Planning & Design Meetings Facilities Steering Committee Meeting 4/7/2010 - MinutesGUNN HS
Palo Alto Unified School District 07 April 2010
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Palo Alto Unified School District
DATE: 07 April 2010, 12:30pm-1:30pm
SUBJECT: Gunn HS Facilities Steering Committee
ATTENDEES: See attached sign-in sheet
The following are the highlights of the meeting:
1. Aimee Lopez (AL) gave a recap of the revised project schedule approved by the
BOE. The revisions to the schedule included:
AC modernization/CTE grant
Landscape master plan (includes Quad)
Miranda parking lot project
2. Aimee Lopez (AL) indicated that Group 2 Projects per the Proposed Master Plan
shall follow the same process as Group 1, initial review with Staff and Students.
3. Erwin Lee (EL) gave an overview presentation of the Landscape Master Plan. The
presentation recapped the process that arrived at the current scheme (which
includes Group 2 Projects as well). The Landscape Subcommittee will meet on
April 20, 2010 with BOE informational update slated for April 27, 2010.
4. Aimee Lopez (AL) gave a status report on the CEQA process. Meetings with
community members to address concerns have occurred. From those meetings,
the most pressing concern was traffic. The CEQA response addresses traffic
mitigation by reducing the trip counts during the high peak hour. An example of the
criteria used to determine the increase in users was provided (24 trips = ~51
students). Possible mitigation may include alternate class scheduling, VTA passes,
added bike racks and the Miranda Drop-off. BOE review of CEQA report shall
occur at their April 27, 2010 meeting.
5. Alex Morrison (AM), with Gilbane Building Company, gave a recap of the upcoming
summer relocatable project. The project has been awarded to Rodan Builders
(which has been awarded the Palo Alto HS relocatable project also). Other
items/activities related to the relocatable project:
Schedule for Relo Project:
o Bids due for moving project: 20 April 2010
o Move occurs: 12 June 2010 (Staff will not be able to access their
rooms during the building relocation)
Concern was raised about items misplaced/missing during the previous move
(science building). It was suggested that the teacher’s name be written on each
moving box. AM indicated he would be able to provide that information on the
bidding documents for the moving company.
Palo Alto Unified School District 07 April 2010
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In a change from the previous meeting, AM indicated that none of the existing
trees in the Village will be removed. Removal will occur under the future two-
story classroom project.
AM will provide a fence plan to establish staging and construction areas.
6. Public Comments:
7. Upcoming Meetings:
Landscape Subcommittee meeting, 20 April at 3:30 pm
8. Next FSC Meeting: 5 May 2010 at 12:30 pm
Prepared by Donn Lee Merriam of Deems Lewis McKinley. Please advise if you feel that any of the above
items are inaccurate or need further clarification or detail.
cc: Attendees
PROJECT LISTGunn High School High School Master PlansPalo Alto Unified School District3/23/10 Board ApprovalGroup Project List and Project DescriptionProjected Construction Cost w/ Esc Est. Project CostProposed GroupingCompletionmillionsmillionsRInterim Housing Relocate existing relocatable classrooms, renovate existing RC building as necessary 9/1/10 -$ -$ accommodate interim housing needsUCAquatic Center New 35M pool, deck and locker/restroom facility 6/15/09 3.51$ 5.01$ UCIndustrial Arts Renovation Renovation of the existing Industrial Arts Building, including two additional science 12/1/09 3.86$ 5.58$ classrooms1Classroom Building - A Two-story classroom building to replace relocatables and Titan Village and associated 1/1/13 19.29$ 24.12$ improvements, 28 classrooms, 2 labs, offices, conference and restrooms5% Classroom Building - B One-story classroom building with 5 classrooms, world languages and support program, 8/1/12 -$ -$ 1.Esc covered walkways, textbook storageGymnasium and Lobby at Existing Gym Second gymnasium primarily for students, not intended to replace existing competition 8/1/12 11.06$ 13.83$ 6.gym, high bay req'd for volleyball, team rooms, offices and wrestling roomModernization of Existing Gymnasium Modernization of existing gymnasium including new equipment , refinoish floors, etc. 8/1/12 -$ -$ 5.Utility and Infrastructure UpgradesUtility and infrastructure upgrades that are not associated with indiviual projectsVaries 0.53$ 0.66$Provide Air Conditioning to Ex. ClassroomsProvide air conditioning to L, M, S, A and IA buildings Varies 2.08$ 2.60$2.1AParking and Drop-off Improvements Reconfigure and separate the parking and drop-off areas, meet current Dept of Ed3/1/143.15$ 3.93$ 4. & 6.10%requirements, increase the distance between the drop-off and signalized intersection2Special Education CenterModernization of existing math wing to accommodate special ed program, programs are 12/1/140.97$ 1.21$currently housed in the RC2APerforming Arts Building Performing arts complex to replace inadequate M1 and M2, adjacent to Spangenberg for 12/1/14 7.54$ 9.42$ protected connection to backstage access, greenrooms, etcEntry and Entry CourtCreates an entry court that will highlight the existing oaks trees and form a gateway to the12/1/140.94$ 1.17$the school and interior of the campus, organizes the arrival sequence10% Spangenberg Modernization Modernize existing facility including new AC, seating, lighting, finishes, etc.12/1/140.94$ 1.17$ 3.EscSpangenberg Lobby and UpgradesFocal lobby for performances and other functions, connector to performing arts complex,12/1/142.56$ 3.20$ 7.modernization and upgrades associated with lobby improvements, potential gallery spaceStudent ActivitiesNew facility to house student activities, 12/1/143.30$ 4.13$ 7.Demolition of existing RC Building Demolition of the existing RC building to accommodate the quad development12/1/140.08$ 0.10$Parking and Drop-off Improvements - PhasCombined with Parking and Drop off project above NA-$ -$ 4.TOTAL FUNDED PROJECTS 59.79$ 76.11$ 3Science Lab and Support FacilityTwo additional general laboratory classrooms and connector to existing central prep Unfunded 2.73$ 3.41$7area and office in MS,Media Arts / Conf. New facility to house media arts programs, additional social sciences classrooms and conferencUnfunded 4.43$ 5.53$ Classroom Building Mod-L wings Modernization of the L-wings to accommodate expanded social studies department andUnfunded 2.22$ 2.77$world languages department15%Art Building Modernization, A-wing Modernization and addition to the existing A-wing, upgrade classroom spaces Unfunded 5.92$ 7.40$Esc add classroom/s to existing A-wing Improve Amphitheater Upgrade amphitheater due to adjacent construction, provide stage and plantingUnfunded 0.58$ 0.72$West Access Road and Parking Combined with Parking and Drop off project above Unfunded -$-$6.4Guidance and Counseling Center -AD2Modernization to convert AD-2 into a guidance and counseling center, relocate stafUnfunded 2.40$ 3.00$lounge and patio to south side of the building20%Admin Expansion and Remodel -AD1Addition and modernization to AD-1 to relocate administrative functions from AD-2Unfunded 3.90$ 4.88$Esc to position these functions logically adjacent to the main entry court, upgrade cafeteriaQuad Upgrade and enhance the newly enlarged quad created by the removal of the RC bldg Unfunded 2.10$ 2.63$provides for landscape, hardscape and site features and furnishings. Field Structure for AthleticsConstruct storage and snack bar facilities at north end of football field, providesUnfunded 1.86$ 2.33$space for soccer, track & field, lacrosse and PEMiscellaneous Site Improvements General upgrade of landscape, paths and areas adjacent to existing building, create aUnfunded 2.10$ 2.63$a consistent look and feel about the campusTOTAL $88.02 $111.401. Interim housing and Classroom Bldgs A & B combined into 1 project at $24,120,0002. Added project to provide air conditioning to existing buildings, recommended by FSC 11/4/09, pending board approval3. Proposed reduction to offset AC and west access projects4. Combined parking drop off projects due to latest sequencing and logistics plan.5. Combined new gym and modernization of existing gym as planned.6. Combined west access improvements with Parking Drop off project, due to CEQA7. Moved Spangenberg Lobby addition and Student Activities above line in place of Science Lab additionFootnotes:
H. M. GUNNH I G H S C H O O L P l Al U ifi d S h l Di iPalo Alto Unified School District7April 20107 April 2010REVISED MASTER PLAN LAYOUTLANDSCAPE MASTER PLANLANDSCAPE MASTER PLAN
Gunn High SchoolD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y
Gunn High SchoolD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y
Save two oak treesIn this areaLobby EntranceStudent QUADActivities EntrancePerformingArts EntranceGunn High SchoolProposed Relocation of Performing Arts BuildingD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y
Gunn High SchoolD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y
Gunn High SchoolD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y
Gunn Alto High SchoolD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y