Planning & Design Meetings 12/2/2014 - MinutesPALO ALTO HS FACILITIES STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING
Palo Alto Unified School District
2 December 2014
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Palo Alto Unified School District
DATE: 2 December 2014, 3:30-5:00 pm
SUBJECT: Palo Alto HS Facilities Steering Committee
ATTENDEES: See attached sign-in sheet
The following are the highlights of the meeting:
Projects in Design or Planning
Building 500 Library Modernization – Schematic Design:
1. The architect presented the updated floor plan of Building 500 based on input from
the users. The primary revisions were:
a. Additional detail of elements in the library including reading nooks
b. Replacing the operable, folding glass partition with a permanent, window wall
and door at the Silent Study
c. Enlarging the Silent Study by adjusting the angle of the diagonal wall.
d. Reconfiguring the stair and elevator to the mezzanine to improve sight lines
from the circulation desk.
e. Increase the size of Activities by reducing a portion of the Gallery
f. Reconfigure the Guidance area including reducing the size of the
lobby/reception area
g. Enlarge the College and Career Center (CCC) and provide an additional office
for future expansion.
h. Create a large, flexible conference room for Guidance and CCC that can
accommodate 36 seats.
i. Switch the location of the computer lab with the “Maker Space.”
2. It was suggested that the “Maker Space” might be renamed the “Idea Lab.”
3. The Building 500 Library Modernization project is anticipated to go to the Board at
the January 27 meeting. A vote was taken which unanimously supported the
current design and to seek Board approval to move to the next phase of
Palo Alto Unified School District
2 December 2014
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New Gymnasium – Update:
4. Tom Hodges (TH) shared that the gym project was approved by DSA on September
22nd, and that the contractor and architect are completing the documents
5. Approval of a Lease-leaseback agreement for construction is anticipated to occur in
February or March 2015 with construction beginning in the spring, or possibly after
spring break.
6. Constructability review by the contractor and scope review by the construction
manager are complete. The architect is currently addressing comments.
7. Funding options will be addressed when pricing is complete as there is still a
shortfall based on the original construction estimate. Vance Brown, the contractor,
will provide a proposal (GMP) to the district for the project in February.
Construction Update
Performing Arts Center (PAC):
8. Construction is well underway with underground utilities and excavations activities
complete. Formwork is in place for the concrete basement walls which are ready to
be poured once the weather is favorable.
9. There has been some delay attributed to the installation of the new gas meter which
the City was responsible for providing.
10. Erwin Lee (EL) indicated that there are four banner locations on the building and
suggested that the creation of the graphics and banners could be a school art
project. He suggested that it would be fun to have them at the opening. The
banner hangers are in contract. EL will provide the dimension required for the
11. Kim Dioro (KD) is working with a donor to fund the pavers in the plaza area as well
as other alternates. Concrete paving is currently show in the construction contract.
TH indicated that the contractor is not aware of this and needs to be advised of this
potential change as soon as possible once there is a commitment from the donor.
12. TH shared that the CTE grant has been submitted and that they are waiting for a
decision from the State.
Palo Alto Unified School District
2 December 2014
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Public Comment
There were no public comments.
Next Meeting
The next FSC meeting TBD
Prepared by Erwin Lee of Deems Lewis McKinley. Please advise if you feel that any of the above items
are inaccurate or need further clarification or detail.
cc: Attendees