Planning & Design Meetings Facilities Steering Committee Meeting 2/10/2010 - Minutes Gunn HS FACILITIES STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING Palo Alto Unified School District 10 February 2010 P. 1 GUNN HIGH SCHOOL Palo Alto Unified School District FACILITIES STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: 10 February 2010, 12:30pm-2:00pm SUBJECT: Gunn HS Facilities Steering Committee ATTENDEES: Sign-in sheet (attached) The following are the highlights of the meeting: 1. Noreen Likins (NL) welcomed the committee, and opened the meeting. 2. Board Meeting Recap:  Tom Hodges (TH) reported that the schematic design drawings were approved by the Board of Education (BOE) at the 26 January 2010 meeting, and thanked the committee for its valuable participation. The schematic design set reflects the scope of work that was estimated and reported to the BOE. The estimates indicated that the projects are within budget at this phase.  TH also reported that the Relocatables were also approved by the BOE and the advertisement for bids is now out.  At the next BOE meeting AC retrofit work for the existing buildings will be considered along with the contract for DLM design services. 3. Project List: TH presented and handed out an updated Project List and noted that footnotes on the List outline various proposed revisions. TH asked the group to consider moving up the West Access drop-off work (originally a Group 4 project) and adding a project for the AC work (to existing buildings). Funding for the projects will be by the CTE grant and a reduction in the Spangenberg Theater budget by 25%.  NL requested additional information and estimates to make a decision on the new project list. TH noted that the current cost for the Theater modernization is just an allowance and that a more accurate cost would require more detailed analysis and assessment. NL noted a theater consultant from the Flint Center originally provided the program for the Theater modernization and added that a more detailed analysis is needed before a decision can be made. 3. Group 2 Projects: Gunn HS FACILITIES STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING Palo Alto Unified School District 10 February 2010 P. 2 Erwin Lee (EL) described the upcoming Group 2 projects and proposed design changes being made to address concerns with saving the two oak trees by Spangenberg Theater. EL gave a power point presentation of three design options for the Performing Arts, Student Activities building, and Media Arts building. All of the options require that the current project list be adjusted. The design options were as follows:  Option A groups new Theater Lobby, Performing Arts and Student Activities together at the south side of Spangenberg Theater. The Media Arts remains as originally proposed in the Master Plan.  Option B groups new Theater Lobby and Performing Arts at the south side of Spangenberg Theater. Student Activities and Media Arts remain as originally proposed in the Master Plan except it’s housed in a single story structure. Option C separates the new Lobby from Performing Arts with an outdoor covered passageway. Student Activities and Media Arts are same as Option B. Option D (not shown graphically) proposes remodeling the existing RC Building into the Performing Arts complex. Student Activities and Media Arts are in one building across the Quad like Option B. However additional program space will be available in the remodeled RC Building. Drop off allows for parallel parking only which is a reduction of the number of spaces shown in the Master Plan. EL noted that these design options require re-evaluating the priorities because the new groupings will require some projects to be built at the same time. A discussion followed:  NL asked that option D not be considered as converting the RC building would pose problems and take away from the design of the Quad.  Participant expressed concern that the outdoor passageway in Option C might be a dark space. EL responded that it was meant to be a high and well lighted space akin to other passageways on campus. EL added that the advantage of this scheme is that Performing Arts facility can be built first and the Lobby following at a later time.  Todd Summers (TH) noted that noise (affecting the Theater) might be an issue with the design options and asked whether the original scheme could be saved.  TH responded that it was not about advocating changing the original scheme rather the committee needed to consider alternatives due to the value the community has placed on saving the existing oak trees. He noted that at Palo Alto High School saving a row of sycamore trees has necessitated a redesign o the football stadium. EL noted that the Gunn HS arborist report is now public record and the committee should become acquainted with it. TH added that cost implications will be associated with these design options which will also guide the decision making process.  The committee requested a cost impact analysis for each option to help make a decision at the next FSC meeting. 4. EL also showed a sketch for the new Miranda Avenue student drop-off, recommended by the traffic committee. Some parking spaces are lost but the total parking count after re-configuration of the main parking lot will still be higher. A discussion followed: Participant asked why it was necessary to use Miranda for a drop-off. TH Gunn HS FACILITIES STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING Palo Alto Unified School District 10 February 2010 P. 3 Participant asked why it was necessary to use Miranda for a drop-off. TH answered that the traffic survey found that 40% of the drop-offs already happen of Miranda and the intent was to make this drop-off safer and more convenient. Participant asked if better drop-off area was given of the Arastadero Road entry then Miranda would not be necessary. Another participant noted that currently there are a lot of unsafe drop-offs happening of Miranda and that it was important to address this issue. NL answered that given the traffic studies a Miranda drop-off was a necessity and should be pursued. 5. NL asked that by next meeting the design team should consider how to combine the various projects into one group. Some cost savings might be found by not expanding the Science Building. NL added that a design option for removing just one tree is worth exploring and that by next meeting the committee review the cost implications associated with the various master plan design options. EL indicated that the footprint of the new structure is too small even if only one tree is removed. 6. TH related that the responses to the CEQA report have been posted on the website and that the BOE plans to adopt the document by March 9th. 7. Landscape Master Plan Update: EL updated the committee on the schedule and progress for the Conceptual Landscape Master Plan. EL noted that revisions to the location of the Performing Arts facility will impact this work. The next meeting is scheduled for the 23rd of February. There will be design issues to address in response to recent feedback on initial design studies from landscape architect. Direction is to be less formal or gridded and introduce more natural forms and fluid lines. TH asked the committee if they would want to see the progress and NL answered that yes, would like to see it for the next meeting. 10. Schedule: Next Monthly FSC meeting will be scheduled for March 10th at 12:30 PM. END Prepared by Christopher Ades of Deems Lewis McKinley. Please advise if you feel that any of the above items are inaccurate or need further clarification or detail. cc: Attendees, File Gymnasium Classroom Bldg. A Classroom Bldg. B Gunn High School D e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y Gunn High School D e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y Save two oak trees In this area Proposed Relocation of Performing Arts Building Lobby Entrance Student Activities Entrance Performing Arts Entrance QUAD Gunn High School D e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y QUAD Palo Alto High School D e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y QUAD Gunn High School D e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y 1. Drop-off / Pick-up Lane 2. By-pass Lane 3. Return / Exit Lane 4. Turn Around 1.2.3. 4.