Planning & Design Meetings Design Mtg # 1 10/6/2009 - Minutes A E D I S Architecture & Planning Meeting Notes 1494 Hamilton Avenue, San Jose, CA 95125 408.264.2000 – Fax 408.264.2500 PROJECT: Terman Middle School Modernization & New Construction DATE: 10/06/09 MEETING: Design Mtg # 1 PLACE: Conf. Rm PROJECT NO: 29036.00 TIME: 3:30 pm ATTENDEES: Carmen Giedt (Principal) Lori Alvarez, (OCM) Steve Gallagher (Assitant Principal) Todd Walter, (AEDIS Principal) Dede Barnhart (Librarian) Mariana Alvarez-Parga (AEDIS) ATTACHMENTS: Proposed Site Plan and Floor Plan Item # Notes 1.1 Construction Phasing: a. New drama classroom is planned to be constructed first and the existing drama classroom (G9) will then be used for a temporary classroom, for example a computer lab while the Administration/ Library-Bldg A is renovated. b. While Bldg A is under construction the existing functions could be housed in the cafeteria. c. Once Bldg A is completed then room G9 (current drama classroom) could be renovated. Function to be determined. d. All other modernization projects will be constructed after the above construction projects are completed. Actual phasing to be determined during the design phase. 1.2 New Drama Classroom: a. The space will be used for drama classroom, and performances such as small concerts, recitals, small assemblies. b. A stage is needed – 12” minimum ht. and this will be a permanent one. An ADA accessible ramp will be needed. c. The drama room should be an open space clear of accessory elements such as risers. The ramp to the stage should not be taking space form the room but rather be moved to the side as shown on Schemes 3 and 4. Flat and clear floor will give opportunity for flexibility. d. Music building will have access to the drama classroom but a direct connection is not required. Entry doors into the drama should occur on the west side near the cafeteria. e. The windows should be “blacked out” for performances and other uses. Windows are not preferred as the space would be desired to completely blacked out. The District would like this building to be flexible for other functions, thus, it is recommended to have windows. f. Spaces needed – drama space, stage, storage, electrical/mechanical. An office is not needed at this time. Carmen will review the need and respond. g. Acoustic measures should be evaluated because of the proximity of drama and music spaces. The storage and mechanical rooms in the new building to be placed on the side of the music building to create a buffer between the two functions. h. Other spaces such as a conference room are not needed. i. The room will be explored in a rectangular configuration as well as with angled walls to accentuate the theatre atmosphere. Page 1 of 2 PROJECT: Terman Middle School Modernization & New Construction DATE: 10/6/09 MEETING: Design Mtg #1 PROJECT NO: 29036.00 1.3 Administration: a. The existing quantity of offices is appropriate however, the new offices should be of equal size and if possible there is a need for 1 to 2 additional offices for counseling. b. There is one existing conference room which is an appropriate size, but 1 additional conference room would be needed. c. Staff toilets are needed. d. Offices for Principal and Assistant Principal should be place along the corridor, for proximity to the classroom wings and rest of the campus. 1.4 Library / Administration Wing: a. The librarian stated that the library should be around 3,500 SF. She projected the need of space to fit (2) classrooms for 32 students each as well as seats for independent reading for 25 more students, therefore a space to accomodate 90 students at once. Book collection was projected to be 17,000 volumes. Carmen would like to confirm the need for the number of students that should be accomodated in the library. b. It is preferred by the librarian that part of the library space be on the side of the classroom wings to draw students to it. It is advised that the library be in the new expansion as it will be a higher structure than the existing admin spaces. The current access to the admin spaces would be the new access to the library. c. There should be a work room and storage room(s). d. The existing IDF closet in the library could be relocated. e. A conference room(s) is not a priority but it would be nice to have it. Consider placing the admin conference room in a way it would allow access from the library. f.Anticipated book volume for the library to be confirmed by the district. g. Toilets: Besides the staff toilet rooms for the administration space there should staff toilets for the classroom, computer lab and library staff to use. 1.5 Other a. Carmen to evaluate the possibility of moving the Industrial tech room to G-9. Noise level from dust collector needs to be considered. 1.6 Next Steps a. Next meeting will be scheduled for after October 21st when the topographic information is received. Lori Alvarez to contact Carmen to schedule. End of Meeting Notes This information is the understanding of AEDIS Architecture & Planning of the various items discussed and agreed upon during the meeting. Please contact the writer within five (5) days if there are any revisions and/or additions necessary to these meeting minutes. Page 2 of 2