Planning & Design Meetings Meeting #8 2/19/2009 - PresentationA R C H I T E C T U R E
G U N N H I G H S C H O O L M A S T E R P L A N Palo Alto Unified School District19 February 2009DLM19 February 2009DLMA R C H I T E C T U R E
Master Planning Process:•Review existing documents and site walks of the campusesReview existing documents and site walks of the campuses•Initial master plan meetings to review, discuss, and exchange ideas•Testing of ideas from the initial meetings through conceptual plan options•Review conceptual plans and develop further based on specific input•Revise conceptual plans and finalize documentationGunn High School Master PlanD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y
Master Planning Phases:CONSIDERSATIONS•Projects currently under construction such as aquatic centerP j t th t ill h dl f i it li t h i t i•Project that will happen regardless of priority list such as interim housing•Projects that are a high priority to the school as classroom space•Projects grouped together for construction sequences such as those in the same areaGunn High School Master PlanD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y
Master Plan: Project ListPreliminaryconstruction cost1.Interim Housing$0.75m1.Interim Housing$0.75m2. Aquatic Center $3.573. Industrial Arts Renovation $3.864Cl B ildiA(tt)$16 354.Classroom Building -A (two-story)$16.355. New Gym and Lobby at Existing Gym $9.256. Student Activities / Media Arts / Conference Center $7.457. Classroom Building –B (one-story) $4.108. Science Labs and Support Facilities $2.859. Performing Arts Building $6.8510. Spangenberg Lobby and Upgrades $2.35Gunn High School Master PlanD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y
Master Plan: Project ListPreliminary11. Special Education Center $0.80m12.Admin Expansion and Remodel-AD1$3.2512.Admin Expansion and RemodelAD1$3.2513. Guidance and Counseling Center-AD2 $2.0014. Classroom Building Modernization-L wing $1.7515QdI t$1 7515.Quad Improvements$1.7516. Entry Court and Entry Structure $0.8517. Parking and Drop-off Improvements $4.6518. Miscellaneous Site Improvements $1.7519. Art Building Addition and Modernization $5.1520. Field Structures for Athletics $1.5521. Amphitheater Improvements $0.50Gunn High School Master PlanD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y
Master Plan: Project ListPreliminary22.Modernization of Existing Gym$1.6522.Modernization of Existing Gym$1.6523. Modernization of Spangenberg $5.0025. West Access Road and Parking Improvements $0.8526D liti f E i ti RC B ildi$0 0726.Demolition of Existing RC Building$0.07TOTAL $89.95 mGunn High School Master PlanD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y
Master Planning Phases:Preliminary1. Classroom Buildings A and B, Gymnasium, construction projectParking and Drop-off$34 35$44 66Parking and Dropoff$34.35$44.662. Student Activities/Media Arts, Special Ed. Center, Science Lab and Classroom Bldg, L-wing Mod $12.85 $16.713Pf i AtBldSbLbb3.Performing Arts Bldg, SpangenbergLobby Mod, Art Bldg Addition and Modernization,Mod projects, Entry Court and Structure, $21.55 $28.01Amphitheater Upgrades4. Administration Addition and Remodel, Guidance $ 5.25 $ 6.83and Counseling Center5. Quad, Demolition of RC Bldg, Site Improvements $ 5.15 $ 6.70and Field Structures for AthleticsTOTAL$102 91Gunn High School Master PlanTOTAL$102.91Gunn High School Master PlanD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y
Next Steps:•Prioritization and phasingPrioritization and phasing•Implementation and scheduling•Finalize documentation•Approval by Board of Education•Authorization to commence projectsGunn High School Master PlanD e e m s L e w i s M c K i n l e y