Planning & Design Meetings Schematic Design Meeting #2 10/14/2009 - MinutesPalo Alto HS FACILITIES STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING
Palo Alto Unified School District 03 June 2009
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Palo Alto Unified School District
DATE: 14 October 2009, 3:15pm-5:00pm
SUBJECT: Media Arts Building Schematic Design Meeting 2
ATTENDEES: See attached sign-in sheet
The following are the highlights of the meeting:
1. Erwin Lee presented a budget update that compares the budget of the original
Master Plan to the design presented at the Board of Education meeting of 9/23/09
and to the current design. The current design has added 2,230 square feet of space
to the 9/23/09 design by the addition of Broadcast Journalism Classroom, TV
Studio, and Editing Suites. The additional area added approximately $1.3 million to
the budget.
2. Principal Jacquie McEvoy (JM) noted that to make up the shortfall, the budgets for
the future CTE building and the Media Arts Center could be switched. The program
for the CTE building is still undetermined and several functions that were slated to
go into the CTE building are now programmed for the Media Arts Center and added
that the CTE building will not be as large as the Media Arts Center. EL noted that
the budget for the CTE building is $8.54 million which is closer to the current Media
Arts Center budget of $8.9 million. The delta in budgets will need to be made up by
value engineering opportunities and/or fundraising in doing grants.
3. Mike McNulty (MM) had the following requests:
Make the Broadcast Studio larger by 80 SF and the Broadcast Journalism
classroom smaller by 80 SF.
Between Control Room and Studio, include windows from desk height to ceiling.
Broadcast Journalism should have a long marker board at the exterior wall.
Broadcast Journalism should have a linoleum floor.
4. EL presented updated floor plans. The ensuing discussion was as follows:
1st Floor:
Forum & Lab
Ellen Austin (EA) asked where the “go to” space was during evenings when as
many as 110 students were working on a project. Paul Kandell (PK) noted that
the Lab and adjacent Forum was the space as it was a general use space.
PK asked for corner windows at the offices that flank the Lab
Magazine Journalism
EA noted that the Magazine Journalism classroom would be used as a
traditional classroom for classes such as AP Literature or Beginning Journalism.
Palo Alto Unified School District 03 June 2009
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EA noted that the classroom should have its own office and not share an office
with the Video Production Classroom. PK noted that the office should have
windows to aid in supervising the Forum space.
EA questioned whether “smart boards” were necessary and represented the
latest technology. Discussion followed and all agreed that smart boards were
important because they were interactive, however, the group would watch out
for newer technologies.
Margo Wixson (MW) said she would be reusing photography/darkroom
equipment, cabinets and sinks from the existing darkroom. She offered to
sketch up a plan and elevations of the room and requested a ¼” scale plan from
DLM to use as background.
Photography Classroom
MW said she would also reuse cabinets and sinks for this room as well. She
offered to measure and sketch up a scheme.
MW said she preferred clerestory windows between the classroom and hallway
in order to make place for marker boards.
Flex Portrait Studio
MW said she would layout this space as well and noted there would be a
“shooting bay” for portraiture at one end.
2nd Floor:
Conference and Board Rooms
After some discussion EW suggested extending the Board Room over the
opening to below. All agreed it provided for much needed space and provided
good access to the conference room.
After discussion it was agreed to place the IT room in the conference room next
to the Hallway. The equipment could even be on display.
PK noted that the Broadcast Bay room needs to be soundproof and should have
windows fronting the Board Room only.
Journalism Library
PK asked for the bookshelf to extend full length along the glass wall at hallway.
6. PK suggested ways to soften the west corner of the building and draw attention to
the activities within. This corner is seen first from the shopping plaza crosswalk and
students arriving from Building 100. EL agreed that the corner is important and that
DLM should consider a design to enhance the arrival sequence.
7. EL noted that DLM will incorporate changes into the plans by the next meeting and
include some elevation studies to help visualize the impacts. The next meeting is
scheduled for the 28th of October, 2009.
Prepared by Christopher Ades of Deems Lewis McKinley. Please advise if you feel that any of the above
items are inaccurate or need further clarification or detail.
cc: Attendees, File