Planning & Design Meetings Facilities Steering Committee Meeting #2 6/3/2009 - MinutesGunn HS FACILITIES STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING Palo Alto Unified School District 03 June 2009 P. 1 GUNN HIGH SCHOOL Palo Alto Unified School District FACILITIES STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: 03 June 2009, 12:30pm-2:00pm SUBJECT: Gunn HS Facilities Steering Committee ATTENDEES: See attached sign-in sheet The following are the highlights of the meeting: 1. Principal Noreen Likins welcomed the committee and introduced the new PAUSD/OCMI project manager, Aimée Lopez. She also welcomed the three new Facilities Steering Committee finalists, and explained that the key consideration in selecting these candidates were their experience in traffic planning, building ‘green’, and sustainability. New members Arthur Keller, Agnes Tin, and Henry Jackson introduced themselves and each gave a brief description of their experience and reasons for joining the committee. 2. Likins gave a summary of the process that has been taken so far, and proposed that committee meetings be scheduled at least once a month, not including two or three additional meetings for the Community. Tom Hodges added that these meetings may not need to take place every month after the schematic design has been approved by the Board. He explained that there will be a period of time during the preparations of the construction documents and DSA review process that will require less input from the committee. 3. Architect Erwin Lee gave updates of the planning and design of the three current projects. The updates are as follows: New Gymnasium and Gymnasium Modernization • Lee presented a site plan diagram that showed the location of the proposed auxiliary gymnasium. He gave a summary of what was discussed at the last meeting, and emphasized that there will be no funds diverted from any other Gunn HS projects to fund the gymnasium project. The current design has an estimated cost of approximately $9.88M, which is within the established Master Plan budget. • The new gymnasium will have bleacher seating for approximately 1,900, a 45’x70’ wrestling room, two team rooms, restrooms, a ticket booth, food concession, a small office and storage for equipment and custodian services. • There will be 8 new tennis courts in lieu of 7, three new outdoor basketball courts, and a lacrosse wall which will be designed as the back of the new building. Gunn HS FACILITIES STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING Palo Alto Unified School District 03 June 2009 P. 2 • The PE representative indicated that the existing gymnasium has adequate locker space for growth and that it was recently upgraded for ADA compliance. The current modernization scope adds windscreens to the lobby to create an exterior screen that protects the gym from wind and driving rains, converts the existing weight room to a classroom, and removes the partition between the existing wrestling and dance rooms. The existing bleachers are currently not part of the modernizations scope. Bid alternates will be created to include modernization scope that can be included if the bids are favorable. Classroom Building ‘A’ • This building replaces the Titan Village relocatables and includes 28 classrooms, offices, conference space and a courtyard for the Math and English departments. • Lee presented a site plan diagram that showed the floor plan and footprint of the building in its proposed location on the site. He reiterated that there are constraints of the site, such as utility easements, trees and an electric substation that must remain to provide service to the campus. He described key elements of the design, including classrooms with windows on opposing, exterior walls to let in natural light and provide cross ventilation, solar tubes for day-lighting portions of the first floor, and student restrooms on both floors. The stair at the entry was increased in width so that it could also be used as an informal bleacher or seating area facing the new courtyard. Classroom Building ‘B’ • This building is adjacent to the existing ‘L-1’ and ‘L-4’ buildings, and includes 5 classrooms, offices, staff lounge, conference space and a patio and for the World Languages department. • The new classrooms will be naturally ventilated similar to Classroom Building A. A covered, sky lit breezeway will be used for outdoor classroom pull-out space. 4. Lee presented site plan diagrams that showed the current and proposed locations of the relocatable classroom buildings (relos) that will be used for interim housing during construction of the various projects. 26 relos and one relocatable restroom building will be installed in the parking lot adjacent to the south fence of the existing tennis courts. The existing relo that is adjacent to the existing bike cage will remain. Relos T-1 through T-8 and V-1 through V-18 will be removed from their current locations. The relocation will occur the summer of 2010, and will remain in the parking lot for approximately two years while the classroom buildings are under construction. 5. Lee showed the most recent, reconfigured layout for the parking lot. He explained that the traffic consultant, John Wilson of Wilson Engineering projected that the amount of spaces necessary at completion of the master plan projects should be in the 500 capacity range. The new parking layout has a wide bike path adjacent to the tennis courts to accommodate the cyclist that come from Georgia Street, which is the desired location for cyclists to enter the campus. 6. The following are the highlights of the comments and questions from the meeting: What is the timeline for these projects? o Phase 1 and Phase 2 will each take between three and four years to complete. Gunn HS FACILITIES STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING Palo Alto Unified School District 03 June 2009 P. 3 Where will the construction staging take place for the Classroom Building ‘B’? o Gilbane Construction is looking into possible staging areas for this project. Will the emergency evacuation plan be affected? o Principal Likins stated the student emergency access will not be impacted by the Phase 1 projects. Are these projects going to go through the CHPS (Collaborative for High Performance Schools) or LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) process? o The budget for the commissioning of the CHPS process has been approved, so PAUSD will be going for CHPS points on these projects. The district will not be pursuing LEED Certification at this time. 7. Scheduling • At the I.C. meetings, there will be specific meeting dates made for the Fall semester. END Prepared by Dean Schmitz of Deems Lewis McKinley. Please advise if you feel that any of the above items are inaccurate or need further clarification or detail. cc: Attendees File