Planning & Design Meetings Meeting #1 11/5/2008 - MinutesGUNN HS MP MEETING Palo Alto Unified School District 5 November 2008 P.1 GUNN HIGH SCHOOL MASTER PLAN Palo Alto Unified School District MASTER PLAN MEETING NO.1 DATE: 5 November 2008, 1:30–3:30 pm SUBJECT: Master Plan Meeting with Gunn HS Facilities Steering Committee ATTENDEES: See attached sign-in sheet The following are the highlights of the meeting: 1. As an introduction to the master plan presentation, architect Erwin Lee explained what the physical master planning goals might be. They are: • Give organization and structure to the campus • Create a hierarchy of open spaces • Utilize in between spaces and avoid sprawling of the campus in order to preserve open space • Create edges to open spaces and buildings • Define and articulate entries to building During the discussion of goals, the following were suggested by the steering committee as additional goals: • Improve traffic flow and circulation for both pedestrian and vehicles • Possible additional vehicular access to site • Consolidate department and functions • New buildings to accommodate growth • Environmental goals – reduce or eliminate AC, quiet ventilations systems • Provide campus-wide storage 2. The architect reviewed the current project list noting that during the MP process, the project list may evolve. Some projects such as the fields, pool, IA building addition are in progress. The project list included: • Renovation of AD2 • Classroom building/s to replace existing relocatable classrooms and accommodate future growth • Second gymnasium or addition to existing gymnasium and associated support spaces • Interior renovation of Spangenberg Theater, create an entry/lobby to the theater • Renovate or demolish and rebuild the RC Building • Modernize existing building that did not get attention during the previous bond During the discussion of potential projects, the following were suggested by the steering committee as additional projects: GUNN HS MP MEETING Palo Alto Unified School District 5 November 2008 P.2 • Add to or replace the existing music building which is too small • Create textbook storage and additional campus-wide storage • L-31 is too small • Revisit the program and determine the impact to the art building • Create pull-out and conference spaces throughout the campus 3. Based on initial thoughts and impressions about the campus, the architect presented a site plan diagram for discussion. The plan incorporated projects from the aforementioned list as well as others. The major elements proposed in the site plan were: • Removal of the existing RC building in order to create a large, unifying quad area at the center of the campus. • Create a new, two-story building at the east side of the new quad to house the RC functions, classrooms and campus-wide programs. The building is long and narrower than the existing RC, which would create a unifying façade alone the east side of the quad. • The new RC building is on leg of an L-shape building. The other leg forms a lobby to the theater utilizing and adding to the existing covered entry. A portion of the lobby is positioned so that it can be seen from the parking lot creating the defined entry to the public. • Connect the music building to the new lobby of the theater. Find ways to recapture the space along the theater by removing the ramps on the side of the building. • Create a two-story classroom building parallel to the service road at the Westside of the site. • The proposed buildings are long and rectangular in shape in lieu of square. The architect explained that this configuration provides better natural light and cross ventilation and cannot be accomplished where classrooms are back-to-back with limited exterior exposure. • The second gymnasium was positioned where the current Titan Village is located. The architect indicated that this location was selected because it was the largest available space that did not impact other programs. • Provide an entry and lobby to the gymnasium. 4. The architect indicated that there were several easements throughout the site, which prevented building from be built in certain areas. 5. The architect noted that the master planning process is not linear and that it will evolve as more information is introduced into the process. There will be much iteration until a final master plan is finalized. 6. It was noted that the projected student population of the campus would grow to 2,300. 7. A concern was raised that the special education programs receive adequate facilities and should not be forgotten in the process. 8. A brief discussion was held regarding temporary housing and what may need to happen during construction. The architect mentioned that although it is easiest to build in a location that is currently open, this strategy might lead to campus sprawl and result in a disorganized arrangement. He reminded us that the new buildings GUNN HS MP MEETING Palo Alto Unified School District 5 November 2008 P.3 will be there for a long time and should be placed where it makes the most sense. The easiest solution may not be the best long-term solution. 9. A blank site plan was used to record comments from the initial plan. Those comments were: • Wherever possible, the placement of building should avoid removal of trees. • The amphitheater area north of Spangenberg needs to be protected and preserved. • Acceptable to loose tennis courts and locate second gymnasium adjacent to the new pool complex. • Is it possible to build a second floor within the existing spaces at the end of the gymnasium? The architect responded that with new seismic codes, it is difficult and very expensive to do this because the second floor would need to be isolated from the existing building. Additionally, he pointed out that it would need to be accessible and an elevator would need to be provided. • If the gymnasium moves to the tennis courts, a new two-story classroom building can be located in the current Titan Village. • It was noted that the existing parking has a larger capacity than needed and that a parking spaces can be removed if necessary. • There was a desire to come up with option for the “mound” space. It was noted that the mound was a waste of space. • A goal expressed by all was to reduce the amount of asphalt paving and provide more landscaping in the courtyards. The next meeting is scheduled for 19 November 2008 at 2:00 pm. Note: This meeting notes format will replace the notes/graphics format that was previously used. END Prepared by Erwin Lee of Deems Lewis McKinley. Please advise if you feel that any of the above items are inaccurate or need further clarification or detail. cc: Attendees File