Palo Alto Unified School District
12 November 2014
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Palo Alto Unified School District
DATE: 12 November 2014, 1:00-1:45 pm
SUBJECT: Gunn HS Facilities Steering Committee
ATTENDEES: See attached sign-in sheet
The following are the highlights of the meeting:
Projects Under Construction:
Miranda Drop-off:
1. The installation of the extended signal arm, curb modification, and paving markings
was removed from the original project and rebid separately. The bid will be taken to
the BOE for approval at the December 9th meeting.
2. Construction is anticipated to take approximately 4 weeks and will be scheduled to
minimize conflicts with the school operation. It was suggested that if any lane closure
is required that this work take place during non-school hour.
3. The question was asked what could be done about vehicles who are in the right hand
turn only lane to Miranda but instead go straight through to turn right on Foothill or
continue on Arastradero Road. It was suggested that this is an enforcement issue
and that the high school is encouraged to engage the City with this issue.
Construction of the turn lane and solid stripe around the corner may help, but it will
not solve the problem without enforcement. Delineators were suggested to prevent
people going straight, but the City has not been supportive of delineators in the past,
as they removed the delineators proposed at the drop off exit onto Miranda to keep
drivers from turning left there.
Projects in Design or Planning
Central Building Project (CBP):
4. The schematic design of the CBP was approved by the BOE in June, but staff is now
preparing a program change presentation to the BOE for December 9, pending
discussion and consent of this committee at today’s meeting.
Palo Alto Unified School District
12 November 2014
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5. With new administration at both Gunn and the District level, the program was
reviewed and changes were desired to more fully develop a Wellness Center beyond
just ACS offices. DLM and staff have conducted user meetings and visits to existing
Wellness facilities this fall to more fully define the program of the Wellness Center.
6. The revisions to the program have pushed the project back approximately six months.
7. The program revisions were reflected in the new floor plan. Some of the original
program elements, specifically, the PTSA Storage, Central Copy, and College Career
Center were relocated elsewhere on campus.
8. The primary program changes were:
a. Moving the nurse and health service functions to the Wellness Center
b. Moving the counselors to the Wellness Center
c. Reconfiguring the media arts classrooms with a folding partition in order to create
a single, large classroom or meeting space
d. Moving a classroom from the second floor to the first floor
e. Adding a set of student restrooms
f. Adding a set of staff restrooms in lieu of a single occupant toilet room
9. The funding for the CBP only covers the building and associated site improvements.
It will not cover other long term planning ideas such as implementing a healthy snack
bar in Building B, expansion of food service, or renovation in Building A for the
College Career Center.
10. The principal shared that in the future she would like to convert the spaces shown
adjacent to the proposed Central Copy location into a Staff Wellness Center.
11. The two large classrooms in Building K are proposed to be assigned social studies
classrooms next fall.
Small Projects:
12. This summer the existing MDF room located in the existing RC Building will be
relocated to Building K. The relocation of the MDF room is in preparation of the
demolition of the RC Building and the construction of the new CBP.
13. Relocatable classrooms will need reconfiguration to provide interim accommodations
for the music programs.
Palo Alto Unified School District
12 November 2014
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Next Meeting
None set. TBD
Public Comments:
There were no public comments
Prepared by Erwin Lee of Deems Lewis McKinley. Please advise if you feel that any of the above items are
inaccurate or need further clarification or detail.
cc: Attendees