Planning & Design Meetings Design Meeting #2p –Wing 900 Modernization 1/20/2010 - MinutesPage 1 of 1 A E D I S Architecture & Planning Meeting Notes 1494 Hamilton Avenue, San Jose, CA 95125 408.264.2000 – Fax 408.264.2500 PROJECT: JL Stanford Middle School Modernization & New Construction DATE: 01/20/10 MEETING: Design Meeting #2p –Wing 900 Modernization PLACE: Conf Rm B PROJECT NO: 29034.00 TIME: 2:00 pm ATTENDEES: Brauman Creightom (PE Teacher) Sharon Ofek (JLS Admin) Amanda Holmquist (PE Teacher) Chris Grierson (JLS Admin) Ericka Berkson (PE Teacher) Lori Alvarez (OCM) David DeAmicis (PE Teacher) Carolina Ospina (AEDIS) Selena Reed (PE Teacher) Mariana Alvarez-Parga (AEDIS) Ryan Fletcher ((JLS Admin) Item # Notes 2.1 Locker Rooms a. Boys room will require capturing part or all of the storage room 933 in order to add lockers. Storage will be relocated to the front of the building, “squaring off” the corner facing the tennis courts. b. Girls room will require capturing part or all of the custodial room 904. This will also be relocated squaring off the other corner of the building. The existing utility room seems to be underutilized and could be combined with the new custodial office. c. Background drawings need to be revised per existing conditions and lay new count of lockers. d. Girls locker count is currently short by 28 lockers. 2.2 Exercise Room a. The exercise room is structurally separated from the rest of the building. It is possible that it also has a seismic joint. If this is confirmed, a steel brace will need to be built on both sides of the joint, making an expansion of exercise room 903 quite costly. b. Alternatively, the room will be expanded by approximately 200 SF by removing the existing storage and turning the dance classroom into storage. New exterior double doors are proposed to access this storage. 2.3 Wrestling Room a. Add an exterior door from at the classroom as well. b. It is preferred that the storage at the wrestling room remains. 2.4 Storage rooms a. AEDIS to verify that re-arranged storage areas result at least equal to existing. Also, that ceiling height is not too low at corners facing the pool and tennis courts. Next meeting a. Date and time TBD. End of Meeting Notes This information is the understanding of AEDIS Architecture & Planning of the various items discussed and agreed upon during the meeting. Please contact the writer within five (5) days if there are any revisions and/or additions necessary to these meeting minutes. REF.REF.232 SFMENS P.E. OFFICE923721 SFDANCECLASSROOM901133 SFBOYS VESTIBULE93131' - 5"1' - 0"16' - 6"19' - 9"13' - 0"6' - 4"9' - 8"9' - 7"7' - 0"12' - 5"9' - 9 3/4"13' - 1"16' - 11 1/4"17' - 4 1/2"7' - 8 1/2"18' - 9"30' - 10 1/4"18' - 9 3/4"7' - 6 1/16"16' - 9 3/16"13' - 1"9' - 9 3/4"19' - 5"9' - 7"7' - 1"8' - 11"81' - 8"270' - 6"111 SFUTILITY906106 SFVESTIBULE90777 SFELECTRICAL908258 SFP.E. STORAGE90977 SFWOMENS TOILET91065 SFWOMENSVESTIBULE912235 SFWOMENS P.E.OFFICE913205 SFWOMENS P.E.OFFICE91490 SFEQUIPMENTROOM918175 SFEQUIPMENTROOM917487 SFMECHANICAL91990 SFEQUIPMENTROOM921181 SFEQUIPMENTROOM92077 SFMENS TOILET92465 SFMENS VESTIBULE925112 SFP.E. STORAGE926230 SFP.E. STORAGE927109 SFVESTIBULE92879 SFJANITOR9292264 SFGIRLS LOCKERRM905275 SFJANITOR LOUNGE9041836 SFEXERCISE ROOM9038118 SFGYMNASIUM900135 SFGIRLS VESTIBULE915195 SFGIRLS TOILET916716 SFCLASSROOM934187 SFBOYS TOILET932275 SFSTORAGE9332263 SFBOYS LOCKER RM9301629 SFWRESTLING /AEROBIC936184 SFEQUIPMENTROOM935A-ASDGYMNASIUM900DANCECLASSROOM901EXERCISE ROOM903CLASSROOM934EQUIPMENTROOM935WRESTLING /AEROBIC936A E D I SA R C H I T E C T U R E & P L A N N I N GJL STANFORD MIDDLE SCHOOL MODERNIZATION AND NEW CONSTRUCTIONSCHEMATIC DESIGN - 900 WING01/20/10PALO ALTO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICTSECTION A-AEXISTING