Planning & Design Meetings Auxiliary Gym Schematic Meeting Notes #1 10/14/2009 - MinutesPhysical Education Department
Gunn High School
14 October 2009
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Palo Alto Unified School District
DATE: 14 October 2009
SUBJECT: Gym: Schematic Design Meeting No. 1
ATTENDEES: Chris Horpel, Gunn Aimee Lopez, OCMI
Erwin Lee, DLM Don Briggs, Gunn
Ron Smith, PAUSD Peter L. Pearne, PAUSD
The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the schematic design needs of the Physical
Education Department. The following are the highlights of the meeting:
1. Erwin Lee (EL) handed out an updated budget matrix for the new Gym and existing
Gym modernization. He explained the status of the budgets to date and noted how the
two budgets are interrelated.
2. The primary point of discussion centered on the scope of work for the modernization of
the existing Gymnasium and how the proposed increased scope impacts the new
Chris Horpel (CH) questioned why Facilities thought the existing Gym wood floor
needed replacement. He thought it had only been sanded once and could
benefit from refinishing and restriping. He also said the existing bleachers could
remain and the heating system worked well. Bleachers would be necessary
during wrestling tournaments which were 5 times a year.
The group looked at ways to reduce the budget (on the handout). Aimee Lopez
(AL) suggested not doing any work at the Weight Room short of removing the
equipment and not including the work for new classrooms, as it was not part of
the original scope.
Tom Hodges (TH) suggested not performing any of the mechanical work which
was not in the original scope of work. This work could be performed on an as-
needed basis using funds for planned maintenance.
Ron Smith (RS) said he thought the wood floor has been refinished multiple
times. He said it was due for replacement as there are issues with soft spots
and possible dry rot at the subfloor. Ewin Lee (EL) suggested that core samples
be taken to determine its condition. Tom Hodges (TH) agreed to take this first
step before making any decision and that RS should call a flooring contractor to
make the investigation.
TH added that bid alternates could provide some options, the base bid being
floor refinishing and an alternate being a new wood floor.
It was discussed whether or not to replace the bleachers. RS said existing
bleachers needed replacing to avoid a maintenance liability. The group agreed
to replace the bleachers on one wall in lieu of two. The seating capacity still
needs to be determined.
The group agreed that the existing gym modernization scope include:
replacement bleachers for one side only, minimize the work to create a
classroom scope in the existing weight room, remove the curtain partition in the
Physical Education Department
Gunn High School
14 October 2009
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existing wrestling room, modify the wrestling room walls to include storage, and
(pending the wood flooring study) refinish the gym floor.
It was agreed to first reconcile the budget costs for the new and existing gyms
before taking their decision to the Facilities Steering Committee.
3. The secondary focus of the discussion was the new Gym. The major points discussed:
EL presented an updated floor plan that included new windows and overhead
doors at the Weight/Fitness Room which was formerly called the Weight Room.
CH thought the changes were good but thought that the Weight/Fitness Room
still needed to be larger and he would sacrifice some of the modernization work
at the existing Gym to make it possible.
CH mentioned that the new bleachers should pull out in sections to allow space
for the “booster” to set tables for concessions and displays.
CH thought that an additional set of restrooms is needed at the Tennis Courts.
Don Briggs (DB) thought that a storage room that opened from the exterior
would be very beneficial.
4. Discussion followed on how to reduce the budget costs for the new Gym. The major
points discussed.
CH mentioned that if necessary the Team Rooms could reduce in size. He
needed a minimum of 15 lockers per room but preferred 18. Double-tier lockers
were acceptable. He liked the type of bench that is attached to the lockers. EL
noted that this style saves space but isn’t as practical for team meetings.
TH asked whether the Lobby and other front end rooms could be reduced in
size. EL noted that the Tickets/Concessions could be reduced in size though not
by much. The Lobby is about the right size given the amount of seating in the
It’s agreed that DLM will revisit the design of the Gym with an eye to reducing
room sizes and maximizing efficiency of the layout.
5. A follow-up meeting will be scheduled to review the modification discussed today and to
address other areas.
Prepared by Chris Ades of Deems Lewis McKinley. Please advise in writing if you feel that any of the above
items are inaccurate.
cc: Attendees