Planning & Design Meetings Bond Advisory Committee Meeting #1 12/15/2009 - MinutesPage 1 of 2 A E D I S Architecture & Planning Meeting Notes 1494 Hamilton Avenue, San Jose, CA 95125 408.264.2000 – Fax 408.264.2500 PROJECT: JL Stanford Middle School Modernization & New Construction DATE: 12/15/09 MEETING: Bond Advisory Committee Meeting #1 PLACE: Room 730 PROJECT NO: 29034.00 TIME: 3:15 pm ATTENDEES: Sharon Ofek (Administration) Kari Nygaard (English Teacher) Ryan Fletcher (Administration) Greg Rice (Science Teacher) Fred Weiner (Math Teacher) Eric Schuur (Parent/PTA President) Judy Lukensmeyer (Administration) Louise Valente (Parent) Shauna Rockson (6th grade Teacher) Lori Alvarez (OCM) Becky Bullen (Sp. Ed. Teacher) Todd Walter (AEDIS Principal) Angelina Fitchugh (Music Teacher) Mariana Alvarez-Parga (AEDIS) Pier Angeli La Place (History/SS teacher) Item # Notes 1.1 Introduction A brief summary of the scope of work approved by PAUSD Board of Education was presented to the group. 1.2 Schedule / Work Plan a. Jordan SD set Update to PAUSD Board February 2010 b. Terman SD set Update to PAUSD Board March 2010 c. JL Stanford SD set Update to PAUSD Board March 2010 1.3 New Classroom Wing a. Program includes ten (10) new classrooms in a two-story structure, restroom core and a conference/storage room. b. Classrooms will be designed to accommodate 6, 7 and 8th graders c. The building will be placed east of the Industrial Arts wing. d. Three layouts were presented. Option 2 with an “L” shape building was the preferred one. It presents a better opportunity for a student courtyard. e. Typical classroom will have a smart board on the center of a wall and white boards on each side. It was preferred not to have a teaching wall (storage behind white boards). At the corner of the teaching side the will be a counter for audio-visual equipment. Storage cabinets will be located at the back of the room, opposite to the teaching side. f. Part of the cabinets provided in ea classroom should be lockable. Bookshelves are typically not fixed so these would be provided later with furnishings. g. If possible, a staff restroom is desired. There is a staff restroom at the end of the Industrial Arts wing. h. The conference room will be set as two rooms (back to back). The one on the back will have cabinets in the entire perimeter but still will be able to accommodate a meeting table. 1.4 900 Wing (Gymnasium) a. Original program was to enlarge the exercise room. As built drawings are to be reviewed. Two options are being considered depending on structural PROJECT: JL Stanford Middle School Modernization & New Construction DATE: 12/15/09 MEETING: Bond Advisory Committee Meeting #1 PROJECT NO: 29034.00 Page 2 of 2 1.4 900 Wing Continued conditions: Option 1: Merge Rooms 901 and 903 and add storage. Option 2: Create a larger storage space in the classroom space and increase Rooms 903 and 936 by 200 SF. All options should show a storage room in both the Exercise and Wrestling Rooms. b. Add windows in rooms 903 and 936 in lieu of louvers. c. Boys Locker Room to receive 1. Improved ventilation in restroom area 2. Additional power outlets in Men’s office 3. New epoxy floor 4. Additional 65 lockers (from 506 to 571) - A storage room on the lockers might be removed to make space for these. The building footprint might be enlarged to “square it off” by the Coaches office. 5. New privacy wall d. Girls Locker Room to receive 6. Improved ventilation in restroom area 7. New epoxy floor 8. Additional 61 lockers (from 468 to 529) 1.5 600 Wing (Science) a. Convert classroom 620 to a science classroom b. Upgrade classroom 630 to a science classroom c. Upgrade heat and ventilation on wing 600. 1.6 Room 730 a. This room will be reduced to contain two testing rooms. Both rooms should be accessible directly from the outside. 1.7 Teachers’ Lounge a. Computer carts storage will be added to the Teachers Lounge. This space is currently used just for copying. b. There are currently different areas to store five (5) carts. New storage will store ten to twelve (10-12) carts. 1.6 1.8 Landscape between classroom wings 100 thru 500. a. A combination of grass areas and seat walls is desired. b. 6th graders will frequently use outdoor areas. There should be areas to receive small groups and one large. Lay seats in circles. c. 7th and 8th grades could have just green areas. d. The large area could be the space between the library and the 200 wing. Seat walls could be placed on outdoor wall of library. e. Smaller seating areas could be east of Room 730 (currently an unused garden) and between the north end of 100 and 200 wings (west of Computer Room 180). f. There is no need to provide tables as lunch occurs in student area and students are not allowed between wings during lunch. g. Maintenance and irrigation will be needed for green areas. h. Measures to control foot traffic will be needed. Students currently cross from the breezeways through the permeable areas. i. Science classrooms do not use outdoor space. Avoid placing seating areas for groups on the north end of wings 300, 400 and 500. End of Meeting Notes This information is the understanding of AEDIS Architecture & Planning of the various items discussed and agreed upon during the meeting. Please contact the writer within five (5) days if there are any revisions and/or additions necessary to these meeting minutes. A E D I S A R C H I T E C T U R E & P L A N N I N G NEW CLASSROOM WING –Opt 7a CONVERT ROOM 620 INTO SCIENCE & UPGRADE ROOM 630 GYM UPGRADES (Windows, larger Exercise Rm, PE lockers) RENOVATE STAFF LOUNGE TO INCLUDE STORAGE CONSOLIDATE 6th GRADE IN SAME AREA ADD (1) TESTING RM & STORAGE IN RM 730 Proposed Scope of Work IMPROVE DRAINAGE EXPAND MUSIC ROOM & ADD STORAGE TO ART ROOM BICYCLE PARKINGACSWIMMING POOLSHACKCONCCLASSROOM1-STORYTEMPORARYCLASSROOM1-STORY9'CLF6'CLF9'CLF9'CLF6'CLF6'CLF4'CLF6'CLF4'CLF4'CLFTRENCH PATCHTANBARK20BICYCLE PARKINGACSWIMMING POOLSHACKCONCCLASSROOMTEMPORARYCLASSROOM1-STORY9'CLF6'CLF6'CLF9'CL9'CLF6'CLF6'CLF4'CLF6'CLF4'CLF4'CLFTRENCH PATCHTANBARK20BICYCLE PARKINGACSWIMMING POOLSHACKCONCCLASSROOM1-STORYTEMPORARYCLASSROOM1-STORY9'CLF6'CLF9'CLF9'CLF6'CLF6'CLF4'CLF6'CLF4'CLF4'CLFTRENCH PATCHTANBARK2020' - 0"11' - 7 1/2"345612RESTROOMSRESTROOMSELEV6' - 0"78910CONFERENCEROOMELEVSECONDFLOORFIRSTFLOOR120' - 0"(E) BUILDING(E) BUILDING(E) BUILDING(E) BUILDINGE.R.ELEC123421' - 4"ELEV12345RESTROOMS678910CONFERENCEROOMRESTROOMSFIRST FLOORSECOND FLOOR10' - 3"60' - 0"1 2 0 ' - 0"(E) BUILDING(E) BUILDING(E) BUILDING(E) BUILDINGMECHELECE.R.ELEVNEW STUDENTCOURTYARD123420' - 0"ELEVE.R.126543FIRST FLOORELEV10987SECOND FLOORRESTROOMSRESTROOMSCONFERENCEROOM(E) BUILDING(E) BUILDING(E) BUILDING(E) BUILDING120' - 0"47' - 0"74' - 4"ELEC16' - 8"16' - 8"NEW STUDENTCOURTYARD1234A E D I SA R C H I T E C T U R E & P L A N N I N GJL STANFORD MIDDLE SCHOOL MODERNIZATION AND NEW CONSTRUCTIONSCHEMATIC DESIGN12/15/09PALO ALTO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICTSCALE 1" = 30'-0"OPTION 1SCALE 1" = 30'-0"OPTION 2SCALE 1" = 30'-0"OPTION 3N 30' - 0"32' - 0"COUNTER WITHBASE CABINETCOUNTER WITH BASE& UPPER CABINETTALL CABINETSA/V EQUIPMENTCOUNTER WITHBASE CABINET6' - 0"9' - 0"10' - 4"12' - 0"6' WHITE BOARDSMART BOARD6' WHITE BOARD6' - 0" COUNTER WITHBASE CABINET4' - 8"21' - 0"4' - 4" 6' WHITE BOARDTEACHER DESKVCT FLOORING A B C D COUNTER WITH BASE CABINETS TALL CANIETS UPPER CABINETS 1' - 0"5' - 0"4' - 0"10' - 0"A/V EQUIPMENT COUNTER WITH BASE CABINET 6' WHITE BOARDSMART BOARD6' WHITE BOARD COUNTER WITH BASE CABINET 6' WHITE BOARD7' - 3"2' - 0"0' - 9"10' - 0"A E D I S A R C H I T E C T U R E & P L A N N I N G JL STANFORD MIDDLE SCHOOL MODERNIZATION AND NEW CONSTRUCTION SCHEMATIC DESIGN 11/23/09 PALO ALTO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT 1/4" = 1'-0"1 FLOOR PLAN 1/4" = 1'-0"2 INTERIOR ELEVATIONS ELEVATION A ELEVATION B ELEVATION C ELEVATION D CLASSROOM 600 CLASSROOM 610 1201 SF CLASSROOM 620 1201 SF CLASSROOM 630 CLASSROOM 640 CLASSROOM 650 OFFICE / STOR. WORK RM 660 MECHANICAL 601 MECHANICAL 651 MECHANICAL 641 MECHANICAL 611 HALL 605 HALL 645 SMARTBOARDPROJECTIONSCREENWHITEBOARD6' DEMOSTRATIONDESK16' TEACHING WALLSMARTBOARDPROJECTIONSCREENWHITEBOARD 16' TEACHING WALL 6' DEMOSTRATION DESK 32 STUDENTS 32 STUDENTS TACKBOARD SURFACETYP. WINDOW IF STRUCTURALLYFEASIBLE BOOKSHELF OVERH EAD PROJECTOR DISPLAYSURFACETYP.TEACHER'S DESK DISPLAYSURFACETYP.TEACHER'SDESKTACKBOARDSURFACE TYP.TACKBOARDSURFACETYP.BOOKSHELVESDISPLAYSURFACE TYP.OVERHEADPROJECTORTACKBOARDSURFACETYP.TACKBOARDSURFACETYP.CLASSROOM 600 MECHANICAL ROOM 601 CLASSROOM 610 OFFICE / STOR. WORK RM 660 MECHANICAL ROOM 651 CLASSROOM 650 CLASSROOM 640 MECHANICAL ROOM 641 CLASSROOM 630 CLASSROOM 620 MECHANICAL 611 138' - 0"61' - 6"30' - 5"30' - 5"32' - 4"36' - 4"36' - 4"32' - 4" A E D I S A R C H I T E C T U R E & P L A N N I N G JL STANFORD MIDDLE SCHOOL MODERNIZATION AND NEW CONSTRUCTION SCHEMATIC DESIGN 12/03/09 PALO ALTO UNIFED SCHOOL DISTRICT 1/8" = 1'-0"1 NEW FLOOR PLAN 6 0 0 W I N G R E N O V A T I O N 1/8" = 1'-0"2 DEMOLITION FLOOR PLAN REF.REF.ADD LOCKERSIMPROVED VENTILATION487 SFMechanical91979 SFJanitor9298118 SFClassroom900190 SFBoy's Toilet932111 SFUtility906106 SFVestibule90777 SFElectrical908258 SFP.E. Storage90977 SFWomen's Toilet91065 SFWomen's Vestibule912235 SFWomen's P.E.Office913205 SFWomen's P.E.Office914135 SFGirl's Vestibule915193 SFGirl's Toilet916175 SFEquipment Room91790 SFEquipment Room918181 SFEquipment Room92090 SFEquipment Room921232 SFMen's P.E. Office92377 SFMen's Toilet92465 SFMen's Vestibule925112 SFP.E. Storage926230 SFP.E. Storage927106 SFVestibule9282265 SFBoy's LockerRoom930133 SFBoy's Vestibule931275 SFStorage933716 SFClassroom934184 SFEquipment Room9351629 SFWrestling/Aerobic936187 SFStorage9022388 SFExercise Room903275 SFJanitor Lounge9042266 SFGirl's LockerRoom905NEW WINDOWSNEW WINDOWSNEW PRIVACY WALLADD LOCKERS232 SFMENS P.E. OFFICE923721 SFDANCECLASSROOM901133 SFBOYS VESTIBULE93131' - 5"1' - 0"16' - 6"19' - 9"13' - 0"6' - 4"9' - 8"9' - 7"7' - 0"12' - 5"9' - 9 3/4"13' - 1"16' - 11 1/4"17' - 4 1/2"7' - 8 1/2"18' - 9"30' - 10 1/4"18' - 9 3/4"7' - 6 1/16"16' - 9 3/16"13' - 1"9' - 9 3/4"19' - 5"9' - 7"7' - 1"8' - 11"81' - 8"270' - 6"111 SFUTILITY906106 SFVESTIBULE90777 SFELECTRICAL908258 SFP.E. STORAGE90977 SFWOMENS TOILET91065 SFWOMENSVESTIBULE912235 SFWOMENS P.E.OFFICE913205 SFWOMENS P.E.OFFICE91490 SFEQUIPMENTROOM918175 SFEQUIPMENTROOM917487 SFMECHANICAL91990 SFEQUIPMENTROOM921181 SFEQUIPMENTROOM92077 SFMENS TOILET92465 SFMENS VESTIBULE925112 SFP.E. STORAGE926230 SFP.E. STORAGE927109 SFVESTIBULE92879 SFJANITOR9292266 SFGIRLS LOCKERRM905275 SFJANITOR LOUNGE9041836 SFEXERCISE ROOM9038118 SFCLASSROOM900135 SFGIRLS VESTIBULE915193 SFGIRLS TOILET916716 SFCLASSROOM934190 SFBOYS TOILET932275 SFSTORAGE9332265 SFBOYS LOCKER RM9301629 SFWRESTLING /AEROBIC936184 SFEQUIPMENTROOM935A E D I SA R C H I T E C T U R E & P L A N N I N GJL STANFORD MIDDLE SCHOOL MODERNIZATION AND NEW CONSTRUCTIONSCHEMATIC DESIGN12/15/09PALO ALTO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICTOPTION 1EXISTING