Planning & Design Meetings Programming Meeting #3 5/21/2009 - Minutes05/26/2009 12:38 FTP PALO ALTO HIGH SCHOOL Palo Alto Unified School District PROGRAM MEETING NOTES DATE: 21 May 2009 � E IM 001/013 SUBJECT: Program Meeting No.3: New Classroom Building Joint Meeting with Math and Social Studies ATTENDEES: See sign -in sheet attached The purpose of the meeting was to jointly review the development of the plan diagrams for the new classroom building with the math and social studies departments. The following are the highlights of the meeting: 1. Plan diagrams, Schemes A -I, were briefly reviewed to give context to the three options that were previously selected by the math department for further development. The two departments occupying the building, one on the first and the other on the second floor, have a mutual interest since the two floors will be similar. 2. Plan diagrams, Schemes F, H and I, were presented with conceptual layouts of what the central common area might be like. Each scheme was also shown in the context of a partial site plan. 3. It was noted that in Schemes H and 1, the corridors are exterior, non -conditioned spaces. 4. Scheme F has 12 classroom on the first floor and 13 on the second floor (25 total) Scheme H has 12 classrooms on each floor (24 total) Scheme I has 13 classrooms on the first floor and 14 on the second floor (27 total) The difference between the first level and second level classroom count is due to the student restrooms located on the first floor. However, there are staff restrooms located on both floors. 5. The concern was stated that due to the change in course requirements in math, that 14 math classrooms are required in lieu of 12. Since we are building new, the math department felt that it only makes sense to build 14 new classrooms so that everyone is on the same floor with easy access to the central common math area. Building 12 new classrooms and using 2 at one of the existing buildings to reach the 14 total would be short sighted. Jacquie indicated that the goal is to bring everyone together under one roof and that building should be designed with 28 classrooms. 6. Erwin indicated that as the number of classrooms increase, the footprint of the building increases and begins to encroach into the District's corporation yard. The issue of encroaching into the corporation yard has come up before and may not be a huge obstacle. Joint Program Meeting with Math and Social Studies Departments Palo Alto High School 21 May 2009 Page 1 05/26/2009 12:38 FTP � E IM 002/013 7. Both departments noted that the staff rooms should not be directly accessible to the students and that the offices should not open directly into the resource room (such as the current math department configuration). 8. The question was asked if the central common areas of the two floors need to be the same. Erwin indicated that there is flexibility and that they could differ as long as the main structural elements remain the same. That is, the nonbearing partitions can be configured differently to address the individual department's program needs. 9. The social studies department would like as many rooms directly adjacent to the resource room as possible. With a limited number of classrooms opening directly to the resource room, it was suggested that those who want direct access could select particular rooms. Another suggestion was to create two smaller resource rooms in lieu of a single larger one. This would create additional perimeter and allow more classrooms to be directly accessible to a resource room. 10. Some social studies instructors indicated that outdoor space adjacent to the classroom is desirable. This desire would suggest a first floor location. 11. Acoustical attenuation between classrooms, both through walls and floor/ceilings, are a concern. It was noted that the existing classrooms have very poor acoustical isolation and that one can hear classroom discussions through the walls. 12. Next Steps: Jacquie will confirm that the classroom count will be 27-28 classrooms in lieu of 24. Once confirmed, Erwin will adjust the schemes to reflect the 27-28 classroom count and present revisions for the next meeting. Schedule: Next Meeting Joint math/social studies meeting is Monday, 8 June at 1:O0pm. Attachments: Sign -in sheet Plan diagrams of Schemes F, G and H Partial site plans END Prepared by Erwin Lee of Deems Lewis McKinley. Please advise in writing if you feel that any of the above items are inaccurate. cc: Attendees File Joint Program Meeting with Math and Social Studies Departments Palo Alto High School 21 May 2009 Page 2