Planning & Design Meetings Meeting #2 11/19/2008 - MinutesGUNN HS MP MEETING No.2 Palo Alto Unified School District
19 November 2008
Palo Alto Unified School District
DATE: 19 November 2008, 2:00–4:00 pm
SUBJECT: Master Plan Meeting with Gunn HS Facilities Steering Committee
ATTENDEES: See attached sign-in sheet
The following are the highlights of the meeting:
1. The architect, Erwin Lee, began the meeting by reviewing the site plan that was
presented at the previous meeting and the comments from the facilities steering
committee regarding that site plan.
2. A revised site plan was presented incorporating the comments from the previous
meeting as well as new ideas. The new plan had the following elements:
• The revised plan preserved the central idea of creating a large quad to organize
the campus.
• In recognition of the major pedestrian circulation route on the eastside of
Spangenberg, the proposed lobby was reconfigured removing the building
portion between Spangenberg and the music building.
• The two-story, RC replacement building was repositioned to the Westside of the
quad in lieu of the eastside as originally proposed. The architect explained that
this created a more open feeling within the court and provides a unifying façade
that is immediately seen.
• The proposed lobby element on the south site of Spangenberg remained.
• A significant passageway/gateway was created between Spangenberg and the
new RC building. A tower was added at the side of the proposed theater lobby
to reinforce the passageway/gateway. The tower also provides a focus that is
diagonally opposite from the main entrance creating long views visually
increasing the quad’s size.
• The proposed gymnasium was relocated on the existing tennis courts. A
pavilion was placed between the new gym and the existing gym creating an
entry to the athletic complex, fields, and pool facilities.
• Parking around the new gym entry would need to be reconfigured.
• A classroom building was proposed for the Titan Village location. The architect
created a two-story courtyard building with a wing extending behind the arts
building. He noted that the building could expand further south if necessary.
• The 38-class, classroom building showed how the rooms are configured. It was
noted that all classrooms would have light from two sides and cross-ventilation
through operable windows.
GUNN HS MP MEETING No.2 Palo Alto Unified School District
19 November 2008
3. The following were the comments and discussion item from the facilities steering
committee based on the new plan:
• There was general consensus that if the RC building is demolished, a new
location outside of the quad may be better than rebuilding within the quad.
• The music building is inadequate and should be replaced.
• If the music building is replaced, a single larger building might be created that
would also house the RC functions as well as other high use, campus-wide
functions. A new main entry might be created between this building and the
cafeteria building.
• The program use of Building L-31 could be converted to classrooms.
Alternatively, it could be converted to another high activity program use because
of its central location.
• A discussion was held regarding the potential for a three-story building. The
architect noted that a three-story building has different existing requirements
from a two-story building and that it would be best to program the third story with
non-classroom activities. Some options for third story: offices, conference
rooms, etc.
• It was noted that possibly two additional science rooms would be necessary.
4. The architect noted that he is not designing buildings at this time. Discussion of
program and building needs is relative to determining the approximate size of the
new building footprints. It also helps to determine what are the best uses for new
and existing buildings.
4. The architect presented a color-coded campus plan indicating how the various
departments and classrooms by subject were displaced around the campus. The
purpose of this graphic was to get the committee thinking about how they could
better reorganize the campus and group programs. The following questions were
posed to the group:
• Which programs can move and which must remain due to facilities needs?
• Which subjects require adjacencies and/or share?
• What are the growth programs that will need more classrooms?
• With the addition of 40 classrooms, the campus will net approximately 10 extra
classrooms for growth. What are these classrooms?
• What functions or programs can be located around the quad to increase the use
and interest of the quad?
5. The following comments were made relative to the color-coded campus plan:
• Special Education programs need consideration and require various types of
spaces (meeting rooms, testing rooms, etc.). The architect indicated that a
general idea of the area required for these programs would be useful. It was
noted that it is acceptable for the special education program to be on a second
• The L-31 Building could be converted to a student activity center.
• World Languages should remain where currently located due to the recent
modernization of the labs.
• The science program will probably require two additional classrooms. These
could be located near the H building or M building for proximity to the existing
science rooms.
GUNN HS MP MEETING No.2 Palo Alto Unified School District
19 November 2008
• The site plan needs to be updated to include the new fields and pool
improvements. The architect will contact the landscape architect to obtain the
updated site plan.
6. The committee offered the following additional planning considerations:
• The Digital Media Center should occupy a central location. Possible to locate in
the upper level of the new building adjacent to the quad.
• Provide a centrally located copy/reproduction center. This could also be located
in the new building.
• Important to have a student center/activities area near the quad
• All departments need more office space
• Additional textbook storage is needed near the library
• Conference space that can accommodate two-classrooms is desirable
7. The question was asked whether the new buildings would have to be in the existing
architectural style. The architect responded that he did not think they needed to be
in the same style in order to be compatible and complimentary. He noted that what
is important is that the scale, massing and context.
8. Each department head will determine what’s important for them and provide this
information to the architect.
9. The next meeting will discuss the finding by the departments and the collective
message to be conveyed in the upcoming board working session and board
Next Meeting is scheduled for 1 December 2008 at 12:30-1:30 pm.
Prepared by Erwin Lee of Deems Lewis McKinley. Please advise if you feel that any of the above items are
inaccurate or need further clarification or detail.
cc: Attendees