Planning & Design Meetings Pre-Design Meeting #3 1/6/2009 - Minutes Page 1 of 3 A E D I S Architecture & Planning Meeting Notes 1494 Hamilton Avenue, San Jose, CA 95125 408.264.2000 – Fax 408.264.2500 PROJECT: Jordan, Stanford, Terman MS Pre-Design DATE: 01/06/09 and 01/07/09 MEETING: Mtg # 3 PLACE: Jordan MS, JLS MS, Terman MS PROJECT NO: 28066.00 TIME: All day ATTENDEES: Paul Stickney, (O’Connor Construction) Lori Alvarez, (O’Connor Construction) Todd Walter, (Aedis) Arindam Bose, (Aedis) Don Cox, JL Stanford MS Gerry Larvey, JL Stanford MS Carmen Giedt, Terman MS Michael Milliken, Jordan MS Christina Regalia, Jordan MS Sharon Ofek, JL Stanford MS DISTRIBUTION: Attendees AEDIS, File ATTACHMENTS: None Item # Notes Responsible 3.1 a. Jordan MS · AEDIS/OCMI presented the final capacity count for the school and based on that there will be 7 new classrooms needed at Jordan Middle School for the capacity to go up by 1100. · Existing Science wing G – currently 4 existing science classrooms, need 6 total to accommodate future growth. (E) G4-G7 are equipped as science classrooms already and need no updates. (E) G2 is not set up as a science classroom but is being used as that. Entire G wing is to be renovated to house 6 Science Classrooms. · 6th Grade – currently has 12 classrooms, will have 14 in the future · AEDIS suggested that if the location and proximity to other buildings determined a 2-story building then 8 new classrooms should be built instead of 7 to make it equal number on both floors without a significant cost increase. · Since the G wing would be renovated, all new classrooms would be regular standard size classrooms. · Different options were discussed for location of new building. The 2 possible options were : a. Make new single storey building at the corner of Middlefield and California and convert wing C to 6th grade. This way the new building would be all 6th grade classrooms and help create a 6th Grade quad at that location. b. Take down Music building M1 & M2, relocate those rooms and For Info. Page 2 of 3 create a new 2 story block in it’s place of 4 classrooms on each floor. · The added growth would also require requirement of new SDC classrooms for @20 students. · Requirement for new conference rooms were discussed. The same are not required at the admin block and are to be located in other buildings. · The proposal of a shared staff office space with tables was discussed. This would allow for all classrooms to be used efficiently to avoid usage of classrooms for prep work wherever not possible. · AEDIS asked Jordan staff to review the existing locations of classrooms and possible location of new building to review campus wide changes to provide for a more efficient campus with ideal grouping of classrooms. · The project priority list of the staff wishes/wants and needs were discussed briefly and it was decided that this was an ongoing discussion and would be tackled in detail once the process got into schematic design phase. · AEDIS and Jordan staff agreed to have a presentation to the Jordan Advisory group next Wednesday 01.14.2008 at 3:15 pm to bring them up-to-date with the work progress. 3.2 b. J.L Stanford MS · AEDIS/OCMI presented the final capacity count for the school and based on that there will be 7 (net) new classrooms needed at J. L Stanford Middle School for the capacity to go up by 1100. · AEDIS recommends 8 CR for efficiency and since the 2 portables located in the new location will be moved, the new building would be 10 CR or 8 net. · New 10 classroom two-story building will be located where the existing portables are. · Existing Science wing 600 – Entire 600 wing is to be renovated to house 6 standard size Science Classrooms. · 6th Grade science rooms – will be designed with water, counter space and storage. No gas connections are needed. · Exact number of 6th standard classrooms couldn’t be determined because the school wants approximate enrollment numbers based on demographic studies. OCMI indicated that the same study is in progress and that the numbers will be available shortly. · 6TH Grade classrooms would be located together close to the parking and Waverly drive. · Existing wings to be renovated so that most spaces are a standard 960 SF. Rearrangement to also include identification of storage spaces. · New bike racks would be needed for added growth. · The proposal of a shared staff office space with tables was discussed. This would allow for all classrooms to be used efficiently to avoid usage of classrooms for prep work wherever not possible. · Don Cox from JLS insisted that the school district arrive at a design of a standard core classroom design (teaching wall, sinks, projectors etc.) which can be applied across the board to all core classrooms. · AEDIS asked J.L Stanford staff to review the existing locations of classrooms and possible location of new building to review campus wide changes to provide for a more efficient campus with ideal grouping of classrooms. · J.L Stanford staff also asked for help in identifying and creating a new school quad/courtyard for student congregation and events. For Info. Page 3 of 3 AEDIS proposed extending the existing one to existing hard courts. · Also an idea of removing classroom blocks 050 and 060 was discussed and would need further discussion. This would allow for the entire campus to be connected better to the new quad/courtyard space. Stanford staff to review the same. · AEDIS and Stanford staff agreed to have a presentation to the Stanford Advisory group next Tuesday 01.13.2008 at 3:15 pm to bring them up-to-date with the work progress. 3.3 c. Terman Middle School · AEDIS/OCMI presented the final capacity count considering the fact that this school is not going to get growth. · It was decided that the original master plan was appropriate in terms of adding total 4 new classrooms to compensate for the undersized classrooms. It was decided that the drama room would be moved behind C1 and C3 in a new building. 3 New classrooms would be added other than the drama room. · Special Education would move out of D-8 due to more available room and reconfigured elsewhere on the campus. · The proposal of a shared staff office space with tables was discussed. This would allow for all classrooms to be used efficiently to avoid usage of classrooms for prep work wherever not possible. · The configuration of the existing admin building will be looked at to accommodate admin up front, library behind, computer classroom and 3 regular classrooms. · AEDIS asked Terman staff to review the existing locations of classrooms and possible location of new building to review campus wide changes to provide for a more efficient campus with ideal grouping of classrooms. · Terman staff also indicated that they are unhappy with their current parking configuration at the front and wants AEDIS to come up with a new configuration to make bus movement easier. · AEDIS and Terman staff agreed to have a presentation meeting with the Terman Advisory group next month to bring them up-to-date with the work progress. Terman principal assured that the staff is aware of the progress of the pre-design phase and due to this being the last week of semester an advisory group meeting won’t be possible. · Terman principal indicated that window coverings were the major issue in terms of renovation items for the existing buildings. For Info. 3.4 Dates and time for next meeting. All meetings would be held at the respective school sites. Duration of 1.0 Hr per school site. J.L. Stanford Advisory group next Tuesday 01.13.2008 at 3:15pm Jordan Advisory group next Wednesday 01.14.2008 at 3:15 pm End of Meeting Notes This information is the understanding of AEDIS Architecture & Planning of the various items discussed and agreed upon during the meeting. Please contact the writer within five (5) days if there are any revisions and/or additions necessary to these meeting minutes.