Planning & Design Meetings 2/26/2014 - Minutes
Palo Alto Unified School District
DATE: February 26, 2014, 3:45–4:45 pm
LOCATION: Paly Library, SSRC
ATTENDEES: See attached sign-in sheet
The following are the highlights of the meeting:
1. Projects in Design or Planning –
a. Performing Arts Center Update
Landscape Add Service
i. The Landscape Subcommittee proposed some changes to the PAC
landscape plan. LL explained that since the plans have already been
approved by DSA that an add service for ~$3,800 to make these changes
were being incorporated before bid. The sole omission from the
landscape subcommittee proposals was the removal of the small trellis
between the PAC and Media Arts building due to the comments received
by the board and other stakeholders during design. Extended discussion
regarding this small trellis and opposition for it to remain in the alternates
list grouped with the desired large trellis in the front of the PAC. AA
requested that the alternate be separated.
ii. TH explained that there are 13 alternates planned for the bid. At the next
meeting, the FSC will prioritize the list. Also, the list of alternates will be
distributed with the meeting minutes so review may occur before meeting
next month.
b. New Gymnasiums Update
Recently the following activities have occurred:
Design team and District staff met with DSA on Friday, February 14 to review the
project and schedule.
DSA accepted the project for review this past week, which schedules the beginning
of review.
DSA has agreed to expedite the review process as much as possible with their
2. Construction Update -
a. Classroom Building & Media Arts Center
Media Arts and Classroom Building FF&E Update
1. The Board approved the FSC’s recommendation for the furniture, fixtures
and equipment budget and expenditure for the new classroom building and
media arts center.
Journalism Library Archive Function
1. Kim D. suggested that a follow up with Rachel occur to understand the
vision for the journalism library in the Media Arts center prior to the
changing the intended function of the programmed use of the space as
MA and Classroom Building Landscape Changes
1. Follow up from last month’s FSC meeting regarding the status of the
landscape work. LL confirmed that all plant material and trees were
purchased and tagged for arrival in early December 2013, therefore no
changes are able to occur until after the maintenance period has expired
for the contractor. LL met with the landscape subcommittee in January
2014 to review and receive a copy of the plan of proposed changes. After
review of these changes with Kim D. and Jerry B. two areas of concern
were raised about the proposed changes for discussion with the FSC at
this meeting. Anne Anderson and Mary Gordon discussed the desire for
two palm trees to be added in the courtyard space of the Media Arts center
for continuity. The work for this would be challenging because there are
pavers scheduled for this area. Therefore coordination of work, schedule
of work and cost of work are questions to be discussed at subsequent FSC
3. Planned Summer Work
a. Portables P9, P11 and P13 will be converted into two science classrooms
b. Move portable P14 to the corp yard, which was removed during classroom bldg construction.
c. Bldg. 700 swing space for PE and Athletics for construction of the new gymnasiums.
Strength and Conditioning room will be located in room 705 and not in the 900 bldg.
4. Public Comment
a. Swimming and pool equipment storage questions were asked. Jerry Berkson requested that
questions can be filtered through him and he will direct the questions to the proper person.
5. Next FSC Meeting – March 26, 2014
1. Paly PAC Alternate List
3. Sign-in Sheet
These meeting minutes were prepared by fs3Hodges, and represent our best understanding of the issues
discussed and the conversation thereto. Unless written comments are received within (24) hours of
issuance, all information will be considered correct and. Report any corrections required via email to