Planning & Design Meetings Meeting #9 3/4/2009 - Presentation (2)PALO ALTO H I G H S C H O O L M A S T E R P L A N Palo Alto Unified School District4 March 2009DLM4 March 2009DLMA R C H I T E C T U R E
Master Plan Project Groupings:CONSIDERSATIONS•Projects currently under construction such as athletic fieldsProjects currently under construction such as athletic fields• Project that will happen regardless of priority list such as interim hi d dtiftthousing and upgrades to infrastructure• Projects that are a high priority to the school such as classroom space• Projects grouped together for ease of construction and phasing sequences such as those in the same areaPalo Alto High School Master PlanD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y
Master Plan: Project ListPreliminary1. Football Stadium Bleachers $ 1.87m (project cost w/escalation)2Multi-use Fields$2492.Multiuse Fields$ 2.493. Interim Housing $ 0.944. Classroom Building $21.955MdiAtC t$10 685.Media Arts Center$10.68 6. New Science Lab at Existing Science Building $ 0.797. Utilities, Maintenance and Infrastructure $ 3.288. Theater $16.349. Theater Parking and Drop-off $ 1.3810. Library Renovation and Upgrade $ 9.3511. Lecture Hall Renovation (Bldg. 300A) $0.89mPalo Alto High School Master PlanD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y
Master Plan: Project ListPreliminary12. Renovate Buildings 100, 300 and 700 $11.86(project cost w/escalation)13Weight Room/ Fitness Center$71913.Weight Room/ Fitness Center$ 7.1914. Career Tech Building $11.8615. Tower Building Renovation – Phase 1 $ 7.9116T B ildi R tiPh 2$21 4716.Tower Building Renovation –Phase 2$21.4717. Haymarket Theater Renovation $ 7.9518. New Gymnasium $12.8919. Gymnasium Modernization $ 2.73 20. Expand and Modernize Student Center (Option A) $ 9.19 21. Center Campus Site Development $ 3.9122. Modernization and Upgrades $ 7.03 Palo Alto High School Master Plan.D e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y
Master Plan: Project ListPreliminary23Embarcadero/El Camino Entry and Parking$ 3 91m(project cost w/escalation)23.Embarcadero/El Camino Entry and Parking$ 3.91m (project cost w/escalation)24. Churchill Ave Entry and Parking $ 5.8625. Miscellaneous Site Improvements $ 3.9126Oth$00026.Others$ 0.00TOTAL $ 178.029Note:•Various projects could be grouped together to create fewer, larger projects in lieu of many smaller projects. •Some project such as infrastructure upgrades are a high District priority•Some project, such as infrastructure upgrades, are a high District priority.Palo Alto High School Master PlanD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y
Master Plan Projects Groupings:Preliminary (cost)PROPOSED PHASES project cumulative0.Interim Housing$ 0.94m $ 0.94m0.Interim Housing$ 0.94m $ 0.94m1. Football Stadium Bleachers, Multi-use Fields4 .36 5.302. Classroom Bldg, Media Arts, Science Lab, Infrastructure 34.96 40.263Career Tech Librar Reno ation Lect re Hall3.Career Tech, Library Renovation, Lecture Hall,Bldg. 300 and 700 Renovation 21.62 61.884. Theater/Performing Arts Center , Bldg. 100 RenovationEmbarcadero /El Camino Parking and Access 16.75 78.635. Haymarket Theater and Tower Bldg Renovation –Phase1Weight Rm./Fitness, Gymnasium, Modernizations, 19.76 98.396. Tower Bldg Renovation –Phase 2, New Gym and Gym Mod 29.68 128.077. Student Center, Quad, Churchill Parking, Misc. Site Improve 23.98 152.05TOTAL 152.05PaloAlto High School Master PlanTOTAL152.05Palo Alto High School Master PlanD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y
Master Plan Projects Groupings:ALTERNATE Preliminary (cost)project cumulativeRInterim Housing$ 0.94m $ 0.94mRInterim Housing$ 0.94m $ 0.94m1. Football Stadium Bleachers, Multi-use Fields4 .36 5.302. Classroom Bldg, Media Arts, Science Lab, Infrastructure 36.70 42.003Theater Theater ParkingLibrar Reno ation3.Theater, Theater Parking, Library Renovation,Lecture Hall 300A , Bldg. 100(minor), 300 &700 Renovation 30.50 72.504.Career Tech, Bldg. Weight Rm./Fitness CenterTower Bldg. –Phase 1 26.96 99.465. Tower Bldg. – Phase 2, Haymarket, Gym, Gym Mod 45.04 144.506. Student Center, Quad, Churchill Parking, Misc. Site Improvements, Embarcadero/El Camino Parking 33.81 178.31 TOTAL 178.31PaloAlto High School Master PlanPalo Alto High School Master PlanD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y
Next Steps:•Prioritization and phasingPrioritization and phasing• Implementation and scheduling• Finalize documentation• Approval by Board of Education• Authorization to commence projectsPalo Alto High School Master PlanD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y