Planning & Design Meetings Schematic Design Meeting #1 9/30/2009 - MinutesPalo Alto HS FACILITIES STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING
Palo Alto Unified School District 03 June 2009
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Palo Alto Unified School District
DATE: 30 September 2009, 3:15pm-5:00pm
SUBJECT: Media Arts Building Schematic Design Meeting 1
ATTENDEES: See attached sign-in sheet
The following are the highlights of the meeting:
1. Principal Jacquie McEvoy (JM) related that members of the School Board are
concerned with the security in this building due to the valuable equipment inside.
She suggested a PA system to announce building shut-down and a card-key
system. Paul Kandell (PK) expressed concern over how the building will be shut
down given the variety of spaces.
2. Erwin Lee (EL) gave a brief recap of the comments from the BOE relative to their
approval of the Conceptual Design Phase. He indicated that the participation by the
teachers at the BOE meeting to discuss their needs and explain how the current
design reflects those needs was invaluable in securing the Board’s approval.
3. EL related a few changes that occurred to satisfy the BOE concerns including
decreasing the size of the video screen at the back to allow the projection screen
suspended from the 2nd floor to become dominant.
4. PK suggested that this video screen (at the back) could be moved to the viewing
gallery side and everyone agreed that this was the right place. The screen would be
visible from the Lab where many students would congregate.
5. EL presented updated floor plans and interior renderings and asked the group to
study the overall design relative to appropriate use and adjacencies. The ensuing
discussion was as follows:
1st Floor:
Added Storage Room
EL explained how this long storage room next to the Kitchenette Area would give
easy storage access for tables and chairs used in the Forum. All agreed it was
very convenient and could be made wider.
Kitchenette Area (former Café) and Entry
EL noted that this area might be better enclosed by a series of sliding glass
doors which would be more convenient than a folding glass door.
Margo Wixson (MW) noted that entry walls in the Lobby would be a great place
for video display boxes that could feature the latest in commercial media as well
as the ongoing work of the students.
Palo Alto Unified School District 03 June 2009
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MW said reducing the glass at some the offices would allow for more cabinets.
PK noted that he wants to maintain high visibility from the teachers’ offices.It’s
decided to keep the windows at the offices and provide shades as required.
Esther Wojcicki (EW) asked if this area could serve her need for large classes of
50 or more students. PK answered that it was appropriate and the seating would
be there already, only needing to be arranged as a class. The projection screen
could also serve a large class. Laptops would most likely be used but there is
still need for power at the floors.
JM noted that the right type of furniture would be critical for the functionality of
this space. Furniture should be informal and easily movable.
EL noted that a writeable flex wall might be good between the Lab and the
Forum. They have these at Stanford. There could be several walls (on wheels)
scattered about the large space. It’s decided to pursue this design strategy.
PK noted that lighting and acoustics needs to be considered in the design. A
sound system would be required. Light from the clerestory needs to be
controlled and the room needs to operate in some ways like a theater. He
recommended that an A/V consultant might provide input.
PK wanted to explore how the Lab space could spill out into the Forum
becoming more accessible and flexible in nature. The group decided to move
the offices out of the Lab thus extending the Lab space out into the Forum.
To further open up the space the group decided to move the Broadcast Bays to
the 2nd floor. EL said DLM would draw up this option.
Newspaper & Magazine Journalism Rooms
The group discussed the benefit of opening these rooms to the Lab with folding
partitions to add flexibility to the spaces and it’s decided to make this change.
Storage space is important to these rooms and EL suggested the addition of
teaching walls that double as lockable storage closets at the east and west
walls. All agreed that this idea works and it’s decided to make this change.
The size of this room is in question and EW said she would check dimensions of
her existing equipment to determine how it would layout. EW will provide a
sketch to DLM.
Photography Classroom
MW observed that the outside wall would be used for teaching and that most
windows should be clerestory. Interior wall to Digital Design should be mostly
solid with glass bays at the ends. EL said he would study these changes relative
to the exterior building elevations.
Digital Design
MW said to place teaching wall (with storage capacity) on east side. She said
that most exterior windows should be clerestory maximizing the wall space. The
room needs to support 24 computers and be accessible at night. EL said he
would study these changes, same as the Photography classroom.
Palo Alto Unified School District 03 June 2009
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2nd Floor:
Viewing Mezzanine
PK asked for a continuous built-in counter/desk with power for laptops.
EL suggested a writeable frosted glass wall backing up the space as it would
encourage small groups to gather here. This adjustment will be shown in the
next plan iteration.
Conference and Board Rooms
EW suggested these rooms be combined into one larger room.
The group decided to move the 2 Broadcast Bays from the 1st floor Lab to this
space and have one larger Board Room overlooking the entry.
Magazine Journalism
MW asked for a teaching wall with storage behind at the east wall.
Video Production Classroom
The group decided to add a storage room and an IB directly behind the office.
They also decided that the room should be divisible by a folding partition.
MW noted that windows should be minimized to maximize wall area.
Broadcast TV Studio
Mike McNulty (MM) said that this studio needs to be soundproof.
Broadcast Journalism
MM asked that storage closets be added to the east wall.
EL noted that the closets can have double doors with tackable surfaces.
Editing Suites
EL noted that to make room for the closets, space can be taken from the editing
suites hallway and the south wall can be shifted to make room for an IB. This
adjustment will be shown in the next plan iteration.
Journalism Library
PK observed that the space might be better of acoustically if it were enclosed by
a glass wall. The group agreed it was a good idea. This adjustment will be
shown in the next plan iteration.
6. The group discussed flooring options. MW and EW both prefer not to use carpet.
Suggested options include cork and linoleum.
7. AL asked that DLM incorporate changes into the plans by the next meeting and
include some 3D studies to help visualize the impacts. DLM will make the plan
changes as discussed and 3D studies as time allows.
Prepared by Christopher Ades of Deems Lewis McKinley. Please advise if you feel that any of the above
items are inaccurate or need further clarification or detail.
cc: Attendees , File