Planning & Design Meetings 10/5/2010 - Minutes FSC Meeting Palo Alto High School 05 October 2010 Page 1 PALO ALTO HIGH SCHOOL Palo Alto Unified School District FACILITIES STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: 05 October 2010, 3:30 – 5:00 pm SUBJECT: Palo Alto HS Facilities Steering Committee ATTENDEES: Sign-in sheet (attached) The following are the highlights of the meeting: 1. Introductions: Principal, Phil Winston (PW) welcomed the committee and initiated the meeting. Master Plan: 2. Tom Hodges (TH) noted that the meeting and presentation to the BOE on September 28th went well. The following items were reviewed: The Master Plan project list was discussed. The BOE requested the following project name changes to be used on all correspondence: o Football Stadium is now Athletic Stadium Improvements Project o Theater is now Performing Arts Center (PAC) A revised project list, as discussed at the last FSC meeting, was submitted to the BOE and included: o PAC and Classroom Building project budgets had increased. o CTE Building and Weight Training Facility had reduced budgets. o Tower Building got its $1.6 million budget restored. Erwin Lee (EL) provided a power point presentation of the group by group phases of the Master Plan. Graphic representations of groups 1 through 6 were covered ending with the full build-out of the master plan. First reading of the PAC was scheduled for the next BOE meeting on October 26, 2010. Parking Review: 3. EL showed existing site plan with parking totaling 555 followed by an interim site plan with 506 parking stalls and a full master plan build-out site plan with 447 parking stalls. The CEQA required parking count is 483 stalls. EL noted that: The reduced total of 447 parking spaces available at full build-out is due to the turn around and improvements at the Churchill entrance. FSC Meeting Palo Alto High School 05 October 2010 Page 2 Potential areas where parking can be restored are: o Triangular landscape area in front of the new PAC that fits 22 stalls. o At the new smaller CTE Building with a net gain of 18 stalls. o At the landscape area adjacent to the new Media Arts Center where 10 stalls can be added. Kara Rosenberg (KR) noted that the current demand is approximately 416 stalls and she has counted 100 empty stalls on a typical day at the El Camino lot. TH asked if the landscaped area adjacent to El Camino has been studied for more parking. EL answered that yes it was but it didn‘t offer enough room for another row. EL noted that it might offer enough room to convert the existing angled parking into 90-degree parking and thereby increase the parking numbers. This option will be studied further. KR noted that with the completion of the new PAC parking would be more in demand. TH added that with multiple events the demand would even be greater and asked the group to identify areas where parking might be available after school hours when these events would occur.  Michael Najar (MN) noted that special event parking may have to be found outside the site.  EL noted that during special events extra parking could occur at places such as the drop-off during non drop-off/pick-up hours  TH noted that extra spaces might be found in the Corporation Yard. EL noted that spaces near the Corporation Yard are currently being used by maintenance staff and these spaces come available after hours.  KR noted that 500 stalls for the master plan is an acceptable target number.  TH explained that the goal is to not reduce the parking spaces from the current count of 555 and requested for DLM to continue with further studies on the area discussed. Performing Arts Center Review: 4. EL recapped the presentation made to the BOE with an updated power point presentation of the building and site design. EL noted the following: The new position of the PAC on the site allows for more landscaped space at the rear. The new plan shows increased landscaping in front, a better alignment with the entry driveway and a more direct access to the exit driveway from the drop-off. 3D views of both PAC positions on the site show the impact of each area. Aerial 3D views graphically show the increase in landscaping that occurs with the new position and the benefits from repositioning. Landscape tree study slides show that three large pine trees and several small trees need to be removed for the PAC. A mitigation study shows how new trees and replanting existing trees mitigate lose of existing trees. Floor plans and colored building section drawings illustrate the relationship FSC Meeting Palo Alto High School 05 October 2010 Page 3 between the lobby, house, proscenium, stage and catwalks. Updated 3D exterior views illustrated how the building signage might occur. 5. TH asked if there was consent on asking for BOE approval pending project estimate within budget. The group unanimously supported recommending the schematic design for the PAC to the Board. MN added that he and Kathleen Woods (KW) were very happy with the progress and thought DLM had done a terrific job at listening and responding. KW further commented that the PAC should provide a remarkable space very appropriate for schools. 6. TH informed the group that the PAC schematic design documents will undergo cost estimating next week and it’s scheduled to be presented to the BOE on October 26th. If the cost estimates run substantially higher than the $17 million budget then the project will be pulled from the agenda and the project and/or budget will need to be re-worked for the next BOE meeting. Construction Update: Multi Purpose Field Project 7. Heidi Rank (HR) provided a status report on the Multi Purpose Field: HR handed out a color-coded landscape plan produced by the Landscape Subcommittee that represent changes to the initial design. Following were the highlights of the status report: o Additional trees on new plan are in contract. o Currently, project is behind schedule due to field installation equipment availability but it’s recoverable. o Planting will start two weeks late, in mid October and once it’s complete the three months of (under contract) maintenance begins. o Dugouts have been completed. o Irrigation lines are in but heads are not and can accommodate suggested landscape changes. o Completion date of February 1st might not be achieved. PW asked when the construction fence comes down and HR noted that by mid November it should be down. Next Meetings: Community Meeting 8. Aimee Lopez (AL) announced that the next meeting, on October 7th at 6:30 PM, will involve the community. PW asked the committee if several members could be present for this meeting to engage the community in a real way. 9. PW opened a discussion on the status of the CTE grants. Highlights included: TH noted that currently the PAC is over the line and is entitled to $3 million. TH followed that the Media Arts Center was on the line until the requested FSC Meeting Palo Alto High School 05 October 2010 Page 4 amount was reduced to match what was available which was $2.08 million. TH noted that the CTE grants may not be funded until after opening of the new projects so that these funds cannot be counted on. It may be used for equipment in lieu of the building itself. MN expressed concern whether the PAC might not be well enough funded given all the equipment if takes to make a theater operational. PW noted that the FSC needs to have a concrete expectation of the facility. TH noted that the after the schematic design cost estimates come in there will be a much better idea of what is covered and what is not and that all the essentials for the PAC will be cost estimated. Holly Ward noted that in the CTE grant application FF& E budget had been set at $1.5 million. MN requested that it be clarified what is FF& E and what is considered part of the building project. TH asked for a breakdown of FF&E and Theater equipment for the next subcommittee meeting. Next Steps: Next FSC meeting date will be on November 3rd. END Prepared by Christopher Ades of Deems Lewis McKinley. Please advise in writing if you feel that any of the above items are inaccurate. cc: Attendees, File FSC Progress UpdateMaster PlanMaster PlanP A L O A L T O DLMH I G H S C H O O L Palo Alto Unified School District5 October 2010DLMA R C H I T E C T U R E5 October 2010 PlAlt HihSh lPalo Alto High SchoolD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e yExisting Campus PlAlt HihSh lGroup 1:Palo Alto High SchoolD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e yMulti-Use andEl Camino Field PlAlt HihSh lGroup 2:Palo Alto High SchoolD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e yNew Classroom andMedia Arts Building PlAlt HihSh lGroup 2A :Palo Alto High SchoolD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e yPerforming Arts Center andAthletic Stadium Improvements PlAlt HihSh lGroup 3:Palo Alto High SchoolD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e yLibrary, Building 300A andNew Fitness Center PlAlt HihSh lGroup 4:Palo Alto High SchoolD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e yBuilding Renovations andNew Career Tech Building PlAlt HihSh lGroup 5:Palo Alto High SchoolD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e yBuilding Renovations andNew Gymnasium PlAlt HihSh lGroup 6:Palo Alto High SchoolD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e yBuilding Renovations andMisc. Site Improvements PlAlt HihSh lPalo Alto High SchoolD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e yFinal Master Plan FSC Progress UpdateParkingParkingP A L O A L T O DLMH I G H S C H O O L Palo Alto Unified School District5 October 2010DLMA R C H I T E C T U R E5 October 2010 Existing = 555Interim = 506Palo Alto High SchoolInterim Parking PlanD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y Existing = 555MP = 447Palo Alto High SchoolMaster Plan ParkingD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y Existing = 555MP = 447231Palo Alto High SchoolAdditional Parking OpportunitiesD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y New Performing Arts ParkingMP=447Existing LandscapeNew TreesPlus 22 spacesMP 44722 = 469Plus 22 spacesPalo Alto High SchoolParking Opportunity No.1Embarcadero / El Camino ParkingD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e yEmbarcadero / El Camino Parking Corporation YardProposed ConcessionAt5MP = 44722 = 469CTE Bldg.Auto191922 = 46918 = 487Existing Gym Plus 18 spacesPalo Alto High SchoolDLiMKilParking Opportunity No.2CTE d GPlus 18 spacesD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e yCTE and Gym MP = 44722 = 46910Media Arts.22 = 46918 = 48710 = 497Plus 10 spaces100 BldgPerformingArts CenterPalo Alto High SchoolDLiMKilParking Opportunity No.3M di A t B ildiPlus 10 spacesD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e yMedia Arts Building FSC Progress UpdatePerformingArtsPerforming ArtsCenter P A L O A L T O DLMH I G H S C H O O L Palo Alto Unified School District5 October 2010DLMA R C H I T E C T U R E5 October 2010 Palo Alto High SchoolSite PlanD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y Schematic Design:Schematic Design:Program Elements:•Lobby with restrooms, tickets, concession and gallery/display area•Seating capacity of 600 with approximately 392 at orchestra level and 230 at balcony level•Stage sized for band, orchestra, choral, and theaterg,,,•Full fly loft•Orchestra pit and trap room•Control room and tech equipment support roomsControl room and tech equipment support rooms•Green Rooms with adjacent toilet and changing rooms•Scene, prop and costume storage, front of house storagePf i AtCl•Performing Arts Classroom•Performing Arts Center office and work areasTotal Area: approx 29,000 SFPalo Alto High SchoolConstruction Cost: approx $14.7mD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y Theater100 BuildingPerforming Arts CenterPlazaHaymarketyPalo Alto High SchoolEnlarged Site PlanParkingD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e yGates + Associates Palo Alto High SchoolView from parking lotD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y Palo Alto High SchoolView from parking lotD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e ySchematic Design Schematic DesignPalo Alto High SchoolD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e yConceptual Design Palo Alto High SchoolView from Embarcadero entranceD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y Palo Alto High SchoolView from Embarcadero entranceD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y EmbarcaderoEmbarcaderoPalo Alto High SchoolConceptual DesignD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y1 June 2010 EmbarcaderoPalo Alto High SchoolSchematic DesignD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y28 September 2010 Schematic Design28 September 2010Palo Alto High SchoolConceptual Design1 June 2010D e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y Palo Alto High SchoolTree StudyD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e yGates + Associates Palo Alto High SchoolTree Mitigation StrategyD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e yGates + Associates SdFlFi t FlPalo Alto High SchoolFloor PlansSecond FloorFirst FloorD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y Palo Alto High SchoolBuilding SectionD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e yg Palo Alto High SchoolBuilding SectionD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e yg Palo Alto High SchoolFloor PlansD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y Palo Alto High SchoolView from El CaminoD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y Palo Alto High SchoolView from El CaminoD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y ARCHITECTUREA R C H I T E C T U R E