Planning & Design Meetings Schematic Design Meeting #3 10/28/2009 - MinutesPalo Alto HS FACILITIES STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING Palo Alto Unified School District 03 June 2009 P. 1 PALO ALTO HIGH SCHOOL Palo Alto Unified School District MEETING NOTES DATE: 28 October 2009, 3:15pm-5:00pm SUBJECT: Media Arts Building Schematic Design Meeting 3 ATTENDEES: See attached sign-in sheet The following are the highlights of the meeting: 1. Erwin Lee (EL) presented updated floor plans and new interior elevations. The ensuing discussion was as follows: 1st Floor: Newspaper & Magazine Journalism & Lab  Paul Kandell (PK) asked that the windows facing the back parking area be restricted to high clerestory windows to discourage theft and vandalism as there will be a large amount of computers and valuable equipment in these rooms.  PK thought marker boards would be useful along the long exterior wall.  EL explained that there would be teaching walls at each end in the Newspaper and Magazine Journalism rooms. Each would have a smart board flanked by a pair of sliding marker boards with shelving behind. PK like the arrangement but asked if there could be cabinets on the interior wall for flat filing (mail slots). Darkroom  EL noted that a more standard vestibule light lock might be necessary if the revolving type door is no longer acceptable at DSA. A standard light lock would work better with adjacent casework. Margo Wixson (MW) agreed and said she would be doing elevations and a layout. Photography Classroom  MW said she would prefer only clerestory windows at both exterior and interior wall though she was open to having obscure glass at the exterior wall, down to counter height.  MW said she would be providing a layout for this room and kept the interior elevation drawing to work on. Flex Portrait Studio  MW asked the group for any suggested table top setup arrangements. Kitchen & Utility  PK asked that the room be enlarged back to its former size because the rooms should seat 30 for dining. EL agreed and the Electric Room was relocated to the IB room by the exit door. The IDF room was relocated to the 2nd floor. Palo Alto HS FACILITIES STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING Palo Alto Unified School District 03 June 2009 P. 2 2nd Floor: Board Room and Broadcast Bay Rooms  EL relocated the IDF room to one of the Broadcast Bay rooms with access through the Board Room.  EL enlarged the Broadcast Bay room facing the hallway. Journalism Library  PK asked for an additional bookshelf along the wall by the stairway. Magazine Journalism  Ellen Austin (EA) asked that her office have a glass wall at the Hallway.  EA took the group on a tour of her office and highlighted her needs for marker boards and storage modules for magazine and book display and storage.  EL said the teaching wall would provide ample storage plus a counter and cabinets can be added at the opposite wall below the exterior windows. The counter is typically 34-inches high with a 4” backsplash.  EA asked for marker boards on the other two walls and asked for tack-able surfaces above the marker boards at the long interior wall. Video Production Classroom  MW suggested that instead of one teaching wall at the end wall there be two teaching walls at the interior wall so that two classrooms can function when the folding partition is closed. EL agreed and placed a simple marker board at the end wall instead.  It’s noted that Ron, who will be using this classroom needs to provide input about the amount of natural light he requires and the control of it. Viewing Mezzanine & Forum  PK asked how the viewing mezzanine would be affected by natural light. Chris Ades (CA) noted that light from the Lobby will be minimal as there is an 8-foot high wall that separates it from that space. EL explained that the wall can be a translucent marker board. CA added that most light will come from the light monitor above the Forum.  EL asked PK whether he visualizes the Forum as a lighter or darker space and how often he might need it to be darkened for video. PK answered that he likes natural light but needs full control over the light to prevent annoying glare that adversely affects presentations.  EL suggested omitting some clerestory windows at the monitor to help control the light and save cost. Operable shades need to be electronically operated and together with the cost of the windows it’s substantial. CA said he felt it important to keep the entire bank of clerestory windows to enhance the look of the space and thought that obscure glass could help reduce the need for shading. 6. PK at the last meeting had suggested ways to soften the west corner of the building and draw attention to the activities within. This corner is seen first from the shopping plaza crosswalk and students arriving from Building 100. CA presented a 3-D study of this corner showing a covered area and a video display kiosk. The ensuing discussion was as follows: Palo Alto HS FACILITIES STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING Palo Alto Unified School District 03 June 2009 P. 3  PK thought that conceptually it was a good idea but it might benefit from more features such as built-in seating areas against the building walls. The group agreed with this strategy.  Many in the group thought this drop off area could extend to Building 100 as a covered walkway connector.  MW suggested it be taller than Building 100 to match a high covered walkway nearby. She liked the idea of introducing arches and/or a trellis feature so that it blends in with the other covered walkways on campus. 7. EL suggested that for the next meeting Ron and Esther need to attend. Decisions for the interior design need to be finalized as the design is being prepared for the BOE. 8. EL noted that DLM will incorporate changes discussed at this meeting into the plans by the next meeting. There will also be more development of the exterior design. Aimee Lopez (AL) scheduled the next meeting for the 4th of November, 2009 and noted that this will be the group’s final meeting for Schematic Design. END Prepared by Christopher Ades of Deems Lewis McKinley. Please advise if you feel that any of the above items are inaccurate or need further clarification or detail. cc: Attendees, File