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Planning & Design Meetings Landscape Subcommittee Meeting #7 5/6/2010 - Presentation
GUNN HIGH SCHOOL PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIAMAY 6, 2O10CAMPUS COREGATES+ASSOCIATES015 3060Flagstone Paving& BouldersFlagstone Paving& BouldersExisting Oaks withNative UnderstoryPlantingPossible Roof PatioOverlooking PlazaPlaza w/ Seatwalls & Seat RaftsSeat RaftsSTUDENT ACTIVITIES& MUSICCLASSROOMBUILDING AMEDIAARTSBUILDINGCAFESPANGENBERGExisting Oaks w/ Boulders &Native Understory PlantingBollardsSeatingSmall Seating Areaw/ Native Plants & BouldersStairsStairsCovered WalkwayLarge Canopy TreesColumnar TreesPavingBeneath UpperStory DeckFloweringTrees GUNN HIGH SCHOOL PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIAMAY 6, 2010CLASSROOM BUILDING A TREESGATES+ASSOCIATESLegendTrees Removed:“A” Trees - 3“B” Trees - 8“C” Trees - 5 Total: 16Trees Proposed:Large Speciman (A) - 4Primary Spine (B) - 6Upright Canopy (B) - 3Secondary Spine (B) - 16Understory (C) - 8 Total: 37New Large Speciman Tree - 4New Secondry Spine Tree - 16Upright Canopy Tree - 3New Understory Tree to ScreenBike Parking - 8New Primary Spine Tree - 6