Planning & Design Meetings 1/4/2010 - Agenda
25 Churchill Avenue, Building ‘D’ ● Palo Alto, CA 94306 ● Phone 650.329.3935 ● Fax 650.327.3588 ●
Palo Alto High School
Facilities Steering Committee Agenda
January 4, 2010
3:15 pm to 5:00 pm
Library, ERC Room
1. Schematic Design Group 1 Projects Approval
a. Presentation
b. Budget
2. Multi Purpose Field
a. Scope and Budget
3. Technology Infrastructure
a. Project Update
4. Relocatables Plan Information
a. Locations Previously Reviewed
b. Memorial Trees and Benches
5. Next Steps Information
a. Schematic Design to BOE
i. Presentation on January 12, 2010
ii. Approval on January 26, 2010
b. Community Meeting
i. January 5, 2010 at 6:30PM
Paly Library, ERC Room
c. Landscape Master Plan Meeting
i. February 2nd, 2010 at 3:30PM
Paly Library, ERC Room
6. Public Comments Discussion
Palo Alto Unified School District
05 January 2010
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Palo Alto Unified School District
DATE: 05 January 2010, 3:30pm-5:00pm
SUBJECT: Palo Alto HS Facilities Steering Committee
ATTENDEES: Sign-in sheet (attached)
The following are the highlights of the meeting:
1. Introductions:
Jacquie McEvoy (JM) welcomed the committee and introduced two new student
participants, aPaly athletic commission and a representative for the student voice.
2. Schematic Design Presentation (Item 1a of the Agenda):
Erwin Lee (EL) gave a presentation of the Group 1 Schematic Design projects that
will be presented to the Board of Education at the 12 January 2010 meeting. The
presentation was similar to that given on 12/2/09 to the FSC. The FSC endorsed
the presentation and action to take it to the BOE.
3. Budget and Cost Estimates (Item 1b of the Agenda)
Tom Hodges (TH) gave a brief summary of where the current estimates are for the
Group 1 projects. Two estimates were prepared which served to test and validate
the others numbers. One estimate was prepared by DLM and the other by the
program manager OCMI. After reconciling the two estimates, by clarifying scope
and unit costs, the estimates were within 2% of each other. TH highlighted that the
New Math and History / Social Studies project with the Central Plant estimated is
within the budget of $15,800,000. This is good news since funds will no longer be
required to be transferred from the Infrastructure/ Central plant project. The Media
Arts Center project is slightly over budget, and it was recommended to fund the
overage for Media Arts from the Science renovation funds, and leave in its total
budget for unforeseen conditions until the project is bud. TH emphasized that the
good news is that the projects are within budget and in good shape for the current
level of development.
4. Relocatable Project:
JM motioned to discuss Item 4 of the agenda since members from the community
were present to discuss.
The location of the relocatables that will provide the interim housing needs during
the construction of the Media Arts and Classroom Building was reviewed. EL gave
a brief history and then presented the three final site options that were
contemplated. Highlights of that discussion:
Palo Alto Unified School District
05 January 2010
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• Originally nine relos that were located where the proposed classroom building
would be constructed were relocated to the quad. Six were in the quad west of
Building 700 and three were adjacent to the swim center. Subsequently, the
seven relos that were located where the proposed Media Arts Building would be
constructed were relocated to the quad as well. The moving of sixteen
relocatables was predicated on the FSC’s decision to construct both the
Classroom Building and the Media Arts Building together in order to take
advantage of the potential savings due to the current bid market and to
accelerate the construction schedule by approximately two years.
• A concern was expressed by Anne Anderson (AA) PTSA representative, that
the additional relocatables in the quad interferes with the existing Memorial
Garden (MG) that was recently installed at a cost of approximately $30,000 and
that the MG would now need to be relocated. At previous FSC meeting, it was
decided that the MG would need to be relocated either on a temporary basis or
moved to a new permanent location. TH indicated that the budget for the
relocatable projects includes the cost to relocate the MG. AA’s expressed the
concern of the PTSA that all options were explored before deciding on
relocating the MG.
• In response to a question of where the MG would be located: TH indicated that
one of the tasks of the Landscape Master Plan is to determine either a
temporary or new permanent home for the MG.
• AA expressed her concern that the quad is too valuable an open space for the
students and should not be compromised even on a temporary basis. It should
not be the swing space for future growth. Open space is needed to offset the
congestion that will be created by the proposed construction.
• Jacquie McEvoy (JM) indicated that options were explored and that the
locations shown on the drawings were endorsed by both the FSC and students
that she polled.
• FSC member Stephen Pond (SP) suggested that we move forward with the
relocatable project as shown and simultaneously accelerate the effort to find the
temporary or permanent location for the MG. Finding a new location would
involve input from all of the stakeholders through the Landscape Subcommittee.
• EL indicated that the configuration of the relocatables is not just based on the
geometry of the building and the space that it is positioned in. The order and
sequence in which they must be dismantled and moved to the new location also
contributes to the arrangement.
• Arnold Teten (AT) shared that the relocatable drawings have been submitted to
DSA and that they will be approved shortly by the State and that any changes,
other than minor changes, could adversely affect the overall schedule and have
substantial cost impacts.
• The FSC was asked if anyone would like to make a motion to direct DLM to
revisit the relocatables locations. No motion was raised.
• It was decided by the FSC committee would like to pursue SP suggestion and
move forward with the relocatable project and simultaneously accelerate the
effort to find the temporary or new permanent location for the MG.
5. Multi-use Fields (Item 2 in the Agenda):
The multi-use field project is ready to go to bid. However, it is currently over
Palo Alto Unified School District
05 January 2010
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budget. A budget handout was distributed by Gilbane which identified the
construction budget back in December, 2008 versus the current budget and a list of
alternative. The project was developed with bid alternates to control scope and
budget. It has not been determined if they will be included in the awarded project
due to the budget status. TH suggested that some of the bid alternates should be
kept in such as the Parking Lot Improvement and Tree Mitigation and the
Landscape/Fencing along Churchill. He further indicated that it must be disclosed
to the BOE that the project will be going to bid and that it is over budget.
• It was noted that part of the scope change was due to existing underground
utilities discovered to be much higher than shown on the drawings and
additional fill will be required to raise the elevation of the field. Earl Hansen (EH)
insisted that no compromise should be made with the fields and proper drainage
is critical to their use.
• JM motioned to the FSC to authorize the project to go to bid and make the
budget decision when the bid results come in and the numbers are known.
There was no objection to the motion, and the FSC decided to move forward.
6. Technology Infrastructure (Item 3 in the agenda):
TH shared that a consultant, Steering Communications, is working on a proposal for
the District, to make an assessment of the existing infrastructure condition. The
assessment will look at testing the main fiber runs to the MDS, and as a separate
project test all systems for future VOIP and the condition of the existing fiber and
cabling infrastructure throughout the campus. TH noted that the Bond group will
assist the effort but the VOIP will be an IT project.
7. Schedule:
Next FSC meeting is scheduled for 1 February 2010 at 3:15 PM.
Prepared by Erwin Lee of Deems Lewis McKinley. Please advise if you feel that any of the above items
are inaccurate or need further clarification or detail.
cc: Attendees
Paly Multi Use Fields 1/4/2010
Approved BOE Total Construction Budget (12-08) 3,312,683$
[$3,011,530 Base + 10%($301,153 contingency)]
A/E Estimate at Schematic Design 2-16-09 3,326,652$
Proposed Alternates at SD: $183,000
Portable Outfield Fences
Soccer Goals and Equipment
Total project as designed at SD including 10% Contingency 3,509,652$
A/E Estimate at Construction Documents* 3,533,220$
*Includes the following unforseen site conditions:
Raise the field to miss District fiber optics line $200,000
Extend Storm line to active manhole $118,000
Irrigation Booster Pump $18,000
Netting along tennis courts
Electrical Service
Alternates at CD:
Parking Lot/Tree Mitigation 157,705$
Landscape/Fencing on Churchill 202,304$
Field Equipment 104,404$
Batting Cages 106,720$
Scoreboards 51,040$
Bleachers 56,000$
Total Proposed Alternates 678,173$ 678,173$
Total project as designed at CD including 10% Contingency 4,211,393$
Total Project Delta 701,741$