Planning & Design Meetings Facilities Steering Committee Meeting 3/10/2010 - Minutes03/15/2010 17:53 IFAX
Palo Alto Unified School District
DATE: 10 March 2010, 12:30pm-1:30pm
SUBJECT: Gunn HS Facilities Steering Committee
ATTENDEES: See attached sign -in sheet
The following are the highlights of the meeting:
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1. Aimee Lopez (AL) gave an update on the CEQA process indicating that they have
met twice with the consultants to review the responses for the document. The
primary mitigation measures deal with traffic issues. A response will be posted on
the PAUSD website and emailed to the people who submitted comments to the
CEQA initial study.
2. Alex Morrison (AM), with Gilbane Building Company, gave a brief presentation o
the upcoming summer relocatable project. He shared that a site walk was held for
contractors interested in bidding the project and that it was very well attended. The
site walk gave the contractors an opportunity to see the existing site conditions to
help them prepare their bid. Other activities related to the relocatable project:
• The project is currently out to bid with a bid opening date set for 25 April 2010
• AM presented a fencing plan to indicate what the site would look like next
summer and establish where the contractor will be working and what areas will
be off limits. The entire west side access road will be fenced off.
• AM explained that each relocatable will be disassembled into individual
sections, trailered to the new position via Miranda and Arastradero, and
• Arthur Keller (AK) asked how long Miranda and Arastradero will be impacted.
AM indicated approximately 20 days and that the construction will be
coordinated to minimize traffic impact.
• Some of the existing trees in the Village will be removed to assist in
maneuvering the relocatables and to prepare for the future building.
3. Aimee Lopez (AL) gave an update on the CEQA process indicating that they have
met twice with the consultants to review the responses for the document. The
primary mitigation measures deal with traffic issues.
4. Tom Hodges (TH) gave an update on the AC modernization/retrofit and the CTE
grant. The CTE grant amount was not exhausted on the lA project so there are still
funds available to apply to the IA portion of the AC retrofit project. There were
actually three grants which all have separate accounting and needs to be reviewed
further to determine actual available dollars. He indicated that the current estimate
is slightly lower than the original estimate which helps the budget. He'll bring back
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more detailed cost numbers for the next meeting. AL shared that there is an AC
retrofit walk scheduled for 17 March to review the existing conditions.
5. Erwin Lee (EL) represented the three options for the relocation of the Performing
Arts Building from the eastside of Spangenberg to the quad. The relocation is
being explored in order to save two existing oak trees. After the initial presentation
of the options at the last meeting, the FSC requested that estimated construction
costs be generated for each option since the schemes involve the repriorltizing of
the project list. In addition to the Group 2 projects the schemes involve:
Scheme A:
Construct the Performing Arts Building, Spangenberg Lobby and Lobby Upgrades,
Student Activities and the demolition of the RC Building. The Media Arts and
Student Activities Building is separated into two different buildings with the Media
Arts Building constructed per the master plan project list.
Scheme B:
Construct the Performing Arts Building, Spangenberg Lobby and Lobby Upgrades,
and the demolition of the RC Building. The Student Activities and Media Arts
Building remains per the master plan.
Scheme C:
Construct the Performing Arts Building and the demolition of the RC Building, The
Spangenberg Lobby and Lobby upgrades can be constructed either at the same
time or remain per the master plan. An option to construct a covered area between
the Spangenberg Lobby and the Performing Arts Building was presented as an
Each option requires that projects from below Group 2 be moved up the project list.
That is, projects must be, moved from the unfunded to the funded category. Noreen
Likins (NL) asked the group if they feel comfortable moving projects around if the
end result is more desirable overall. The FSC consensus was yes if the budgets
worked. NL indicated that the AC project is important and that it will be pushed into
the funded category. The two funded projects that have the most flexibility are the
Spangenberg Modernization and the new Science Labs. The Spangenberg
Modernization budget is currently an allowance and the scope still needs to be
defined. The Science Labs could be deferred since Gunn now has adequate
capacity due to the occupancy of the IA Building.
Comments regarding the funding opportunities:
• EL noted that the decision impacts the development of the Landscape Master
Plan and that a decision regarding the relocation needs to be made before the
landscape design can continue in this area.
• AK asked if they projects are not funded, when they will be funded. TH replied
that it would occur with the next bond scheduled for 2018.
• Todd Summers (TS) likes Scheme A the best because the Student Activities
portion buffers the Performing Arts Building from the quad.
• AK suggests that Scheme A provides more flexibility for the Spangenberg
Modernization project.
• Aimee Lopez (AL) noted that a walk-through is schedule for Spangenberg to
reassess and update the modernization scope. Once the actual needs are
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determined, TH suggests that the work could be in two phases. One to address
the basic needs and a second one to address the cosmetic needs.
Joan Jacobs (JJ) likes the potential synergy that the collection of the three
buildings will create.
After consideration and comments. the FSC decided to move the Science Lab
expansion into the unfunded category and to direct the architect to proceed with
further development of Scheme A.
TH will review the budgets and revise the project list to reflect the decision to
move forward with Scheme A.
EL gave a brief update of the Landscape Master Plan and showed the current
development of the quad. He indicated that the landscape subcommittee meetings
have been well attended with active participation. Comments from those meetings
• The plan should be less rigid and geometric in design. They wanted to see
more curvilinear forms.
• The feel for the campus design was described as oak woodland, natural, rural,
organic, and flowing.
• These comments will be addressed in the next version of the plan.
7. Public Comments:
• Duncan McMillan asked if the Miranda drop-off project has been moved into the
funded category. TH responded that it is now part of the parking project which
is a funded project.
8. Upcoming Meetings:
• Landscape Subcommittee meeting, 18 March at 3:30 pm
• AC retrofit site walk, 24 March at 12:30 pm
9. Next FSC Meeting: 7 April 2010 at 12:30 pm
Prepared by Erwin Lee of Deems Lewis McKinley. Please advise if you feel that any of the above items
are inaccurate or need further clarification or detail.
cc: Attendees
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Palo Alto Unified School District
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