Planning & Design Meetings Facilities Steering Committee Meeting 9/2/2009 - MinutesGunn HS FACILITIES STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING
Palo Alto Unified School District
04 August 2009
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Palo Alto Unified School District
DATE: 02 September 2009, 1:30pm-3:00pm
SUBJECT: Gunn HS Facilities Steering Committee
ATTENDEES: See attached sign-in sheet (attached)
The following are the highlights of the meeting:
1. Principal Noreen Likins (NL) welcomed the committee and recapped events over
summertime. Tom Jacoubowsky (TJ) mentioned that there were no questions from
the School Board on Gunn HS approval. NL added that the design is in good
shape with the Board, and DLM continues work on the three Group 1 buildings.
2. Architect Erwin Lee (EL) handed out the agenda with attached meeting schedule.
He gave a ‘power-point’ presentation of the Conceptual Design that will be given to
the School Board next week. It included images of floor plans, sections, elevations
and 3D massing models of the Group 1 buildings.
3. The design updates and ensuing discussion were as follows:
Site Plan
Building location has been modified to minimize the impact to adjacent feature
trees. Meetings have been held with “Canopy” to review the latest plans and
related tree impacts.
Tennis court design has been modified to save existing trees and orient the
courts as close to North/South as possible.
The Math/English Classroom Building “A” configuration has been modified to
save the oak trees and make interior courtyard more open to its surroundings.
TJ asked how Canopy liked the current design. Aimee Lopez (AL) answered
that they have conditionally accepted the current design with recommended tree
replacement areas to mitigate trees lost.
Math & English Building
The building now features a split (double) classroom plus an oversize classroom
that faces the entry court for easy access.
The 2-story restroom core has shifted and is centrally located.
The overall plan is open on three (3) sides and there are three (3) points of
circulation with three stairways to provide orientation. The monumental stairway
facing entry court that doubles as an amphitheater. Location of amphitheater at
the stairway allows the inner courtyard to remain quiet.
Palo Alto Unified School District
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The office areas receive plenty of natural light/air from a patio abutting the
transfer station, and at the opposite side from a 2-story light well.
EL explained how the classrooms being narrow with windows on two opposite
sides will receive natural lighting and ventilation, not requiring AC.
The Office Patio will be landscaped and fenced to provide a buffer from the
electrical sub-station. Access to the sub-station has been improved.
The north edge of the classroom wing comes up to the Amphitheater and one or
two bushes may have to be removed. NL asked if the circle will be impacted and
EL responded no, and that the building is meant to serve as the third face of the
circle with another open face towards the football field.
Question; can the building be connected via a 2nd floor walkway extension to a
future 2-story building? EL answered that the current design does not preclude
an extension to the northwest or into the circle if necessary.
Question; has the building been analyzed for day-lighting? EL answered that
the study will be a part of the CHPS process during Schematic Design stage.
Question; has design team has explored cool roofs or vegetated roofs? EL
responded that “true” vegetated roofs have not yet been considered but yes,
cool roofs have been considered.
Question; how will the courtyard abutting the Theater be treated? EL noted that
the new courtyard will be designed to improve student circulation and reinforce
the idea of a forecourt. The monumental stairs and amphitheater could feature
places for art display.
Question; will view from the 2nd floor look unto mechanical units on roofs? EL
noted that only one wing will be overlooking the Art Building roof.
Question; will the buildings feature solar panels? TH answered that the buildings
will be “solar ready” or designed to accept solar power readily. The solar
hardware itself is not part of this program but the District may consider a
different program for this.
Question; will AC be necessary during hot days like today and can it be added?
EL answered that the buildings unlike the existing Gunn buildings are designed
to be cooled naturally with the use of operable windows and ceiling fans for
ventilation. TH added that the mechanical engineer has yet to model the
buildings and determine whether or not the desired temperature comfort range
can be achieved without air conditioning. He stated that it is the District’s desire
to build these buildings without AC. When natural ventilation is combined with
AC, the AC is often on when the windows are open. Individual classroom
controls to shut off the AC when windows or doors are opened are costly and
prohibitive, and don’t always work well.
Question; is there a cost estimate for buildings with AC and when is the decision
made to use AC or not? EL answered that there is no detailed cost estimate yet
and the time to consider AC will be during schematic design after School Board
approves the conceptual design. TH noted that the primary cost impact is the
operational cost of running AC.TH added that he intends to study the cost
impact for adding AC to the buildings.
Question; how narrow does the courtyard become? EL noted that the minimal
width is well over 10-feet as this is the width of the walkways.
World Languages Building
The building has grown a little in the office area to accommodate functions.
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The building has been reconfigured to save an existing tree.
The building has covered walkways that link to existing covered walkways. A
central courtyard would include a relocated tree.
The Resource Area has an adjacent Patio that can be landscaped.
Question; the roof lines are different from existing buildings and there’s a
concern that the aesthetics won’t fit in with the campus. EL noted that the
buildings though different in roof line and shape are meant to complement
existing structures and not match them. The new buildings will fit in with the
existing by careful use of scale, mass, colors and textures.
EL explained that the exterior walkways will pick up on the campus aesthetics
through rhythm and sight lines.
Question; are there going to be enough rest rooms for the students, as there
are only rest rooms for faculty in this building? NL answered that studies have
been made that show there are adequate toilet facilities for the students in the
campus but there never seems to be enough given that students use them all at
New Gymnasium and Gymnasium Modernization
EL noted that the area of the building is now 19,700 SF, down slightly from
20,000 SF in June.
EL explained how current design includes the pool building in the composition to
avoid an “alley” feel and create a gateway to the athletic courts and fields with a
“Sports” plaza and deep canopy.
EL explained how the gym will have extra bleachers for speaking engagements.
The gym will also feature extensive natural day-lighting to cut down on artificial
lighting costs.
Question; will the new Gym share facilities with the Pool? EL answered that no,
the Pool Building and Gym will not have to share facilities.
EL noted that relocation of the Relocatables in the summer of 2010 will result in
the loss of 58 parking spaces. There will be 27 relocatables including an
additional bathroom unit (staff and students).
Question; will access from Miranda remain during staging. EL answered that
access to staff parking will remain.
Question; has construction worker parking issue been worked out yet? EL
answered that no, it has yet to be resolved.
4. The following general questions were directed to EL, TH and NL.
Have studies been made to know how much heat is generated by equipment in the
classroom and how new buildings may be more energy efficient?
o TH answered that the Mechanical Engineer will perform these studies. NL
added that we need to take into account all methods to be more energy
efficient during this design phase.
Are we planting more trees?
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o Aimee Lopez answered that yes we are and from the meetings with Canopy
the strategy is to mitigate the loss of trees by planting new ones.
Is there an opportunity to update the toilet facilities?
o NL answered that per State requirements the school has adequate toilet
facilities but it could use more. EL added that toilet facilities per building are
arrived at by building code and they determine the design counts. Arthur Keller
asked that we consider doing a campus-wide toilet fixture re-count.
6. Schedule:
Gunn High School Open House will occur on Tuesday, Sept. 8th at 6:30 PM.
Monthly FPC meeting dates are as follows: Oct. 7, Nov. 4, Dec. 2, Jan. 6, Feb. 10,
March 10, April 7, May 5, and June 2.
Departmental Meetings are scheduled to occur on Wednesdays.
Next meeting is scheduled for Oct. 7th, 12:30 in the Staff Lounge at Gunn HS.
Prepared by Christopher Ades of Deems Lewis McKinley. Please advise if you feel that any of the above
items are inaccurate or need further clarification or detail.
cc: Attendees
Gunn HS Schedule
Palo Alto Unified School District
P. 1
26 August 2009
All meetings at 12:30 p.m. unless otherwise noted.
Meeting dates are scheduled in advance and dates without agendas may or may
not be required. Notification will be given at least one week in advance if a
meeting will occur on that date.
W 02 Sept FPC Meeting
Update on Classroom Buildings A&B and Gymnasium
• Review revised plans due to tree impact
• Review building sections
• Review preliminary massing studies
• Progress developments
• Review area and budget/cost impacts
• Relocatable project update
• Next steps, schedule
T 08 Sept Board discussion on proposed conceptual design
~6:30PM District Office
Th 03 Sept Gunn High School Open House
~6:00 PM DLM to be available for information and questions
W 16 Sept Departmental Meeting (TBD)
T 22 Sept Board approval of conceptual design
~6:30PM District Office
W 30 Sept Classroom Buildings A & B: Schematic Discussion
• Review interior layout and typical classroom
• Review interior elevations
• Review office area (both floors)
• Confirm built-ins, furnishing and equipment
• Review updated massing with exterior elevations
• Review budget and potential value engineering
W 07 Oct FPC Meeting
Update progress on Classroom Buildings A&B and
• Schematic design review
Gunn HS Schedule
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• Budget status
• Relocatable project
• Next steps, schedule
W 14 Oct New Gymnasium and Gymnasium Modernization
• Review site plan and floor plan
• Review built-ins, equipment, furnishings, buy-outs
• Review modernization plan (District maintenance items)
• Review budget and potential value engineering
W 28 Oct Facilities and Maintenance Update
Time to be Determined
• Review of projects
• Review/receive District standards or standards set from
other PAUSD projects
• Discussion on MEP system concepts for schematic design
• Note: Facilities and Maintenance Update &
Coordination Not Departmental
W 04 Nov FPC Meeting
• Schematic design review update
• Budget status
• Relocatable project
• Next steps, schedule
W 11 Nov Classroom Buildings A & B, Gymnasium
• Follow-up with all user groups and sign off of schematic
• Math /Social Studies meets from 12:30 -2:00 pm
• World Languages meets from 2:00-3:00 pm
W 18 Nov Gymnasium and Gymnasium Modernization
• Follow-up with user groups
• Sign off of schematic design by user group and site
T XX Nov Board discussion on proposed schematic design
W 02 Dec FPC Meeting
Agenda to be determined
T XX Dec ‘09 Board approval of schematic design
Gunn HS Schedule
Palo Alto Unified School District
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W 06 Jan ’10 FPC Meeting
Agenda to be determined
W 10 Feb ’10 FPC Meeting
Agenda to be determined
W 10 Mar ’10 FPC Meeting
Agenda to be determined
W 07 Apr ’10 FPC Meeting
W 14 Apr ‘10 New Gymnasium and Gymnasium Modernization
Submit to DSA
W 05 May ’10 FPC Meeting
Agenda to be determined
W 25 May ‘10 Classroom Building A & B
Submit to DSA
T 02 June ’10 FPC Meeting
Agenda to be determined