Planning & Design Meetings 3/18/2010 - Minutes
FSC Meeting
Palo Alto Unified School District
17 March 2010 | Page 1
Palo Alto Unified School District
DATE: 18 March, 2010
SUBJECT: Facilities Steering Committee
Multi Purpose Field Project
ATTENDEES: See attached sign-in sheet
The following are the highlights of the meeting:
1. Jaquie McEvoy (JM) opened the meeting and explained that the purpose of the
meeting is to review the bid results of the Multi Purpose Field project. A handout of
the Board Enclosure was distributed to describe the funding source of the project.
2. Arnold Teten (AT) reviewed the results of the bids submitted and handed out a
breakdown of the results. Out of the six contractors that attended the mandatory
jobwalk, five submitted bids. The contract will be awarded to the lowest Base Bid not
included the alternatives.
AT also informed the FSC that the current lowest bidder, Pavex Construction, has
requested to withdraw their bid. It has not been an official request and the bidders
have five days to withdraw their bid. As a result, the Authorization to Award request
to the Board of Education will be postponed to April. This also means that the worked
scheduled for Spring Break will be postponed but should not affect the project
schedule. Site logistics for Sports summer camp access will be coordinated with
Jerry Berkson and Earl.
The bids were received in order per the attached handout. AT explained that since the
bids were low, all alternates can be included in the projects and still have the project
within budget. JM explained that the Facilities Steering Committee must vote and
agree to include the alternatives. The alternatives are also listed in the attached.
Mary Gordon (MG) asked about Alternative No. 1B which is the Churchill ornamental
fence. She said that the fence does not match with the Landscape Master Plan
theme of a “Mission” feel. She suggested this area will need flexibility to later be
incorporated into the Landscape Master Plan.
A member for the FSC asked if there was not ornamental fence will there be any
fence on the Churchill side. AT answered that yes, it will be chain link fence.
It was also asked if the Churchill landscape will have flexibility. AT answered yes;
there is flexibility to later determine the location and species of trees.
FSC Meeting
Palo Alto Unified School District
17 March 2010 | Page 2
JM requested to move forward with the recommendation to include all bid alternatives
minus Alternative IB, Churchill Fence. The FSC voted unanimously.
3. The meeting was adjourned by JM. The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, 7
April at 3:15pm
Please advise if you feel that any of the above items are inaccurate or need further
clarification or detail.
cc: Attendees
BOARD OF EDUCATION Attachment: Action
TO: Dr. Kevin Skelly, Superintendent of Schools
FROM: Bob Golton, Co-CBO and Bond Program Manager
SUBJECT: Authorization to Award Contract for Construction of the Palo Alto High School
Multi-Use Fields
Budget Trends and Infrastructure
On February 9, 2010, the Board of Education authorized staff to solicit bids for the construction of
the Palo Alto High School Multi-Use Fields.
Bids were received on March 16, 2010 from 6 prequalified contractors. On March 17, 2010 the
Facilities Steering Committee reviewed the bids to determine recommended acceptance of bid
alternates. This enclosure will be revised to reflect the results of the bid opening and the
recommended contractor and alternates and will be presented at the March 23, 2010 Board
It is proposed that the Board of Education authorize staff to enter into a contract for the
construction of the Multi-use Field Project at Palo Alto High School. A 10% change order
contingency is proposed to be funded in addition to the amount of the awarded bid.
This project is a multi-funded project. On December 9, 2008, the total project budget for this field
project was approved in the amount of $4,078,054. This budget was developed with funding from
four different sources as follows:
Fund Source Project Budget
Strong Schools Bond Fund $752,063
Bond Interest $2,250,000
Building Projects Fund $550,000
Planned Maintenance Fund $525,605
Total Budget $4,078,054
The construction budget for the Multi-Use Field Project totals $3,312,683, inclusive of a 10%
change order contingency. The current construction estimate for the scope of work approved by
the Board in December 9, 2008 is $3,392,961. Adding in the estimated cost of the parking lot
renovation work of $157,705, the total base bid construction cost is currently $3,550,666 which is
$237,983 over the original construction budget. Given the current favorable bidding environment, it
is unknown whether or not the actual base bids will be over budget.
As noted above, the Facilities Steering Committee will review the bids and provide a
recommendation at that time to staff and the Board on the possible award of alternates and
whether any augmentation of the project budget is required.
It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the award of a contract to construct the
Multi-Use Field improvements at Palo Alto High School to the low bidder from a pool of prequalified
contractors. It is further recommended the Board authorize the Superintendent or his designee to
execute change orders in an amount not to exceed 10% of the contract amount.
Alt #1A Alt #1B Alt #2 Alt #3 Alt #4 Alt #5 Alt #6 TOTAL TOTALChurchill Landsc. & Irr.Churchill FenceScrbds & Temp FpolesBaseball Batting CageOutfield Fence & StoragePractice BackstpAthletic & Site Furn.CONTRACT Base + Alt. 1A, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6BUDGET Base Incl. 10% CO cont.Pavex Construction$2,316,417 $75,205 $76,961 $81,753 $50,053 $67,052 $33,081 $52,511 $2,676,072$120,583 $16,928 Valley Crest$2,437,000 $35,000 $80,000 $47,000 $40,000 $60,000 $32,000 $42,000 $2,693,000 $2,962,300$178,283 $147,078 OC Jones & Sons$2,494,700 $68,500 $101,400 $61,500 $62,350 $43,500 $32,600 $60,000 $2,823,150$223,583 $203,528 Robert Bothman$2,540,000 $72,200 $93,000 $31,000 $71,000 $96,000 $15,000 $54,400 $2,879,600$323,583 $331,928 McGuire Hester$2,640,000 $53,500 $92,500 $64,000 $81,500 $72,000 $36,000 $61,000 $3,008,000Contractor Base Bid Amount