Planning & Design Meetings Auxiliary Gym Program Meeting Notes #4 6/2/2009 - Minutes
Auxiliary Gymnasium and Gymnasium Modernization
Gunn High School
2 June 2009
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Palo Alto Unified School District
DATE: 2 June 2009
SUBJECT: Auxiliary Gymnasium and Gymnasium Modernization
ATTENDEES: Noreen Likins, GHS P Kevin Skelly, PAUSD
Tom Jacoubowsky, GHS AP Bob Golton, PAUSD
Chris Horpel, GHS PE Ron Smith, PAUSD
Don Briggs, GHS PE Erwin Lee, DLM
Tom Hodges, OCMI/PAUSD Dean Schmitz, DLM
Aimee Lopez, OCMI/PAUSD
The purpose of the meeting was to review and discuss the ideas behind Scheme C2,
which expands the new gymnasium by reducing the modernization scope at the existing
gymnasium. The following are highlights of the meeting:
1. Scheme C2 was presented which reallocates the priorities of the Auxiliary
Gymnasium, Gymnasium Modernization and Lobby Addition projects. That is, the
funding associated which each of these projects is reallocated in order to fund a
new, main gymnasium. Funding for the new gymnasium is accomplished by
reducing the modernization scope and eliminating the lobby addition to the existing
gymnasium. Funding is only reallocated between these three athletic projects and
does not affect any of the other Gunn High School projects. After some discussion
it was agreed that this direction, although different than that included in the Master
Plan, was acceptable as long as it doesn’t negatively impact other projects.
2. It’s important that Classroom Building ‘A’ is completed before or simultaneously with
the new gymnasium project. Although the gymnasium will provide additional PE
teaching space that is desperately needed, standard teaching spaces or classroom
spaces must be created in order to remove the existing relocatable classroom
buildings from the campus.
3. The question was asked whether the gymnasium would be submitted to DSA
sooner than the classroom building. Erwin indicated that they would be developed
concurrently and probably submitted to DSA together, possibly as a single package.
However, this would depend on the similarities or differences in construction type
for each. In either case, the buildings could be bid separately if desirable.
4. The remaining modernization scope would be the removal of the demising wall
between the existing wrestling and dance room, and the conversion of the existing
weight room to a classroom. The wrestling room would move to the new gymnasium
and the newly created space with the demising wall removed will become the new
weight room. Scope eliminate include the replacement of existing bleachers (new
bleacher would be in the new gymnasium), refinishing of the wood floor,
miscellaneous electrical systems and the lobby addition.
Auxiliary Gymnasium and Gymnasium Modernization
Gunn High School
2 June 2009
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5. Erwin noted that the tennis courts were not part of the original Master Plan project
list. They have become part of the project because of the location and size of the
proposed, new gymnasium.
6. At the last gymnasium meeting, Tom Hodges indicated that he had three concerns
that should be addressed before proceeding with the new gymnasium concept.
• The placement of the new gymnasium cannot negatively impact the overall
parking count. Working with the District’s traffic consultant, DLM showed that
with the gym located as shown, the overall number of parking stalls would be in
the range of the projected need.
• Determine the number of lockers required and that they can be
accommodated. Chris and Don indicated that they have an adequate number
of lockers to accommodate their PE program needs.
• Review the project cost. At the current level of development, the project costs
are parallel with the construction cost and the overall construction costs have
not changed.
7. Ron indicated that there were other needs that the modernization should cover such
as the replacement of lighting and heating systems. Some of the eliminated
modernization scope could be included as bid alternates and implemented if the
bids are favorable. DLM will work with Ron to review the gymnasium maintenance
needs to make sure that any critical maintenance work is identified and either
included in the base bid or included as an alternate. The goal is to address critical
maintenance needs so that they do not become ongoing maintenance and
operational issues for the District. That is, the existing gymnasium can continue to
be used without major, future maintenance costs.
8. It was noted that the tennis and basketball courts will be unavailable for PE use
during the construction period. Chris and Don acknowledged that other
arrangements will need to be made during construction.
9. In addition to the gymnasium discussion, a drawing was shared that showed the
proposed location for the relocatables in the existing parking lot (adjacent to the
existing tennis courts). The relocatables that need to be moved are those at the
village and at the west access road. The relocation will occur during the summer of
2010. A restroom relocatable will be included in the interim cluster. It’s anticipated
that the relocatables will only remain until the completion of the classroom building.
Next meeting date is 4 June 2009 at 12:45 to present the gymnasium to the
Facilities Steering Committee
Attachments: Site Diagram
Prepared by Erwin Lee of Deems Lewis McKinley. Please advise in writing if you feel that any of the above
items are inaccurate.
cc: Attendee