Planning & Design Meetings 2/1/2010 - Minutes SD to DD: Group 1 Project FSC Meeting Palo Alto High School 1 February 2010 Page 1 PALO ALTO HIGH SCHOOL Palo Alto Unified School District SCHEMATIC DESIGN TO DESIGN DEVLOPMENT: GROUP 1 PROJECTS FACILITIES STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: 1 February 2010, 3:30 – 5:00 pm SUBJECT: Palo Alto HS Facilities Steering Committee ATTENDEES: Sign-in sheet (attached) The following are the highlights of the meeting: 1. Introductions: Jacquie McEvoy (JM) welcomed the committee and introduced Ann Anderson as the new liaison for the PSTA executive community and the FSC. 2. Board Meeting Recap: Schematic Design: Erwin Lee (EL) reported that the schematic design drawings were approved by the Board of Education (BOE) at the 26 January 2010 meeting. The schematic design set reflects the scope of work that was estimated and reported to the BOE. Relocatables - Authorization for Bid: JM noted that the Master Plan needs to consider the school’s evacuation plan and provide clearly identifiable paths to the stadium and El Camino Field in case of an emergency. 3. Landscape Master Plan: Conceptual Plan Schedule: Quad Garden Relocation Options:  EL opened the discussion on design options for the Memorial Garden relocation.  Anne Anderson (AA) noted that the reason for a Memorial Garden was always a special place for the students to gather and never just a memorial.  JM asked if the existing trees and benches could be relocated before the start of the Relocatable project. Arnold Teten (AT) answered that yes, this was possible. Quad Garden Relocation Schedule:  AT presented the group with a “Relocatable Classrooms Buildings – 2010 Spring/Summer Schedule”. AT noted that there are two choices on how to treat the existing Memorial Garden: o Choice 1: work starts over spring break and includes: removal of the existing Memorial Garden’s walkways, trees and benches, excavation for base rock and new asphalt surfacing over the entire area. Work includes installing storm lines and electrical line from Building 900 to the Quad. SD to DD: Group 1 Project FSC Meeting Palo Alto High School 1 February 2010 Page 2 o Choice 2: work starts at the beginning of summer break and leaves the existing Memorial Garden intact until then. Only work over spring break is running the electrical lines from Building 900 to the Quad.  Stephen Pond (SP) asked if the work could be condensed during the summer so that it would not be necessary to use spring break. Heidi Rank (HR) answered that the main reason to begin the work early is to prepare for the unforeseen issues that may come up and have time to come up with solutions for the summer installation of the Relocatables.  JM expressed concern that construction over spring break (6 working days) may not be finished when students return. JM asked if “pot holing” might achieve the same result without disrupting the site. Tom Hodges (TH) answered that yes they would help though they’re not as accurate. AT added that 18-inch borings are necessary and if bad soil is encountered then deeper ones will be required. At other Palo Alto school sites these have been necessary. JM noted that the site could be fenced off during the spring semester if a problem was encountered.  AT shared that on March 2nd the bids go out with start date already on the contract bid documents of June 12th and that liquidated damages is part of the contract if the timeline is not met. AT was looking to amend the bid and use spring break to do the asphalt work to ensure the overall schedule.  EL noted that the current construction schedule held no contingencies and that there were risks involved with doing all the work over summer.  TH asked the committee to vote on which option they preferred. The committee voted in favor of Choice 2, which is to perform all of the work over the summer break. 4. Group 1 Project in Design Development: Last SD Departmental Meetings:  EL related the progress made at the last schematic design departmental meetings. For the Classroom Building the modifications related only to window and classroom entry placement and casework design. For the Media Arts building the final modifications were as follows: o Folding partition was eliminated at the Video Production Classroom. A partition can be installed to divide the large room in the future. JM noted it was important not to place a window in the way of a future partition. o Broadcast TV Studio has a storage closet for props that involves relocating the building wall out a few feet over the 1st story roof. o Darkroom has an access door from the Forum which makes it convertible to a small classroom in the future. Gilbane Construction Management Roles:  Aimee Lopez explained that the DD phase is where more detailed design and construction decisions are made. AL introduced Heidi Rank (HR) from Gilbane who will be the construction manager for the projects from the Design Development phase through construction.  TH noted that the design team is working towards a submittal to the Division of the State Architect (DSA) in June 2010. The group will be updated on the design development progress with more detailed design decisions such as color, materials and building details. SD to DD: Group 1 Project FSC Meeting Palo Alto High School 1 February 2010 Page 3  Mary Gordon (MG) noted that exterior colors and materials are of interest.  TH noted that the DD phase will have a check point against the budget. At that time, a value engineering exercise will take place to make sure that options are reviewed, evaluated and discussed to make sure that the project remains within budget. 5. Projects in Programming: Technology Infrastructure:  AL related that the Library MDF equipment is being researched and evaluated for how it will be affected by the new and future building projects. Paly Football Field:  TH noted the Football Stadium will be revisited with an initial study to determine program needs.  A comment from the group asked whether the Stadium is being looked at anew and TH answered that yes it is, and it’s also being included in the conceptual landscape master plan. New Theater:  EL noted that plans were prepared as exhibits for a grant application and had little input in its design. However, the program will be revisited and the plan diagram configured accordingly. Additional work is required in order to incorporate the music and choir functions of the program.  TH noted that the design team will update the group with plans and program.  EL added that the work in Building 100 will have to be phased as the Home Economics classroom needs to remain until the CTE Building is built A long term strategy needs to be developed for Building 100 so that the performing arts program is accommodated in phases. 6. CEQA Update: Response:  TH related that the responses to the CEQA report have been posted on the website today and that the BOE plans to adopt the document on Feb. 23rd. Next Steps:  TH noted that the mitigation program will need to be followed but as to who does what has yet to be determined. 7. Upcoming Meetings are as follows:  Landscape Master Plan – Concept Design o Feb. 2nd – Landscape Workshop o Feb. 25th – Concept Design Presentation o March 2nd –Community Meeting (tentative)  Special FSC meeting Wed. March 17th for Multi-Purpose Field – Budget Review on Alternatives. END Prepared by Christopher Ades of Deems Lewis McKinley. Please advise in writing if you feel that any of the above items are inaccurate. cc: Attendees, File