TH E ATER 1 6 ,900 S F H AYMA RKE T T HE ATER TO TAL 3 ,43 0 S F ACCESS ORY SPACE 1,3 9 0 SF BAN D ROO M 2,04 0 S F TO TAL 1 ,480 SF ACCESS ORY SPACE 5 20 SF CH OIR R O OM 9 6 0 SF T H E AT E R / B U I L D I N G 1 0 0 D I A G R A M S CA LE 1”=40’-0’80’40 ’20’0 Palo Alto HSertaehTrennalP margorP ecapSOctober 21, 2009STNEMMOC/.TF .QS SSORG.TF .QS TENECAPSA451,81008,11ERTAEHT052,5SEITINEMA NORTAP8,077A.1Lobby - Orchestra Level3,0005555X5sf/person tight but workable for 600; Table seating +/-180A.2Lobby - Balcony Level900A.3051snoissecnoC/stekciTA.4ni thguorb sriahc/selbat ;snoissecnoC001egarotS esuoH fo tnorFA.5Women’s Restrooms400for 300; provide 2 x code = 5; 38 sf/fixtureA.6Men’s Restrooms200for 300; provide 2 x code = 3; 38 sf/fixtureA.7005egarotS & nehctiK gniretaC055,6MUIROTIDUA10,077A.8Seating area - Orchestra Level4,02010 sf/person, 2/3 of audience600A.9Seating area - Balcony Level1,98010 sf/person, 1/3 of audienceA.10Sound & Light Locks45075 sf each, others in gross6A.11001xiM esuoH nIBOTHER FACILITIES13 12020 185BOTHER FACILITIES13,12020,185STAGE & TECHNICAL AREAS 7,42011,415B.1muinecsorp elbatsujda w'54 ;ssorg ni revossorc '6 ;egats ’09 x ’53051,3egatSB.2'55 x '4022noprA egatseroFB.3004tiP artsehcrOManual platforms or lift as budget allows; basementB.4Upstage Support Area450shell/riser storage, large music ensemble overflowB.5)sdnats sriahc ,onaip( stnemurtsni egral002egarotS tnemurtsnIB6Bkt StB.6Backstage Storage200B.7tnemesaB004mooR parTB.857mooR remmiDB.957mooR reifilpmAB.10002mooR lortnoCB.11051moor topswolloFB.12051 smoortseR egatskcaBCh i RB.13Changing Restrooms 150B.14002mooR gnignahC syoBB.15003mooR gnignahC slriGB.16gniteem ,gnitiaw rotca ;pu-ekam009mooR neerGB.17002aerA gnidaoLPage 1 of 32,340X190X170X260X260X 5,260X410X100X2,240X280X200X200X200X260X150X 120180XX180X450X200XTotal 3,220Total 5,770Total 4,660LEGEND: (TEXT IN BLUE REPRESENTS CURRENT THEATER CONCEPT DESIGN)X - In TheaterO - Planned in 100 Building PRELIMINARY Palo Alto HSertaehTrennalP margorP ecapSOctober 21, 2009STNEMMOC/.TF .QS SSORG.TF .QS TENECAPS007,5SNOITCNUF CSIM8,769B.17"xob kcalb"/stneve gib rof wolfrevo remrofrep/mrssalc amarD002,1moorssalC amarDB.18003aera troppus moorssalC amarDB.19selbat krow ;stneduts 03009moorssalC ngiseD and computer stations, scene & lightingB.20009pohS porP/enecSB.21057egarotS enecSB.22004egarotS porPB.23003pohS emutsoCB.24005egarotS emutsoCB.25ecaps troppus dna eciffO051eciffo rotceriD ertaehTB.261eciffo rotceriD lacinhceT50Office and support space5pp pB.27051aerA kroW yticilbuPB.28Admin. Offices0AREA TOTALS029,42,erA TEN laatoTTotal GROSS Area, Sq. Ft.38,338Total GROSS Area, Sq. Ft.38,338778,23.tF .qS .tF .qS ,tnirptooF detamitsEPage 2 of 3Total 900OOXXOOO9003006504003005003,950Total NET Area, Building 100 Total NET Area, Theater 14,5003,100Total NET Area Total GROSS Area, Building 100 Total GROSS Area, Theater Total GROSS Area 17,60016,4003,40019,800LEGEND: (TEXT IN BLUE REPRESENTS CURRENT THEATER CONCEPT DESIGN)X - In TheaterO - Planned in 100 Building PRELIMINARY Palo Alto HSertaehTrennalP margorP ecapSOctober 21, 2009STNEMMOC/.TF .QS SSORG.TF .QS TENECAPS"Low" "High"Total GROSS Area, Sq. Ft.38,338 $/sf ROUGH Opinion$400 $475Bld C i C$8$8 62009 Bldg Construction Cost$15,335,385$18,210,769 ,gnivap ,epacsdnal ,krowhtrae ,seitilitu deriuqer lla sedulcni ecnawollA :krowetiSretaining walls, hardscape, site furnishings; Architect to verify$500,000 $1,000,000 2009 Total Construction Cost$15,835,385 $19,210,769Escalation per year5% 5%Escalation number of years11 2010 Total Construction CostCompounded$16,627,154 $20,171,308psnI & gnitseT :sedulcnIreilpitluM tsoC tfoSections, Construction Management, Building Agency Fees, Legal, Advertising, Fixtures, Furniture and Loose Equipment and 5% Contingency. Does not include design fees already contracted.20% 20%Soft Costs Total$3,325,431 $4,034,262"Low" "High"2010 Total Project Cost$19,952,585 $24,205,569Page 3 of 3THEATER (only)Current MP Budget = $ 11,763,000(Construction Cost)PRELIMINARY