Planning & Design Meetings Design Meeting #2a – New Classroom Building 12/7/2009 - MinutesPage 1 of 2 A E D I S Architecture & Planning Meeting Notes 1494 Hamilton Avenue, San Jose, CA 95125 408.264.2000 – Fax 408.264.2500 PROJECT: JL Stanford Middle School Modernization & New Construction DATE: 12/7/09 MEETING: Design Meeting #2a – New Classroom Building PLACE: Room 720 PROJECT NO: 29034.00 TIME: 3:15 pm ATTENDEES: Sharon Ofek (Administration) David Tomatis (Social Studies Teacher) Ryan Fletcher (Administration) Louise Valente (Parent) Gerry Larvey (Administration) Eric Schuuk (Parent/PTA President) Judy Lukensmeyer (Administration) Lori Alvarez (OCMI) Alex Salzmann (Math Teacher) Todd Walter (AEDIS Principal) C. Lazzaschi (English Teacher) Item # Notes 2.1 Typical Classroom layout should include: 1. Able to accommodate 6, 7 and 8th graders. 2. Counter space for at least (2) desk top computers or to be used for other uses by students. The counter to be 6’ minimum and clear below for sitting. Height should be 30” at this location. 3. At the front of the classroom the AV (audio visual) cabinet should be moveable or pivot in order to create a podium style arrangement. The teachers preferred to be looking at the classroom and students when working at the AV cabinet location. 4. The smart board should be located at the front of the classroom and in the center. On either side will be marker boards. The marker boards may or may not be sliding. This needs to be finalized. It is also preferred to have the capability of using the smart board, overhead projector and marker boards simultaneously. This may or may not be possible depending on what smart boards the site/district provides. Further review of this concept is needed. 5. Rolling shades over the windows is preferred rather than blinds or drapes. 6. A possible break out area within each classroom maybe a possible idea. No further decision was made on this concept. Users would like to see possible ideas of the space. 2.2 The possible building layout was shown for discussion and input. The building is located near the Industrial Art classroom building. There were (3) options presented showing the building floor plans. 1. Option 1: 2-story building with two bar like wings almost parallel to each other. 2. Option 2: 2-story building in a “L” shape. 3. Option 3: 2-story building in a “U” shape. Option 2 was the preferred layout. This plan created a more open feeling connecting the new building back to the campus and capable of creating a student courtyard and providing a PROJECT: JL Stanford Middle School Modernization & New Construction DATE: 12/7/09 MEETING: Design Mtg #2a – New Classroom Building PROJECT NO: 29034.00 Page 2 of 2 connection to the adjacent park for students arriving from this location. 2.3 Other considerations: 1. Staff reminded the team to include lockers in the plan. End of Meeting Notes This information is the understanding of AEDIS Architecture & Planning of the various items discussed and agreed upon during the meeting. Please contact the writer within five (5) days if there are any revisions and/or additions necessary to these meeting minutes. BICYCLE PARKING AC SWIMMING POOL SHACK CONC CLASSROOM 1-STORY TEMPORARY CLASSROOM 1-STORY 9'CLF6'CLF 9'CLF 9'CLF 6'CLF6'CLF4'CLF6'CLF 4'CLF 4'CLF TRENCH PATCH TANBARK20 BICYCLE PARKING AC SWIMMING POOL SHACK CONC CLASSROOM 1-STORY TEMPORARY CLASSROOM 1-STORY 9'CLF6'CLF6'CLF9'CL 9'CLF 6'CLF6'CLF4'CLF6'CLF 4'CLF 4'CLF TRENCH PATCH TANBARK20 BICYCLE PARKING AC SWIMMING POOL SHACK CONC CLASSROOM 1-STORY TEMPORARY CLASSROOM 1-STORY 9'CLF6'CLF 9'CLF 9'CLF 6'CLF6'CLF4'CLF6'CLF 4'CLF 4'CLF TRENCH PATCH TANBARK20 20' - 0"11' - 7 1/2"3 4 5 6 1 2 RESTROOMS RESTROOMS ELEV6' - 0"7 8 9 10 CONFERENCEROOM ELEV SECOND FLOOR FIRST FLOOR 120' - 0"(E) BUILDING(E) BUILDING (E) BUILDING(E) BUILDINGE.R.ELEC 2 1 ' - 4 " ELEV 1 2 3 4 5 RE S TRO OM S 6 7 8 9 10 CO NF E RENCE ROOM REST ROOM S FIRST FLOOR SECOND FLOOR 10' - 3"60' - 0"120' - 0"(E) BUILDING(E) BUILDING (E) BUILDING(E) BUILDINGMEC H E L E C E.R. ELEV 20' - 0" ELEVE.R. 1 2 6543 FIRST FLOOR ELEV 10987 SECOND FLOOR RESTROOMS RESTROOMS CONFERENCE ROOM (E) BUILDING(E) BUILDING (E) BUILDING(E) BUILDING120' - 0"47' - 0"74' - 4"ELEC 16' - 8" 16' - 8" A E D I S A R C H I T E C T U R E & P L A N N I N G JL STANFORD MIDDLE SCHOOL MODERNIZATION AND NEW CONSTRUCTION SCHEMATIC DESIGN 11/23/09 PALO ALTO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT SCALE 1" = 30'-0" OPTION 1 SCALE 1" = 30'-0" OPTION 2 SCALE 1" = 30'-0" OPTION 3 N