Planning & Design Meetings Math Department: Program Meeting No.1 4/29/2009 - MinutesMath Department Palo Alto High School 29 April 2009 Page 1 PALO HIGH SCHOOL Palo Alto Unified School District PROGRAM MEETING NOTES DATE: 29 April 2009 SUBJECT: Math Department: Program Meeting No.1 ATTENDEES: Arne Lim, Paly Charlotte Harris, Paly Auna Predescu, Paly Mario Rao, Paly Suz Antink, Paly Jacquie McEvoy, Paly Tom Hodges, PAUSD/OCMI Paul Stickney, PAUSD/OCMI Erwin Lee, DLM The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the math department’s program and the program needs in the new classroom building. The following are the highlights of the meeting: 1. Jacquie gave an overview of the master planning process and the events and decisions that bring us to date. 2. Erwin provided a copy of the Master Plan diagram, as approved by the Board in April, which indicates the location of the proposed classroom building. Currently, the math department will occupy the second floor and the social studies department will occupy the ground level. 3. The current building is planned for 24 classrooms with 12 on each floor for each department. The current math department has 8 classrooms in the 700 building plus two relocatable classrooms for a total of 10 classrooms. 4. A floor plan of the existing math department was distributed for reference. It was noted that 3 classrooms have direct access to the central common area with 5 classrooms having indirect access. Indirect access means that one needs to go through classrooms and/or other rooms to access the central common area. 5. A diagram of the second floor of the classroom building was distributed so that the relative size could be compared with the existing 700 building. It was noted that the diagram is the same configuration shown in the Master Plan. However, the actual plan will undoubtedly change depending upon the program and further development of the building. A partial floor plan of the central common area was superimposed on the central area of the proposed plan diagram for comparison purposes. 6. Three concepts of building circulation were discussed: • Exterior at perimeter of building • Interior within central area • Combination of exterior and interior Each concept has advantages and disadvantages: • Exterior: Math Department Palo Alto High School 29 April 2009 Page 2 Advantages: All rooms have direct access to the central common area, is the existing pattern of building circulation on the campus Disadvantages: supervision at back of building, elevated views to corporation yard and roofs, potential of congestion, windows on one side of classrooms • Interior: Advantages: easier to supervise, creates gathering area for students, allows windows on both sides of classrooms, can easily secure second floor after hours Disadvantages: classrooms loose direct connection to central common area, creates pass-thru within building, is different building found on campus • Combination: Borrows from each with same advantages and disadvantages of each Erwin will provide plan diagrams for the next meeting which will show how each of these concepts might work. He also noted that in any of the concepts, there will be a need to bring natural light to the lower level. This could be in the form of a two-story atrium type space or light wells. 7. Jacquie asked if it would be possible to acquire some real estate from the corporation yard. Tom indicated that this would need to be discussed with Pete to determine the impact on his operation. 8. A floor plan of a typical classroom was distributed for discussion as to what the typical math classrooms would need. The important elements and preferences are: • Classrooms can be entered from either the front or back but is a teacher preference. • A minimum of two markerboards are required—three preferred, teachers will need to determine whether whiteboards or chalkboards are desired, no preference between adjacent of opposite walls • Preference is for vinyl composition tile or sheet linoleum in lieu of carpet • LCD projectors are desired—ceiling mount will be part of the project if this is the delivery system chosen • “Smartboards” may become part of the project, department will need to determine if it is something that can be integrated into the curriculum. • Sinks are not required in classrooms. However, access to centrally located water is necessary. • A shower was suggested as a feature in the staff restrooms. • Each classroom would get approximately nine feet of cabinets such as a 3 FT wardrobe unit with 6 FT of base and upper cabinets. 9. The types of spaces required for the math department: • 12 Classrooms • 10 Offices (private) with 3 cubicle type being shared between 6 • Conference Room • Staff room • ERC • Workroom • Storage • Staff Restrooms • Support spaces (custodial, mechanical, electrical, etc.) Math Department Palo Alto High School 29 April 2009 Page 3 10. The math department was fine with having restrooms on the ground floor only. 11. Next Steps: Several items will need to be shared with the balance of the math department for consensus. DLM will prepare plan diagrams based on this meeting. Meeting to be scheduled. END Prepared by Erwin Lee of Deems Lewis McKinley. Please advise in writing if you feel that any of the above items are inaccurate. cc: Attendees File