Planning & Design Meetings 2/2/2011 - Minutes FSC Meeting Palo Alto High School 02 February 2011 Page 1 PALO ALTO HIGH SCHOOL Palo Alto Unified School District FACILITIES STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: 02 February 2011, 3:30 – 5:00 pm SUBJECT: Palo Alto HS Facilities Steering Committee ATTENDEES: Sign-in sheet (attached) The following are the highlights of the meeting: 1. Introductions: Phil Winston (PW) welcomed the committee and initiated the meeting. PW noted that the Multi Purpose Field construction update has been omitted from the agenda. Athletic Field Renovation Project (review & approval): 2. Erwin Lee (EL) gave a power point presentation of the latest plans and noted: Capacity for the bleachers has been updated to 1,686 seats for the Home side and 662 seats for the Visitor side for a total of 2,348. Base bid for the Athletic Field Improvements project includes vinyl black coated chain link fence and gates, no trellis, no scoreboard and concrete paving with no permeable pavers. EL showed images of the design shown to the BOE in June of 2010 and new images of the current design.  Images include a view from the Visitor bleachers and a view from the entry driveway of Churchill to put show the renovated Stadium in context of the existing surroundings.  EL reviewed the schedule including milestones such as BOE approval, DSA submittal, Bid/Award dates, start construction date and completion date.  A site diagram showed the Bleacher, Site Work and Concession Building portions of the project with start and completion dates for construction.  EL noted the project costs have been reconciled by the two cost estimators to $2.45 million for the base bid. Additive bid alternates are covered in separate line items  EL noted that the goal is to complete all portions by August, 2012 though the Concessions Building could take longer due to a longer construction schedule. The Field can be operational even while the Concessions Building is being completed. The site improvements around the bleachers will be completed at the same time that the bleachers project will be completed. FSC Meeting Palo Alto High School 02 February 2011 Page 2  3. A discussion followed on the Stadium Renovation Project: Anne Anderson (AA) asked whether the Concessions Building 10-month schedule wasn’t too long. EL responded that for a DSA approved project even a small project takes a minimum amount of time. Tom Hodges (TH) noted that the total project cost (includes all the soft costs) comes to $3.63 million. It’s an increase over the initial $3.5 million budget. The increase includes the cost for the original design by Verde and the costs to remove and relocate the portable buildings. Though it’s more than anticipated, it’s still less than the original $4 million number presented to the BOE in June and there won’t be any change to the master plan project list.  TH added that the cost ($201,500 estimate) to resurface the running track is being funded through maintenance not the bond. AA asked what is included in the site work costs and EL noted that basically it’s everything except the building construction costs. Stadium Renovation Project (next steps): 4. TH noted that the Athletic Field Improvements projects will be presented to the BOE on March 8th. A group discussion followed: Paul Kandell (PK) suggested the Master Plan should be included in the BOE presentation to show how the Athletic Field improvements project corresponds to the Master Plan design objectives.  AA asked whether the project cost was based on the Base Bid or did it include any of the additive alternates. TH answered that the $3.63 million was based on the Base Bid cost estimate of $2.4 million plus soft costs.  AA asked what the chances of getting the additive alternates were. TH noted that if the bids came in low enough then the additive alternates would be included. This would be known after the bids came in. Additionally the two major building projects will have been bid and any savings from those projects will be known as well.  PW noted that it was still premature to consider which alternates to include.  MG noted that a portion of the cost for permeable pavers could be funded through grant money. AL answered that she would look into this.  Stephen Sowa (SS) asked if it wasn’t too early to prioritize the alternates. TH noted that it needs to be discussed first with the sub-committee.  AL noted that the project does affect the Corporation Yard with a loss of parking, from the current 56 spaces to 53 spaces. However, there will be a net add when the Master Plan is completed. 5. TH asked for a vote to pass the Athletic Field Improvements project. The vote was unanimous to approve the project as designed and present it to the BOE. FSC Meeting Palo Alto High School 02 February 2011 Page 3 Performing Arts Center Project (review): 6. PW commented on the history of this project and the four PAC options. Option #4 has been developed by DLM and presented to the FSC at the recommendation of the PAC subcommittee. Option #4 reduces the seating but maintains the program elements. He urged the committee to study this option carefully to move forward. 7. EL provided a power point presentation of the various cost savings that have been looked at. Option #4 eliminates the 2nd floor and balcony and may bring costs down to meet the budget. Aspects of the new option are: o 433 seats with no balcony o One large classroom next to Building 100 and Plaza o Lobby as large as the original o Area of 21,350 square feet compared to 20,750 square feet first floor footprint of original scheme that had a second floor o All the programmatic elements of the original scheme including the plaza 8. Michael Najar (MN) noted that this new option provides everything that was asked for and that he felt it was a ‘win-win‘situation. 9. PW asked the committee if there was any concern with this option and noted that the goal of providing a place for all the student body to congregate needed more study. The Gym can be studied to deal with the acoustics and provide a good sound system. Also the future Gym would accommodate the entire student populace. 10. Group discussion followed: TH noted that the future Gym at Gunn HS would provide 1,900 bleacher seats plus an additional 400 portable seats for special events. PW asked whether the sound in a Gym could ever work and MN answered that with new technology even the LA Coliseum has been given good sound. AA noted that at a recent Gym event the sound was so bad no one could hear and that this issue should have high priority and brought above the line on the Master Plan project list. PW responded that a sound system can be researched for the Gym to meet assembly needs.  AA asked if the new option alters the exterior design of the PAC. EL answered that looking at both the original and new option it’s hard to tell the difference.  TH asked EL to include an exterior sketch of both original and new options for the BOE. EL noted that these images will be distributed with the meeting notes.  Kim Diorio (KD) noted that she envisions the PAC used for large parental and student advisory meetings.  AA asked if the future Athletic Field is slated to get a new sound system. EL noted that only the conduits have been provided thus far. Jerry Berkson (JB) added that the current speakers were paid for ($18,000) by donations and they FSC Meeting Palo Alto High School 02 February 2011 Page 4 most likely will not provide adequate sound for the new bleachers.  PK noted that innovative audio/visual technology can expand the PAC’s capacity adding the Lobby and other spaces on campus for seating. PW agreed and noted that spaces such as the ERC room might be added.  Stu Berman raised the question that one of the original purposes of the PAC was general assembly.  PW noted that due to cost overruns of the original PAC design an alternative design was required. Also even a 600 seat theater wouldn’t satisfy the general assembly needs of the school. 11. TH asked the committee for a vote on whether to recommend the new option to the BOE. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously. Landscape Committee updates (Project Status): 12. MG presented a design for Memorial Garden to be located by the Science Building. The design features:  Benches, trees with no-mow grass, permeable pavers  Moveable 6-foot rectangular planters for flexibility  Configuration to encourage use as an outdoor classroom  Location that will take advantage of the (master plan) future Quad 13. Discussion followed:  MN noted that the permeable pavers are being donated by a company and that various programs are available to provide rebates for use of permeable pavers.  JB noted he likes the design but asked if it might hamper the Science Building’s future growth. PW answered that it wasn’t likely to occur at that location.  MG noted that the Garden was placed at this location because it would provide a useful gathering place, close to the restrooms.  AA noted that this project was exciting and should be completed by next month. Next Meetings: 14. TH noted the next meeting will be the Community Meeting for the Athletic Field Improvements project on February 9th at 6 PM and he encouraged all to attend. Next FSC meeting date is March 30th.  Next BOE meetings for schematic design presentations are February 22nd and March 8th. END Prepared by Christopher Ades of Deems Lewis McKinley. Please advise in writing if you feel that any of the above items are inaccurate. cc: Attendees, File P A L O A L T O H I G H S C H O O L P l Al U ifi d S h l Di iPalo Alto Unified School District2 February 20112 February 2011ATHLETIC STADIUM IMPROVEMENTSATHLETIC STADIUM IMPROVEMENTS Jump PitDrinking FountainDrinking FountainVisitor BleacherPicnic AreaFountainFountainFence Upgrade (Alt)Landscape ScreenPedestrian Pathp(16 new trees)Home BleachersConcession/RestroomsJump PitDrinking FountainDrinking RestroomsPicnic AreaFence and GatesTrellis (Alt)FountainFence Upgrades (Alt)Palo Alto High SchoolThis area is not part of the stadium improvements projectSite PlanAthletic Stadium ImprovementsD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e yAthletic Stadium Improvements PaloAlto High SchoolSeating CapacityHome 1,686Visitor 662Interim PlanPalo Alto High SchoolD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e yTotal 2,348 Palo Alto High SchoolMaster PlanD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y Storage RestroomsStoragePantryTrellis is an add alternateNote:ServingSalesFood service equipment andappliances are notin contract.Palo Alto High SchoolFloor PlanD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e yFloor Plan 1 June 2010 BOE presentationPalo Alto High SchoolConcession / Restroom FacilityD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e yy Palo Alto High SchoolShown with Additive Alternates:lli S d dD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e yTrellis Structure and Fence Upgrades Palo Alto High SchoolShown with Additive Alternates:Trellis Structure and Fence UpgradesD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y Palo Alto High SchoolBase BidShown with vinyl coated chain linkD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y Palo Alto High SchoolAdditive Bid AlternateD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y Palo Alto High SchoolBase BidShown with vinyl coated chain linkD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y Palo Alto High SchoolAdditive Bid Alternate D e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y Palo Alto High SchoolExisting Athletic StadiumD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y Palo Alto High SchoolAthletic Stadium ImprovementsD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y Palo Alto High SchoolBeforeD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y Palo Alto High SchoolAfterD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y Bleachers and Jump PitspSchedule1. BOE Approval of ppSchematic Design March 8, 20112. DSA submittal February 20113. Bid / Award July 20114DSA D f dA l S b i lA /S b 20114.DSA Deferred Approval SubmittalAugust/September 20115. Start Construction (after track season) May/June 2012Palo Alto High School6. Completion (before football season) August 2012D e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y Concession and Site ImprovementspSchedule1. BOE Approval of ppSchematic Design March 8, 20112. DSA submittal March 20113. Bid / Award September/October 20115SC iO b 20115.Start Construction October 20116. Completion August 2012Palo Alto High SchoolSite improvements completion will be coordinated with the bleacher projectD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y Concession (Oct 2011–Aug 2012)Site Improvements (Oct 2011–Aug 2012PaloAlto High SchoolScheduleT k R f i ( J l 2012A 2012)Relocatable Move (Jun 2010 –Aug 2010)Bleacher and Jump Pits (May/Jun 2011 –Aug 2012)Palo Alto High SchoolD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e yTrack Resurfacing ( Jul 2012 –Aug 2012) Schematic Design Estimate: ($3.5m Project Cost )Construction Cost *New Concessions Building $ 829,217Site Work $ 643,880Bleachers$ 997,959Bleachers$ 997,959Total Construction Cost $2,451,056Add Alternates *Gateway and Fencing Upgrades$ 95 510Gateway and Fencing Upgrades$ 95,510Trellis Structure $ 37,460Scoreboard $ 23,380Permeable Pavers (50% of paved area) $ 66,700Work not included in Construction Cost*Moving and reconnecting Relocatable $ 57,950Resurfacing of Track $ 201,500* Cost without 10% ContingencyPalo Alto High SchoolD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y P A L O A L T O H I G H S C H O O L P l Al U ifi d S h l Di iPalo Alto Unified School District2 February 20112 February 2011CORPORATION YARDCORPORATION YARD Existing Plan 56 spacesInterim Plan 53 spacesMPl60Palo Alto High SchoolCorporation YardRevised parking configuration due to new classroom and concession Master Plan 60 spacesInterim PlanD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y P A L O A L T O H I G H S C H O O L P l Al U ifi d S h l Di iPalo Alto Unified School District2 February 20112 February 2011PERFORMING ARTS CENTERPERFORMING ARTS CENTER SdFlFi t FlPalo Alto High SchoolFloor PlansSecond FloorFirst FloorPresented 5 Oct 2010Approx. 38,000 SFD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y Revised Floor PlanSingle StorySingle Story •Second Floor and balcony eliminated•New seating capacity of 433 including gp y grecoverable seating at Orchestra Pit•Classroom adjacent to lobby and plaza•All program requirements preserved•Fly Tower and Orchestra Pit•Fly Tower and Orchestra PitPalo Alto High SchoolDLiMKilFloor Plans2 Feb 2011First FloorApprox. 21,240 SF D e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y Fi t FlPalo Alto High SchoolDLiMKilFloor Plan ComparisonFirst Floor5 Oct 20102 Feb 2011Revised First FloorApprox. 21,240 SFApprox. 20,750 SFD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e yp 433 seat2 Feb 2011600 seat28 Sept 2010Palo Alto High SchoolElevation ComparisonD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e yElevation Comparison ARCHITECTUREA R C H I T E C T U R E