Planning & Design Meetings Auxiliary Gym Schematic Meeting Notes #3 1/21/2010 - Minutes SD to DD Transition Meeting New Gymnasium and Gymnasium Modernization Gunn High School 22 January 2010 Page 1 GUNN HIGH SCHOOL Palo Alto Unified School District SCHEMATIC DESIGN TO DESIGN DEVLOPMENT TRANSITION MEETING DATE: 21 January 2010, 12:30 – 2:00 pm SUBJECT: New Gymnasium and Gymnasium Modernization ATTENDEES: Tom Jacoubowsky, GHS AP Aimee Lopez, OCMI/PAUSD Chris Horpel, GHS PE Alex Morrison, Gilbane Don Briggs, GHS PE Chris Ades, DLM Tom Hodges, OCMI/PAUSD Erwin Lee, DLM The following are the highlights of the meeting: 1. The purpose of the meeting was to introduce the construction management team that will be taking over from the program management team. The transition is taking place between the schematic design (SD) phase and the design development (DD) phase of the project. The construction management team will carry the project through completion and building occupancy. 2. A set of the schematic design drawings, approved by the Board of Education (BOE) at the 12 January 2010 meeting, was reviewed by the group. The schematic design set reflects the scope of work that was estimated and reported to the BOE. 3. The design team continued to develop the project beyond the schematic design phase including incorporating more recent comments that were received from the users as well as comments from the local fire authority. The design team will work with the local fire authority to determine a mutually acceptable strategy to access the buildings in an emergency.  The main concern was to eliminate the fire access around the north side of the tennis courts and replace with access between the new gym and the existing pool building.  Access between the two buildings will require that the canopy at that location is at least 13’-0” clear vertical dimension. 4. The DD phase will have a check point against the budget. At that time, a value engineering exercise will take place to make sure that options are review and discussed to keep the project on budget. 5. The design team is working towards a submittal to the Division of the State Architect (DSA) in June 2010. 6. Comments regarding the current Gymnasium floor plan:  Provide storage for both the Dance and the Weight Room. Storage is currently shown on the Weight Room side only. SD to DD Transition Meeting New Gymnasium and Gymnasium Modernization Gunn High School 22 January 2010 Page 2  Consider switching the position of the Dance and Weight Room so that the Dance is adjacent to the main gym space.  Folding partition between the two spaces should be as sound proof as practical. The partition should result in a Dance space of approximately 2,000 SF.  The exterior sliding glass doors from the Dance and Weight Room can be changed to conventional glass doors. The doors can be oversized if necessary.  Relocate electrical room and IDF so that the storage room for the main gym is larger. The electrical room can be moved to a position adjacent to the west gym entrance. The IDF is not a floor mounted unit and will require less space providing additional flexibility for relocating.  A walkway is required to access the tennis courts from the north. 7. It was suggested that a fence or netting be added to the top of the wall that will be used as the lacrosse practice wall. After discussing the height, it was determined that the wall would be adequate as is. 8. Comments regarding the gymnasium modernization:  Move storage to the east side in lieu of the south side of the Wrestling Room. The storage should have a depth of approximately 6’-0” deep.  When the existing storage rooms are removed to create a single large space, the floor will need to by level from room to room. A wood floor infill is preferred –it does not need to be an athletic resilient floor system.  At the existing weight room, leave the room as is as much as possible. 9. After the plans are revised to reflect the changes, a follow up meeting will be scheduled to review the revisions. The meeting will probably be scheduled in two to three weeks. END Prepared by Erwin Lee of Deems Lewis McKinley. Please advise in writing if you feel that any of the above items are inaccurate. cc: Attendees File A1.1FIRST FLOOR PLAN SCHEMATIC DESIGN 2009.140012.17.2009DLM D E E M S L E W I S M c K I N L E Y T W E L V E G O U G H S T R E E T S A N F R A N C I S C O C A 9 4 1 0 3 4 1 5 . 2 5 5 . 1 8 1 1 F A X 2 5 5 . 0 2 4 8 Palo Alto Unified School District | Palo Alto, CA Henry M. Gunn High School NEW GYM AND EXISTING GYM MODERNIZATION 01.20.2010 A0.3SCHEMATIC DESIGN ENLARGED SITE PLAN 2009.140012.17.2009DLM D E E M S L E W I S M c K I N L E Y T W E L V E G O U G H S T R E E T S A N F R A N C I S C O C A 9 4 1 0 3 4 1 5 . 2 5 5 . 1 8 1 1 F A X 2 5 5 . 0 2 4 8 Palo Alto Unified School District | Palo Alto, CA Henry M. Gunn High School NEW GYM AND EXISTING GYM MODERNIZATION