Planning & Design Meetings Design Mtg # 3 12/10/2009 - MinutesPage 1 of 2 A E D I S Architecture & Planning Meeting Notes 1494 Hamilton Avenue, San Jose, CA 95125 408.264.2000 – Fax 408.264.2500 PROJECT: Terman Middle School Modernization & New Construction DATE: 12/10/09 MEETING: Design Mtg # 3 PLACE: Conf. Rm PROJECT NO: 29036.00 TIME: 3:30 pm ATTENDEES: Carmen Giedt (Principal) Todd Walter, (AEDIS Principal) Steve Gallagher (Assistant Principal) Mariana Alvarez-Parga (AEDIS) Lori Alvarez, (OCMI) Item # Notes 3.1 Cafetorium: a. Warming kitchen could be placed by snack bar (where current restrooms are located) so as to have direct access to snack bar. All the kitchen and food service would be in one large space. District food service representatives to review layout and provide comments on design. b. Restrooms need to be accessible to faculty staff. Also by parents during events in Cafetorium. Need a minimum of two stalls and no lounge is needed. c. A third serving window for snack bar might need to be placed in between the two existing ones. These are wide enough that it could work. d. Teacher’s lounge area design is good. The staff desire a teachers’ kitchen area. e. A teacher’s office or small conference room would be nice to have but is not required. f. Old walk in cooler could be removed or used for something else. It is currently used for storage. g. Most of the space in the existing kitchen is used for storage, including general storage for the Cafetorium space. The remodel should include a Cafetorium storage room. h. Feasibility of the above revisions are pending review of As Built drawings. 3.2 Administration a. The lobby does not need to be literally facing the parking lot. It could be placed along the breezeway, centered with the admin space. b. Conference room location is preferred in the front corner, by the lobby. c. Assistant Principal’s office is OK at close proximity with campus. d. Counselors’ offices should be closer to Assistant Principal. Relocate in place of Psychologist, Budget and Data offices. e. Budget and Data offices to be relocated in the middle area, next to the secretarial space. f. Psychologist Office to be placed with the offices along the north wall, by Principal’s and other. g. Maintain connection to Library. h. Maintain second exit door for Principal’s Office. 3.3 Library a. Library space totals 3,700 SF including the entry “display” area. b. Counter desk to be reoriented to the north wall to allow better visibility to entrance. PROJECT: Terman Middle School Modernization & New Construction DATE: 12/10/09 MEETING: Design Mtg #3 PROJECT NO: 29036.00 Page 2 of 2 3.4 Classrooms by Admin/Library a. These need sinks and base cabinets. b. The building is not large enough to have a Computer Lab. c. Computer Tech Room will stay by the Computer Classroom. Space allows for 220 SF only. To be confirmed by committee. 3.5 Next Steps Revise plans for review at next meeting. End of Meeting Notes This information is the understanding of AEDIS Architecture & Planning of the various items discussed and agreed upon during the meeting. Please contact the writer within five (5) days if there are any revisions and/or additions necessary to these meeting minutes. DCBA123446' - 5 1/2"107' - 8"12' - 3 3/4"166' - 5 1/4"43 SFGARBAGEB-1309 SFMECHANICALB-242 SFOFFICEB-320 SFJANITORB-417 SFTOILETB-534 SFTOILETB-5B1040 SFKITCHENB-977 SFREFRIDGEB-7294 SFSTOREROOMB-6297 SFFACULTYLOUNGEB-1285 SFLOUNGEB-1485 SFMENS TOILETB-16177 SFSNACK BARB-174859 SFCAFETORIUMB-18259 SFSTORAGEB-1975 SFPIANO STORAGEB-2096 SFDRESSINGB-2127 SFSTORAGE/REHEARSALB-22589 SFFACULTY DININGB-885 SFLOUNGEB-13186 SFDISHWASHINGB-10145 SFHALLB-1120 SFSTORAGEB-15b65 SFWOMENS TOILETB-15a1045 SFPLATFORMB-18A15' - 11"56' - 7 1/2"19' - 11"92' - 5 1/2" Total Admin Area: 4526 sf2270 LF of shelves18,160 volumes (8 per foot)22,700 volumes (10 per foot)two classroom spaces70 SFWomen70 SFMen101 SFOffice227 SFPrincipal110 SFCounselor110 SFCounselor112 SFCounselor70 SFUnisex92 SFNurse316 SFLibrary Workrm473 SFWorkroom192 SFVice Principal224 SFConference272 SFLobby 1268 SFSecretarial80 SFStorage1178 SFComputerClassroom961 SFClassroom 2962 SFClassroom 13739 SFLibrary843 SFHall69' - 0"192' - 6"46' - 3"15' - 10"CLR5' - 0"11' - 8"10' - 2"10' - 2"CLR5' - 0"CLR5' - 0"23' - 1"CLR5' - 0"10 COMPUTERSCOUNTERDISPLAY AREA124 SFPsychologist108 SFBudget108 SFData101 SFMeeting Room123 SFACS67 SFStor.49 SFStorage221 SFComputerLab/Tech Rm.185 SFServerClassroom Space 1(32 Students)Classroom Space 2(24 Students)10' - 9"5' - 0"7' - 11"7' - 11"7' - 11"8' - 11"20' - 1"22' - 8"10' - 11"11' - 5"11' - 5"99' - 7"36' - 7"11' - 5"16' - 11"15' - 6"13' - 11"5' - 0"5' - 0"24' - 7"29' - 6"29' - 5"15' - 9"16' - 7"19' - 9"33' - 9"21' - 9"13' - 7"10' - 5"10' - 5"11' - 11"33' - 9"12' - 0"22' - 9"Total Admin Area3884 sf355 SFWorkroom1076 SFComputer Lab99 SFStorage97 SFServer2606 SFLibrary79 SFBudget80 SFPsychologist81 SFCounselor81 SFCounselor81 SFCounselor122 SFACS135 SFSecretarial174 SFNurse129 SFData26 SFWC511 SFSecretarial196 SFPrincipal171 SFVice Principal221 SFConference185 SFServer85 SFStorage62 SFUnisex23 SFComm91 SFHall501 SFHall345 SFLobby292 SFOffice/Workrm68' - 0"44' - 6"7' - 6"7' - 7"7' - 8"7' - 8"7' - 8"11' - 7"17' - 6"15' - 3"11' - 6"15' - 6"11' - 6"19' - 6"11' - 6"11' - 3"18' - 3"10' - 6"39' - 10"21' - 3"21' - 6"33' - 3"A E D I SA R C H I T E C T U R E & P L A N N I N GTERMAN MIDDLE SCHOOLSchematic Design - Building A12/10/09Palo Alto Unified School District 1/8" = 1'-0"2NEW FLOOR PLANOverall Areas - NEWAdmin4526 SFLibrary4055 SFClassroom 1962 SFClassroom 2961 SFComp. Classroom1178 SFComputer Lab221 SFRenovation: 7,901 SFNew Construction: 5,257 SFBuilding Total:11,556 SFRoom Schedule - NEWName AreaACS 123 SFBudget 108 SFClassroom 1 962 SFClassroom 2 961 SFComputer Classroom 1178 SFComputer Lab/Tech Rm. 221 SFConference 224 SFCounselor 110 SFCounselor 110 SFCounselor 112 SFData 108 SFHall 843 SFLibrary 3739 SFLibrary Workrm 316 SFLobby 1 272 SFMeeting Room 101 SFMen 70 SFNurse 92 SFOffice 101 SFPrincipal 227 SFPsychologist 124 SFSecretarial 268 SFServer 185 SFStor. 67 SFStorage 80 SFStorage 49 SFUnisex 70 SFVice Principal 192 SFWomen 70 SFWorkroom 473 SF11556 SF 1/8" = 1'-0"1EXISTING FLOOR PLANRoom Schedule - EXISTINGName AreaACS 122 SFBudget 79 SFComm 23 SFComputer Lab 1076 SFConference 221 SFCounselor 81 SFCounselor 81 SFCounselor 81 SFData 129 SFHall 91 SFHall 501 SFLibrary 2606 SFLobby 345 SFNurse 174 SFOffice/Workrm 292 SFPrincipal 196 SFPsychologist 80 SFSecretarial 135 SFSecretarial 511 SFServer 97 SFServer 185 SFStorage 99 SFStorage 85 SFUnisex 62 SFVice Principal 171 SFWC 26 SFWorkroom 355 SF7901 SFOverall Areas - EXISTINGAdmin3884 SFLibrary2898 SFComputer Lab1178 SFBuilding Total:7,901 sf